As I write this the final day of 2014 Motorclassica is beginning. Set in Melbourne's historic Exhibition Building - it is an ideal venue for this style event.
There's a number of themes for this year's running - 100 years of Maserati, 50 years of Ford's Mustang & Donald Campbell's Bluebird speed record on Lake Eyre in South Australia. There's also quite an area devoted to Australian specials of race and road going kind. So a broad section of appeal to many motoring enthusiasts tastes. Plus, as part of the Campbell celebration, Gina Campbell is guest.
As I discovered late last night in a chance conversation (as we were being ushered out by security) with Chris, one of the organiser's of the event, lengthy discussions took place to try to get CN7 back on Australian soil for this anniversary event. Ultimately the expense to get it to Melbourne skuttled that. So a large part of the display involved Campbell memorabilia from Gina Campbell's archive and those of several enthusiasts.
Original Campbell driving suit.
Dean Rainsford's ex Andrew Mustard Elfin Catalina, part of the 1964 attempt.
A wider view of the Campbell display
One of 16 Bluebird wheels - and it lives in Melbourne.
More photos can be added it there's some interest