My biggest complaint about ITV4 is the fact they don't put the BTCC races up on the ITV player. If you miss the race (because maybe you were at another race that weekend) you have to wait until the following Saturday to watch highlights by which point you can't help but find out the race results or have to avoid all motor racing media. I understand putting a 7 hour show on might be difficult, but just cut out the races and put them up, hardly complex (folk on Youtube manage it very well)
It's rubbish for a spectator. Well, in my view anyway.
Some viewing aspects from the stands across from the pits will be unique, and good for photography (I guess),and there is the option of viewing at the hairpin behind the pits.
The topography is rubbish for moving from place to place, like you can at most circuits.
I found Rockingham one of the best circuits on the calendar, spectators can view the entire event and not just a select highlight in a particular corner. It is also fantastic for people who don't want to have to camp at a particular spot all day just to get a decent view since all of the grandstand seats can see all of the action.
You can try moving from place to place at other circuits, but do that at a BTCC meeting and you will just find yourself stood behind a wall of people! Whenever I have been to BTCC at Silverstone, Oulton, Donington et al. you have to find your spot first thing in a morning and not move all day.