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It's the fans, that's what's wrong with F1 ...

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#1 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:04

All this talk of what's wrong in F1, what's killing F1, how bad F1 is now, can F1 get any worse etc has just made me realise what really ticks me off the most.

It's the whining, ****ing fans.

Specifically, I refer to those fans who rant, moan, complain, b*tch and grumble about everything but still continue to watch, in many cases paying for PPV subscriptions, over priced merchandise or GP tickets, citing their 'passion' or 'true fan status' as the reason, whilst failing to grasp the mind blowingly simple concept that it's their insistence on watching, propping up viewing figures and topping up the coffers that allows the sub-par sh*t-show to continue apace.

Cr*p tracks, dull drivers, poor management, stupidly high fees, PPV, regulatory changes, car design, noise, helmet patterns, nothing is too small for them to fixate on, biting down hard on that lemon all the way. You invested years watching F1? Good for you, so have I, but it still owes you nothing. Nobody forced you to invest your time, it was entirely optional, you don't get to claim ownership in return. F1 is someone else's property, like it or not. If you don't agree with what they do with it, tough luck. Your only available course of action, other than taking the route of internet martyrdom, is to vote with your feet. Make them revisit what their product is, who the fanbase are and what you want from them.

Oh, but you won't, will you?

And they know you won't, just like football fans who moan about the cost of Sky and a season ticket but still spend the family savings on them because they are 'true fans'. Or maybe that's mindless ****ing sheep or demented cash cows, depending on how you view it.

Grumbling online won't help, you need to stop ... bloody ... watching it. Vote with your feet, go cold turkey or stop damn well whining about how much you hate it all.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 01:56.


#2 johnmhinds

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:15

The users who take time out of their days to visit this site aren't representative of the average F1 viewer.

We're a self selected group of more dedicated passionate motor sport fans who have followed the sport very closely for years or even decades.

So we'd probably be the very last ones to stop watching and going to races because of that extra time we've invested into the sport we love.

#3 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:24

The users who take time out of their days to visit this site aren't representative of the average F1 viewer.

We're a self selected group of more dedicated passionate motor sport fans who have followed the sport very closely for years or even decades.

So we'd probably be the very last ones to stop watching and going to races because of that extra time we've invested into the sport we love.

Then the sh*t-show will trundle on.

It's people like that BE and his trolls rely on. I see no value in moaning about a situation that is entirely perpetuated by fans continued support.

I'm a 30 year veteran fan by the way, though this doesn't make me a 'special fan' or more worthy of their attention if I complain about the product. I can't stand the hard-done-by, martyr attitude. If it's that sh*t, damn well move on. Sometimes you need to let something go for both you and it to progress.

The ONLY avenue of reply to the sport, by its fans, is to vote with its feet. They don't care if you buy a race ticket or Sky subscription and then moan about everything under the sun, because they have your money, so why bother their arse changing anything.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 01:50.

#4 Jazza

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:33

All this talk of what's wrong in F1, what's killing F1, how bad F1 is now, can F1 get any worse etc has just made me realise what really ticks me off the most.

It's the whining, ****ing fans.

Specifically, I refer to those fans who rant, moan, complain, b*tch and grumble about everything but still continue to watch, in many cases paying for PPV subscriptions or GP tickets, citing their 'passion' or 'true fan status' as the reason, whilst failing to grasp the mind blowingly simple concept that it's their insistence on watching, propping up viewing figures and topping up the coffers that allows the sub-par sh*t-show to continue apace.

Cr*p tracks, dull drivers, poor management, stupidly high fees, PPV, regulatory changes, car design, noise, helmet patterns, nothing is too small for them to fixate on, biting down hard on that lemon all the way. You invested years watching F1? Good for you, so have I, but it still owes you nothing. Nobody forced you to invest your time, it was entirely optional, you don't get to claim ownership in return. F1 is someone else's property, like it or not. If you don't agree with what they do with it, tough luck. Your only available course of action, other than taking the route of sporting martyrdom, is to vote with your feet. Make them revisit what their product is, who their fanbase are and what you want from them.

Oh, but you won't, will you?

And they know you won't,
just like football fans who moan about the cost of Sky and a season ticket but still spend the family savings on them because they are 'true fans'. Or maybe that's mindless ****ing sheep or demented cash cows, depending on how you view it.

Grumbling online won't help, you need to stop ... bloody ... watching it. Vote with your feet, go cold turkey or stop damn well whining about how much you hate it all.


Actually, they are. Seats at the track are not getting filled, a lot of people are not jumping over to pay TV, and even places like this forum seem dead outside of a race weekend (I remember when the front page was twice as long and even after thread merging was introduced you would never find topics that had had their last reply a couple of days earlier).


People are loosing interest fast. The ones complaining are the ones pointing out that an exodus is under way and something needs to change quickly. The people pointing out that the house is burning down are not the ones who lit the fire, nor are they the ones who are in a position to the put the fire out. They are simply screaming out to the home owner and the people in the house that the house is burning down hoping they will listen. If those in the house don't listen it is not the fault of those warning them when they get burnt. Just like it is not fans who are pointing out the fact that more and more people are giving up on F1 that are the problem. Blame the fans if you want, but even if they all shut up F1 will still keep burning...   

Edited by Jazza, 23 March 2015 - 00:35.

#5 Nathan

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:36




100% agree


The vocal minority strikes again.

Edited by Nathan, 23 March 2015 - 00:38.

#6 goingthedistance

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:37

This forum does seem quieter than usual for this point in the F1 season. I've noticed it. So maybe even some of the "superfans" you are having a go at are losing interest.

#7 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:43

This forum does seem quieter than usual for this point in the F1 season. I've noticed it. So maybe even some of the "superfans" you are having a go at are losing interest.

Perhaps you are right, indeed I hope so. However, further to other comments above, I stand by my assertion that it is the fault of the fans, and their refusal to walk away that has allowed this fetid cr*p-shack to remain standing so long, despite the regulatory, financial and cultural rot, not to mention the contemptuous attitude of those taking their money.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 00:45.

#8 noikeee

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:44

Then the sh*t-show will trundle on.

It's people like that BE and his trolls rely on. 


No they aren't. The super hardcore fans are a tiny slice of the pie, and they are slowly disappearing year after year, either because they die of age and there's barely any young ones coming in to replace them; or because they gradually slide into becoming casuals.


Asking the few people that care enough to protest by turning off their TVs is a spectacular exercise in futility.

Edited by noikeee, 23 March 2015 - 00:44.

#9 johnmhinds

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:46

Then the sh*t-show will trundle on.

It's people like that BE and his trolls rely on. I see no value in moaning about a situation that is entirely, perpetuated by your continued support.

I'm a 30 year veteran fan by the way, though this doesn't make me a 'special fan' or more worthy of their attention if I complain about the product. I can't stand the hard-done-by, martyr attitude. If it's that sh*t, damn well move on. Sometimes you need to let something go for both you and it to progress.

The ONLY avenue of reply to the sport, by its fans, is to vote with its feet. They don't care if you buy a race ticket or Sky subscription and then moan about everything under the sun, because they have your money, so why bother their arse changing anything.

F1 doesn't rely on the very small percentage of the dedicated motor sport fans for its survival, there aren't enough of us to support F1, there aren't even enough of us who are prepared to buy a ticket to fill the grandstands at the races anymore.

It's the exodus of the casual fans and the lack of younger viewers that will kill off the sport.

#10 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:48

The super hardcore fans.

I wasn't elitist, I was referring to any fan who does it, be they long term or casual.

Asking the few people that care enough to protest by turning off their TVs is a spectacular exercise in futility.


A spectacular exercise in futility is a 'fan' paying to watch race after race, either by PPV sub or GP ticket and then going on the internet to complain about it.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 01:51.

#11 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:50

F1 doesn't rely on the very small percentage of the dedicated motor sport fans for its survival, there aren't enough of us to support F1, there aren't even enough of us who are prepared to buy a ticket to fill the grandstands at the races anymore.

It's the exodus of the casual fans and the lack of younger viewers that will kill off the sport.

I was referring to anyone who pays for a ticket or subscription and then moans on the internet really. It's the moaners, be they long or short term fans, that I have had enough of and that are at the core of the 'problem' with F1. Perhaps in my own grumblings I wasn't as clear as I may have intended when I began ...

In any case, an exodus is fine, as that's what needs to happen. A vote with ones feet is not dependent on time served as a fan. Though moaning, it seems, is more the preserve of the veteran.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 00:58.

#12 ClubmanGT

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 00:59

Yes. The fans are the reason the follow the leader processional **** on TV is so boring. 


What utter dribble. 

#13 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:02

Yes. The fans are the reason the follow the leader processional **** on TV is so boring.

What utter dribble.

Words fail me.

Yes. No fans, no sub-par sh*t shovelled at them by contemptuous brand owners who know that whatever cr*p they hawk, the worst thing that will happen is fans moaning on the internet. It's quite normal for people to avoid shouldering any blame, but you pay them, they make the rules. Stop paying them.

**** me, it's not rocket science.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 01:16.

#14 Ar558

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:03

Nobody forced you to invest your time, it was entirely optional, you don't get to claim ownership in return. 


While you may be correct in a legal sense, I think long term fans such as myself (24 yrs) maintain some degree of ownership as without the committed , long term fan the sport will not survive (as many others wouldn't) . We are the custodians of the sport it history and passing on the love of it to others whom we know. The sport should have some measure (maybe a F1 fans Commission?) to gauge the view of those who pay all the money through TV subscriptions and Tickets (plus all the other merchandise) and our opinions do matter. While you are correct we could all walk away, I think the more constructive thing is to do our upmost to try and get our views across to the FIA, FOM and the Teams.

#15 ClubmanGT

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:08

Words fail me.

Yes. No fans, no sub-par sh*t shovelled at them by contemptuous brand owners who know that whatever cr*p they hawk, the wrist thing that will happen is fans moaning on the internet. You pay them, they make the rules.

**** me, it's not rocket science.

Dribble? You should know.


Is there a point here? This is borderline unreadable. 


Fans in New Zealand had had to pay for Formula One coverage for decades now. But all of a sudden paying for coverage makes you complicit in how **** the sport is because because....people in the UK are paying for it now too? 


Maybe it's the raft of euro-centrism that is actually killing F1.

#16 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:12

I think the more constructive thing is to do our upmost to try and get our views across to the FIA, FOM and the Teams.

Yes, historically that's really worked hasn't it. FOM don't give a sh*t about you, history or support. All they care about is money. £, $, ¥, € ... that's all. You keep on paying into the pot, the machine keeps going. If you keep paying, why should they change, they have what they want. F1 ceased being a sport a long time ago, it's a business interested in profit.

Walk away and don't come back until it listens.

#17 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:15

Is there a point here? This is borderline unreadable.

Fans in New Zealand had had to pay for Formula One coverage for decades now. But all of a sudden paying for coverage makes you complicit in how **** the sport is because because....people in the UK are paying for it now too?

Maybe it's the raft of euro-centrism that is actually killing F1.

Yeah, fella, read my post again.

I cited PPV as ONE revenue stream. I also noted tickets, merchandise and could probably think of a few more. I never said it was about TV alone, anywhere. And yes, if you pay for it, you are complicit. Get off the 'blame him' bandwagon and grasp that the revenue that allows those milking F1 to do as they please is coming from ... the fans. Either directly, or via sponsors who know there are X million people watching. You walk, they listen because where you go, the cash goes. Sadly, F1 fans have followed the victim model that is prevalent in football.

Anything else?

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 01:31.

#18 ClubmanGT

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:30

Yeah, fella, read my post again.

I cited PPV as ONE revenue stream. I also noted tickets, merchandise and could probably think of a few more. I never said it was about TV alone, anywhere. And yes, if you pay for it, you are complicit. Get off the 'blame him' bandwagon and grasp that the revenue that allows those milking F1 to do as they please is coming from ... the fans. Either directly, or via sponsors who know there are X million people watching. You walk, they listen because where you go, the cash goes. Sadly, F1 fans have followed the victim model that is prevalent in football.

Anything else?


Well that's great except my F1 subs come as part of a sports package so Bernie gets my money if I watch or not.


If anything, the tracks that F1 goes to now with no audience or spectators at all should show that the sport is quite capable of existing with visibly lower numbers of fans. 

#19 Widefoot2

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:33

Have there ever been any effective "fan unions"?  Anyone tried to get these disparate people to speak with one voice?  I've been watching/reading about F1 since the mid-60's, and have certainly seen a lot of ups and downs in the show, but have never seen any powerful efforts from the fans themselves to have a say in what goes on.  And of course, there's a danger in that too, lots of traps when the yahoos start dictating terms...


#20 superden

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:39

Well that's great except my F1 subs come as part of a sports package so Bernie gets my money if I watch or not.

If anything, the tracks that F1 goes to now with no audience or spectators at all should show that the sport is quite capable of existing with visibly lower numbers of fans.

Lower? Yes. None? No.

Incidentally, your comment on euro-centrism does make me wonder what the market share is for each global region. Perhaps someone on here will know, someone usually does.

Edited by superden, 23 March 2015 - 01:45.

#21 BlackCat

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 01:49

so let's ban each and every kind of video coverage of F1 for some years. it gives F1 time to sort itself out, whining "fans" will go away, serious fans will follow it through magazines/newspapers.

#22 Tapz63

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 02:31

While F1 is facing issues right now and we had a boring season opener(race wise anyway), all of us here enjoy motorsport and if we get a good race come Sunday we will all be happy. If I do however decide the sport is no longer interesting to me I will no longer watch or pay for it. And that is the case for virtually everybody here I presume.

Your problem you say are the serial "moaners" who still continue to watch and spend money for tickets etc specifically. Does that also include people who moan about the state F1 is in and enjoy the races? Are people not entitled to be to talk about negative aspects of something the enjoy?

#23 Paco

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 02:54

Actually, they are. Seats at the track are not getting filled, a lot of people are not jumping over to pay TV, and even places like this forum seem dead outside of a race weekend (I remember when the front page was twice as long and even after thread merging was introduced you would never find topics that had had their last reply a couple of days earlier).

People are loosing interest fast. The ones complaining are the ones pointing out that an exodus is under way and something needs to change quickly. The people pointing out that the house is burning down are not the ones who lit the fire, nor are they the ones who are in a position to the put the fire out. They are simply screaming out to the home owner and the people in the house that the house is burning down hoping they will listen. If those in the house don't listen it is not the fault of those warning them when they get burnt. Just like it is not fans who are pointing out the fact that more and more people are giving up on F1 that are the problem. Blame the fans if you want, but even if they all shut up F1 will still keep burning...

Yup. Fully agree, I don't even know anyone who watches any more... I'm the last and even then.. Prob only a third of the races I don't even watch for the racing but the side show... The race is secondary.. And has been for years.

#24 ViMaMo

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 04:29

In some ways you are right.


* There is nothing wrong with a team dominating the sport. Stop whining

* There is no perfect formula for making the sport entertaining. Qualifying is as good as it gets. Get along with the turbos, ERS, ..... 

#25 BlinkyMcSquinty

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 05:35

Maybe we should begin by attempting to define what a "fan" is and what "Formula One" is.


For myself, I started as a young teen reading in the periodical magazines all the heroic exploits of great drivers and races. Because back then, there was no TV or internet coverage, you had to go to a track to actually witness Formula One. When I came of age, I went to race tracks and participated in being a track fan, watching the racing all day and drinking and hard partying all night. It wasn't for a few years until I actually got to see a Formula One race, many more followed. But it was vastly different than today, in fact I would be bold enough to venture that it continually re-invents itself.


So first and foremost, I'm a fan of racing. And these days, Formula One has slipped down my list of priorities. make no mistake, I still watch every race, but I also watch a lot of other series even more.


Today, a "fan" may be one of many things. There are those who are more attached to a driver than the racing, there are those who like myself, and others somewhere in the middle.


Maybe it was because of the lack of comprehensive media coverage, but back then the sport appeared less soiled and tarnished than today, the drivers were more heroic. I have read a lot of Formula One's and motor racing history, and it has always had sleezy characters, questionable characters, and sordid politics. But of course, we now get to witness it immediately and in great detail thanks to the internet.


But even while armed with that perception, I am drifting away. I don't think I will ever stop watching the racing as long as I don't have to pay for it, but practice and qualifying isn't worth the time, nor the investment in time and emotional turmoil in forum squabbles in what driver sucks, what driver is great, and who's at fault for something.


But of course, there are other flavors of fans. Some marinate in drivers comparisons, some actually watch very little of the track action, and some have very little understanding of what racing really is. We all have our own personal perceptions, things we like, things we detest.


I don't like the state Formula One is in, the disparity of finances, the stifling of innovation, the lack of a central controlling authority but instead many different groups with different agendas each having a say in the direction the sport is going. And of course, central to all this, the evil Ferengi who made it into an entertainment giant, Bernie.


Sometimes I wonder if Formula One is going in the same direction as the economy before the big stock market crash of 1929, that one day it will implode. And I don't know if it's a  good thing or a bad thing, but I won't shed a tear.

#26 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 05:46

Bernie, is that you? 

#27 HoldenRT

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:33

That's like saying it's the people or customers fault for the world's economy being the way it is.  Which they probably do.  It's the factory workers fault that most goods are now manufactured in China.


Or the unemployed.  Or immigrants.  Or people with red hair.


Or any other easy target.

#28 HoldenRT

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:35

Actually, they are. Seats at the track are not getting filled, a lot of people are not jumping over to pay TV, and even places like this forum seem dead outside of a race weekend (I remember when the front page was twice as long and even after thread merging was introduced you would never find topics that had had their last reply a couple of days earlier).


People are loosing interest fast. The ones complaining are the ones pointing out that an exodus is under way and something needs to change quickly. The people pointing out that the house is burning down are not the ones who lit the fire, nor are they the ones who are in a position to the put the fire out. They are simply screaming out to the home owner and the people in the house that the house is burning down hoping they will listen. If those in the house don't listen it is not the fault of those warning them when they get burnt. Just like it is not fans who are pointing out the fact that more and more people are giving up on F1 that are the problem. Blame the fans if you want, but even if they all shut up F1 will still keep burning...   


You had more patience to give a better thought out response, so kudos to you.

#29 Murl

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:06

Actually, they are. Seats at the track are not getting filled, a lot of people are not jumping over to pay TV, and even places like this forum seem dead outside of a race weekend (I remember when the front page was twice as long and even after thread merging was introduced you would never find topics that had had their last reply a couple of days earlier).


People are loosing interest fast. The ones complaining are the ones pointing out that an exodus is under way and something needs to change quickly. The people pointing out that the house is burning down are not the ones who lit the fire, nor are they the ones who are in a position to the put the fire out. They are simply screaming out to the home owner and the people in the house that the house is burning down hoping they will listen. If those in the house don't listen it is not the fault of those warning them when they get burnt. Just like it is not fans who are pointing out the fact that more and more people are giving up on F1 that are the problem. Blame the fans if you want, but even if they all shut up F1 will still keep burning...   





Not sure why OP is so pissed off. Anyone can shoot the messenger but why bother? It is like he is sticking his fingers in his ears.


I remember when I first started watching F1, it had its problems back then but no one complained or claimed the end of F1 was nigh because we all knew the fundamental core was good. Now, it's hollow. People understand the difference.


OP, get a grip on yourself. This is a journey to the finish line of this sport. It won't be pretty. If it is too much for you to bear then do walk away.



#30 Lotusseven

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:24

All this talk of what's wrong in F1, what's killing F1, how bad F1 is now, can F1 get any worse etc has just made me realise what really ticks me off the most.

It's the whining, ****ing fans.

Specifically, I refer to those fans who rant, moan, complain, b*tch and grumble about everything but still continue to watch, in many cases paying for PPV subscriptions, over priced merchandise or GP tickets, citing their 'passion' or 'true fan status' as the reason, whilst failing to grasp the mind blowingly simple concept that it's their insistence on watching, propping up viewing figures and topping up the coffers that allows the sub-par sh*t-show to continue apace.

Cr*p tracks, dull drivers, poor management, stupidly high fees, PPV, regulatory changes, car design, noise, helmet patterns, nothing is too small for them to fixate on, biting down hard on that lemon all the way. You invested years watching F1? Good for you, so have I, but it still owes you nothing. Nobody forced you to invest your time, it was entirely optional, you don't get to claim ownership in return. F1 is someone else's property, like it or not. If you don't agree with what they do with it, tough luck. Your only available course of action, other than taking the route of internet martyrdom, is to vote with your feet. Make them revisit what their product is, who the fanbase are and what you want from them.

Oh, but you won't, will you?

And they know you won't, just like football fans who moan about the cost of Sky and a season ticket but still spend the family savings on them because they are 'true fans'. Or maybe that's mindless ****ing sheep or demented cash cows, depending on how you view it.

Grumbling online won't help, you need to stop ... bloody ... watching it. Vote with your feet, go cold turkey or stop damn well whining about how much you hate it all.


I agree with you about it's a lot of whining, on the other side of the coin, what kind of F1 would it be without all the fans ? Bernie´s private entertainment ?  :confused:  :)

#31 AustinF1

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:33

All this talk of what's wrong in F1, what's killing F1, how bad F1 is now, can F1 get any worse etc has just made me realise what really ticks me off the most.

It's the whining, ****ing fans.

Specifically, I refer to those fans who rant, moan, complain, b*tch and grumble about everything but still continue to watch, in many cases paying for PPV subscriptions, over priced merchandise or GP tickets, citing their 'passion' or 'true fan status' as the reason, whilst failing to grasp the mind blowingly simple concept that it's their insistence on watching, propping up viewing figures and topping up the coffers that allows the sub-par sh*t-show to continue apace.

Cr*p tracks, dull drivers, poor management, stupidly high fees, PPV, regulatory changes, car design, noise, helmet patterns, nothing is too small for them to fixate on, biting down hard on that lemon all the way. You invested years watching F1? Good for you, so have I, but it still owes you nothing. Nobody forced you to invest your time, it was entirely optional, you don't get to claim ownership in return. F1 is someone else's property, like it or not. If you don't agree with what they do with it, tough luck. Your only available course of action, other than taking the route of internet martyrdom, is to vote with your feet. Make them revisit what their product is, who the fanbase are and what you want from them.

Oh, but you won't, will you?

And they know you won't, just like football fans who moan about the cost of Sky and a season ticket but still spend the family savings on them because they are 'true fans'. Or maybe that's mindless ****ing sheep or demented cash cows, depending on how you view it.

Grumbling online won't help, you need to stop ... bloody ... watching it. Vote with your feet, go cold turkey or stop damn well whining about how much you hate it all.

Actually, this has been happening, imho. It just doesn't happen overnight with everyone at the same time. It's a gradual process.


I see now that Jazza beat me to it.


Actually, they are. Seats at the track are not getting filled, a lot of people are not jumping over to pay TV, and even places like this forum seem dead outside of a race weekend (I remember when the front page was twice as long and even after thread merging was introduced you would never find topics that had had their last reply a couple of days earlier).


People are loosing interest fast. The ones complaining are the ones pointing out that an exodus is under way and something needs to change quickly. The people pointing out that the house is burning down are not the ones who lit the fire, nor are they the ones who are in a position to the put the fire out. They are simply screaming out to the home owner and the people in the house that the house is burning down hoping they will listen. If those in the house don't listen it is not the fault of those warning them when they get burnt. Just like it is not fans who are pointing out the fact that more and more people are giving up on F1 that are the problem. Blame the fans if you want, but even if they all shut up F1 will still keep burning...




Yep, all of this...^^^

Edited by AustinF1, 23 March 2015 - 08:36.

#32 Ali_G

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:35

This thread is highly insulting for F1 fans who are incredibly passionate about the sport but recognise it is burning before their eye.

#33 Fatgadget

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:45

It's the interweb innit! :D  Everyman and his dog can now bitch to their hearts content  via this  media  whereas pre-WWW days what avenues Joe Public vented his spleen? Editorial section of the Times and the specialist motoring rags,that was about it,and how many people read those?

#34 dau

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:57

Even with the long list of things wrong with the current F1, i find a certain part of F1 fandom to be the most tiring, so i'm going to agree here in principle. I still enjoy the racing, i still enjoy reading up on the tech and i still enjoy dabbling in the lore of F1 - but sometimes i come here, just look at the thread topics and close the tab right away. 

#35 Murl

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:07

Even with the long list of things wrong with the current F1, i find a certain part of F1 fandom to be the most tiring, so i'm going to agree here in principle. I still enjoy the racing, i still enjoy reading up on the tech and i still enjoy dabbling in the lore of F1 - but sometimes i come here, just look at the thread topics and close the tab right away. 



Still, fans whining about fans whining!


It really is a bridge to far.


I think this calls for a thread where we can whine about that.


FFS. Let us curmudgeons have our fun. You rays of sunshine can shine some place else :smoking:

#36 tifosiMac

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:10

The fans should just stop watching and leave F1 alone. All this moaning is bad for business, just suck it up and pretend you still enjoy it!!  :mad:

#37 Jon83

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:14

What a ridiculous thread. 

#38 milestone 11

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:14

Lower? Yes. None? No.

Bernie at one time suggested having a GP at Paul Ricard without spectators. His view then, as now, is balls to them.

#39 Rob

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:16

Come and watch bike racing. The grass is greener...


#40 HoldenRT

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:18

This is the only sport I've ever followed that has ever had constant "crisis" and "we need to solve this or that".  Constant talk of the financial side or sustainability.  It's not the reason why anyone tunes in to watch.  It's like if you go into a cafe or restaurant to eat, you don't want to be worrying about whether they are about to close down, or if the manager is about to be fired, or if the staff is unhappy, you just want to enjoy the meal.


There will always be whingers, sometimes they whinge about something small, and turn it into something big.  They give everyone else a bad name.  Like the extremist conspiracy theorists.


I don't like reading about negative stuff either.  It really irritates me.  But censorship or turning a blind eye isn't much better.


What I like more, is when there is nothing to whinge about.

Edited by HoldenRT, 23 March 2015 - 09:19.

#41 Murl

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:19

Come and watch bike racing. The grass is greener...



I've seen a few decent bike races in my time. Still not a lot of call for DRS and whatnot?

Edited by Murl, 23 March 2015 - 09:20.

#42 jestaudio

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:20

This thread epitomises why I very rarely bother to get involved in online discussions anymore :rolleyes: 

#43 Rob

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:24

I've seen a few decent bike races in my time. Still not a lot of call for DRS and whatnot?


There aren't any wings on bikes so you'd have to implement it somewhat differently. :)

#44 Seanspeed

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:25

I'm not usually one to defend 'the fans', but I'm not sure how you can go blaming them here for much. We aren't the cause of the criticisms you mentioned(many of which I don't agree with anyways).

F1's biggest worry right now has to be keeping teams on the grid. I don't think there's any major problems outside of that. And this is all a money thing. Us walking away from F1 and reducing the amount of money coming into the sport is not exactly going to help anything, I don't think. In fact, it may well result in further spiralling downwards.

No, I think the excessive whining and complaining and people with nostalgia goggles who talk about the good old days are merely an annoyance, not any serious problem that is harming F1.

#45 SealTheDiffuser

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:27

too many motorsport fans are "F1 fans"

#46 Massa_f1

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:30

This thread is stupid. As a fan of the sport for the majority of my life I have a right to an opinion on the routes the sport has taken over the last 5-6 years, and In my opinion some of the decisions and rules have done the sport no favours what so ever since the start of 2009.

#47 milestone 11

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:32

There aren't any wings on bikes so you'd have to implement it somewhat differently. :)

Ducati have tried it and are doing so again.

#48 Murl

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:38

This thread epitomises why I very rarely bother to get involved in online discussions anymore :rolleyes:





You've only been on board for a year or so.


Dood, stick around for a few decades and see how jaded you get!


#49 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:38

Damn those customers bothering so no work can get done! 

#50 Nemo1965

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 09:41

This thread is stupid. As a fan of the sport for the majority of my life I have a right to an opinion on the routes the sport has taken over the last 5-6 years, and In my opinion some of the decisions and rules have done the sport no favours what so ever since the start of 2009.


More important: your opinion or my opinion are in no way an influence on the direction the sport takes. I disagree with you, for example, about the rule-changes, but that is not important. The FIA controls the rules, FOM-CVC controls where F1 races and WHO races in F1 (largely).