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Formula E driver and F1 TV pundits Montagny tested positive to Cocaine in racing week-end.

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#1 Viryfan

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 10:09

Formula E driver and F1 TV pundits Montagny tested positive to Cocaine in racing week-end at Putrajaya.

He is waiting for his punishment and cant' race for now.




#2 DanardiF1

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 10:17



The new Tomas Enge!


So not even testing positive outside of an event, but in the race weekend itself! He must have some big problems...

#3 thegamer23

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 10:28

Wow, poor Frank.
Can't see him racing again anytime soon for Andretti in FE tho.

#4 Bleu

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 11:26

I wonder if this was already known by the time of Punta del Este. Montagny was announced to miss the race due to illness.

#5 Viryfan

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 11:31

i guess it was.

#6 Amphicar

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 11:38


#7 Sheepmachine

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:18

Wow I'm surprised and shocked. I wonder how long it's been going on?

#8 FullThrottleF1

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:25

I wonder if there is an opening for a seat now? I'll give it go :yawnface:

#9 SealTheDiffuser

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:27

Wow, poor Frank.
Can't see him racing again anytime soon for Andretti


Poor Franck? 

What an idiot for: 1. taking this sh*t drug, 2. for getting caught  3. losing his race seat 4. losing his credits

#10 FullThrottleF1

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:29

Well Formula E always wanted to appeal to the youth...

#11 K-One

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:36

Being Formula E, I kind of expexted it to be Ectasy

#12 aramos

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:41

Slow accident prone driver and drug user. Who wouldn't line up for his services?

#13 Disgrace

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 12:48



The new Tomas Enge!


So not even testing positive outside of an event, but in the race weekend itself! He must have some big problems...


Not necessarily personally, but obviously professionally.


Slow accident prone driver and drug user. Who wouldn't line up for his services?


 Enge and Allmendinger still have careers, so it's not necessarily a career-ender either should this turn out the way we expect.

#14 DanardiF1

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 13:16

Not necessarily personally, but obviously professionally.



 Enge and Allmendinger still have careers, so it's not necessarily a career-ender either should this turn out the way we expect.


I agree... do what you like in your free time, but when you are in a career that needs your complete lucidity as other people's lives are potentially at risk from your actions, it's beyond comprehension.

#15 Disgrace

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 13:29

I agree... do what you like in your free time, but when you are in a career that needs your complete lucidity as other people's lives are potentially at risk from your actions, it's beyond comprehension.


Of course, having a drug in your system during the weekend is not the same as actually being high in the car. Drug use can be detected in the body weeks after ingestion, and the (desired) effects of cocaine are short-lived.

#16 Fastcake

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 13:32

I wonder if this was already known by the time of Punta del Este. Montagny was announced to miss the race due to illness.

Most likely yes. Using an injury/illness excuse to cover up a positive drug test regularly happens in other sports.

He's a complete tit frankly. Drugs and high performance motor vehicles don't mix.

#17 bill p

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 13:49

Poor Franck? 
What an idiot for: 1. taking this sh*t drug, 2. for getting caught  3. losing his race seat 4. losing his credits

Poor Franck, no

Stupid Franck, yes

#18 Ferrari_F1_fan_2001

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 14:14

How long does coke stay in the system? Is it 6 months like THC/cannabis or is it a lot shorter?

Dont some medicines like vidocaine etc use cocaine as bases? It could be innocent for all we know.

#19 Disgrace

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 14:25

How long does coke stay in the system? Is it 6 months like THC/cannabis or is it a lot shorter?

Dont some medicines like vidocaine etc use cocaine as bases? It could be innocent for all we know.


It can widely vary. It also depends on the test.


Dans les colonnes de L’Equipe, Franck Montagny, pilote et intervenant F1 pour Canal +, a choisi de raconter sans fard son contrôle positif, qu'il ne contestera pas (il n'a pas demandé de contre-expertise) mais assume, sa détresse, et surtout sa passion pour le sport automobile. Il ne s’épargne aucune critique. «A la sortie de l’épreuve, je vois le gars du contrôle qui me fait signe. Là, dans ma tête, j’ai compris de suite. Je savais que c’était mort. J’ai repris l’avion. J’ai fait des courses pour deux jours, pour ne pas sortir, être seul, chez moi, entre mes quatre murs. Puis j’ai appelé mes parents, pour leur expliquer. J’avais honte. » Contrôlé positif à un dérivé de la cocaïne, lors de la manche de Formule E en Malaisie, le 22 novembre 2014, le Français ne peut plus courir, dans l’attente d’une sanction. «Le sport auto, c’est peut être fini pour moi, envisage-t-il. Aujourd’hui, je peux dire que je suis allé en F1, j’ai roulé en F1, j’ai couru en GP, j’ai touché le truc. J’ai couru en endurance, j’ai gagné des courses, je n’ai pas été champion, c’est vrai, mais j’étais rapide. J’ai couru parfois avec la jambe cassée, avec des côtes cassées, sans jamais rien dire, sans que cela n’affecte mes performances, car dans la voiture, une fois casqué, j’étais bien.»


It seems unlikely, as he has for want of a better phrase, come clean.


#20 Peat

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 14:43

Frank Le Tank!? What hast thou dunst?

#21 Richard T

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 15:16

There is no such thing as bad publicity. Alejandro Agag is rubbing his hands as we speak  :lol:


Happy New year everyone :wave:

#22 Fastcake

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 15:16

How long does coke stay in the system? Is it 6 months like THC/cannabis or is it a lot shorter?

Dont some medicines like vidocaine etc use cocaine as bases? It could be innocent for all we know.

Even if he hadn't admitted guilt, that wouldn't have been an excuse. You're responsible at all times for what goes into your system.

#23 Imperial

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 15:42

Hmm, interesting that cocaine and F1 (he was in F1 of course, briefly) is back once more.

Talk of cocaine use amongst F1 drivers cropped up in the late 90s and again in the mid-2000s (when FM raced in F1).

It was one of those stories that threatened to explode but never did, it was hinted at in Autosport magazine once or twice and in F1 Racing, but the journos were presumably warned off not look any deeper.

Edit to mention Tomas Enge: I believe he didn't imbibe cannabis intentionally, he was at a party and people there were smoking it. I don't know if his story was ever covered too deeply, but I recall Eddie Irvine saying secondary smoke from drug use was why he stayed away from parties during F1 weekends).

Edited by Imperial, 01 January 2015 - 15:46.

#24 cheesy poofs

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 15:51

Sad to hear such a story but I feel this is probably the best thing that could happen to to him. This will get him the help he needs and make sure he addresses this situation in his life. I'm glad he's not going into denial and is facing up to what he's done!

#25 stewie

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:12

Well, that was very Frank of him to come clean.

#26 kamikaze1

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:16







Too soon? 



Meanwhile, real news to be more worried about  http://www.bbc.com/news/

Edited by kamikaze1, 01 January 2015 - 18:23.

#27 surbjits

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:28

He needs to talk to Frank :p

#28 Sheepmachine

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:29

Meanwhile, real news to be more worried about http://www.bbc.com/news/

But this a Motorsport forum, if you want to discuss that head to the paddock club.

#29 Amphicar

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:31

There is a long association between Colombian marching powder (and other substances) and motor racing - there was a thread devoted to the subject on The Nostalgia Forum a while back: http://forums.autosp...usts/?hl= drugs

#30 Spillage

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:33

Well,  we don't know whether he has any personal problems, but if he doesn't then he's behaved very stupidly. What happens now then? Does he get a two-year ban like cyclists?

#31 kamikaze1

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 18:55

"Dear Mr. Andretti, 


I am ashamed of what has come to light, and in no way reflects the true nature of my character and driving.  Several days ago, there was heavy snow, so I popped into  my regular bar  "Mr. Tambourine Man" for a warm coca.  While there,  the Manager Charlie White  (I know right) approached me, and invited me to take part in an inaugural competition due to take place in the bar that evening, the  'International Bill Munching 2014".  Being a non-national, I was eager to represent my home country.  Needless to say, I now know it is not all it was cracked up to be.    I finished second to a Colombian.  I was very unappy to finish runner-up again and thought it would come to blows, but the winner and I enjoyed some Baltic Tea and biscuits at the after Disco and we ended the night chatting for hours and a good rapport was established.    In hindsight, if I had known 80% of ALL currency in the United Kingdom was contaminated with illegal drugs, I would never have taken part in the competition to see how many bank notes we could eat.


Yours faithfully,




Source:  www.cnn.com/news_story_154601/010115/

Edited by kamikaze1, 01 January 2015 - 19:06.

#32 Wes350

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 19:11

Sad to hear such a story but I feel this is probably the best thing that could happen to to him. This will get him the help he needs and make sure he addresses this situation in his life. I'm glad he's not going into denial and is facing up to what he's done!


This +1 -  I would not wish the effects of such an addiction on anyone. I hope he is able to get clean and recover his life and career.

#33 Disgrace

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 19:15

Of course, we don't actually know whether that's the case. Not every user is an addict.

#34 rmpugh

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 20:15

Shame to hear he got caught. Franck was always one of my favourite drivers. It isn't a performance enhancer. Poor guy.

#35 Clatter

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 20:23

Well,  we don't know whether he has any personal problems, but if he doesn't then he's behaved very stupidly. What happens now then? Does he get a two-year ban like cyclists?

It's stupid no matter what the circumstances.

#36 Clatter

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 20:27

Shame to hear he got caught. Franck was always one of my favourite drivers. It isn't a performance enhancer. Poor guy.


#37 MP422

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:06

How long does coke stay in the system? Is it 6 months like THC/cannabis or is it a lot shorter?

Dont some medicines like vidocaine etc use cocaine as bases? It could be innocent for all we know.

Guy like him, in good shape.... probably 72 hours.... :p

#38 rmpugh

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:10


Yes, There is no evidence that Coke would improve his driving, (indeed, if you get caught driving under the influence of cocaine, the authorities would contest that it makes you a worse driver). So WTF has this to do with his career? It isn't like the Cyclists who were taking performance enhancing drugs to cheat. He just chose to take Cocaine to get high, not to cheat.

#39 jonpollak

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:22

Cocaine is and always has been rubbish.

Especially what passes for cocaine these days.

The number of people it destroyed in my business is beyond belief.


Edited by jonpollak, 01 January 2015 - 21:23.


#40 Amphicar

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:22

Yes, There is no evidence that Coke would improve his driving, (indeed, if you get caught driving under the influence of cocaine, the authorities would contest that it makes you a worse driver). So WTF has this to do with his career? It isn't like the Cyclists who were taking performance enhancing drugs to cheat. He just chose to take Cocaine to get high, not to cheat.

Not a good idea to do drugs on the same weekend that you were hoping to take part in the FIA's newest championship series - slightly incompatible with the FIA's vaunted anti-doping regulations: http://www.fia.com/sports/anti-doping

#41 Disgrace

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:26

Yes, There is no evidence that Coke would improve his driving, (indeed, if you get caught driving under the influence of cocaine, the authorities would contest that it makes you a worse driver). So WTF has this to do with his career? It isn't like the Cyclists who were taking performance enhancing drugs to cheat. He just chose to take Cocaine to get high, not to cheat.


It's not really the point though. He is a professional sportsman; taking drugs whilst being subject to random drug tests is playing Russian roulette with your career.


I don't think anyone will seriously claim that Montagny selected cocaine of all drugs to enhance his performance, and even less plausibly, in an attempt to defraud his sport and fans.

#42 Fastcake

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:30

Yes, There is no evidence that Coke would improve his driving, (indeed, if you get caught driving under the influence of cocaine, the authorities would contest that it makes you a worse driver). So WTF has this to do with his career? It isn't like the Cyclists who were taking performance enhancing drugs to cheat. He just chose to take Cocaine to get high, not to cheat.


So you don't think that driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs is the issue here? No one has mentioned PEDs.

Edited by Fastcake, 01 January 2015 - 21:30.

#43 ForzaGTR

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:32

What a silly way to throw away your career. Silly man.

Edited by ForzaGTR, 01 January 2015 - 21:34.

#44 rmpugh

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:37

It's not really the point though. He is a professional sportsman; taking drugs whilst being subject to random drug tests is playing Russian roulette with your career.


I don't think anyone will seriously claim that Montagny selected cocaine of all drugs to enhance his performance, and even less plausibly, in an attempt to defraud his sport and fans.

You make a valid point Disgrace. Yes he should have known that tests would take place. I just think that some logic should go into the tests. If a drug can't enhance your position, why should it have anything to do with your career? By all means, find cheats, but ruining somebody's career because of their choice of saturday night tipple is just wrong IMHO.

#45 rmpugh

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:41

So you don't think that driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs is the issue here? No one has mentioned PEDs.


Who said that he was under the influence of drugs? Cocaine is detectable in the system for 2 - 4 days after taking it. It's effects last about 10 minutes.

#46 Fastcake

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:48

Who said that he was under the influence of drugs? Cocaine is detectable in the system for 2 - 4 days after taking it. It's effects last about 10 minutes.


He could have taken it two days before. Or he could have taken it before he stepped into the car. If you can't know, there has to be a zero-tolerance policy in place.

#47 Clatter

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 21:56

You make a valid point Disgrace. Yes he should have known that tests would take place. I just think that some logic should go into the tests. If a drug can't enhance your position, why should it have anything to do with your career? By all means, find cheats, but ruining somebody's career because of their choice of saturday night tipple is just wrong IMHO.

There is plenty of logic that goes into the tests. Every professional sportsman knows that drug taking is not tolerated and the penalties that go with being caught. He has been an idiot and deserves no sympathy whatsoever. If it ruins his career then he has no one to blame but himself.

#48 Sheepmachine

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 22:19

You make a valid point Disgrace. Yes he should have known that tests would take place. I just think that some logic should go into the tests. If a drug can't enhance your position, why should it have anything to do with your career? By all means, find cheats, but ruining somebody's career because of their choice of saturday night tipple is just wrong IMHO.

He is a sporting athlete taking drugs a few days before a sporting event, whichever way you look at it is wrong. If he had found to still have alcohol in his system he'd be in serious trouble for it as well. Drugs are banned in Motorsport, period. He knew what he was doing and only has himself to blame for the consequences.

#49 rmpugh

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 22:30

He is a sporting athlete taking drugs a few days before a sporting event, whichever way you look at it is wrong. If he had found to still have alcohol in his system he'd be in serious trouble for it as well. Drugs are banned in Motorsport, period. He knew what he was doing and only has himself to blame for the consequences.

What so Kimi for example has never got pissed a couple of days before a race? In actual fact, depending on how hard the tests are, it could detect Coke taken up to a month before the test. 

#50 Disgrace

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 22:34

You make a valid point Disgrace. Yes he should have known that tests would take place. I just think that some logic should go into the tests. If a drug can't enhance your position, why should it have anything to do with your career? By all means, find cheats, but ruining somebody's career because of their choice of saturday night tipple is just wrong IMHO.


Interestingly, articles are making a point of saying that he tested positive for a derivative of cocaine. I don't think drug testing is equipped to deal with intent given that drugs can be broken down into their component parts.


So you don't think that driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs is the issue here? No one has mentioned PEDs.


There we have it, both worst case scenarios already covered on page one; first the assumption that Montagny is an addict and second, the idea that he was driving under the influence. This rhetoric, entirely lacking in evidence, does nothing to advance the discussion and in fact advances a stigma.


There is plenty of logic that goes into the tests. Every professional sportsman knows that drug taking is not tolerated and the penalties that go with being caught. He has been an idiot and deserves no sympathy whatsoever. If it ruins his career then he has no one to blame but himself.


This stigma is exactly why he does deserve sympathy. He has made a mistake but he hasn't made any attempt to conceal it - rather he has tackled it in the best way possible by confessing immediately to his family and fans. This act suggests that it was not his intent to cheat, and should really lead us to think about the best case rather than the worst case scenarios.


He will obviously serve a punishment, probably a ban, for a certain amount of time. However, he may well carry the stigma for the rest of his life. The proof is in the very first comment in this thread:




The new Tomas Enge!


Speaking generally, if you cannot regard drug users as anything other than drug users, you're part of the problem.