If you are at a loose end on Whit Monday May 26th, how about coming along to Bidford on Avon Airfield near Stratford on Avon where we are holding our second Classic Wings and Wheels day in aid of Acorns Childrens Hospices.
Last year over 130 classic cars and bikes of all ages and 20 or so aeroplanes turned up and great fun was had by all. At lunchtime we open the airpark so that everyone can get close to the planes and chat to pilots. If you are really nice to the pilots you could even blag a free flight. There will be a bouncy castle and various raffles, and food and drink all day.
Entry is free but people are really generous and last year we raised nearly two grand, every penny goes to the charity.
If you plan to fly in there are pilots' joining instructions on the Bidford Gliding website. For a flavour of last year's event there's a short film on Vimeo website called "A Gathering of Classics"
Hope to see you there.