To clear things up a little for the uninitiated in stock cars.
There are two main types of Ministox. And they are a breeding ground for contact formulae in the two large promotions that run contact racing in the UK, ORCi and Brisca.
The ones Keir raced are largely called ORCI Minis. They are pretty standard when it comes to shape and style, fully bumpered inside and out and designed to withstand hits and the obvious clashes that occur. ORCi Mini drivers are encouraged to get a little physical without being OTT so no deliberate fencings and follow ins, but kids will be kids and often these things can still occur, but drivers who do it are severely reprimanded. The cars are not amazingly quick, but the tracks they race on are quite wide so these things can go at a decent rate. It teaches kids how to race closely, and to use contact to spin each other and use it as a defensive and offensive weapon in short oval racing.
Full Brisca Ministox are pretty hardcore, the kids racing them have to stop at I think 15 but can start at 10 its 11 with ORCi and they finish at 16. Drivers who go over the top face sanction by the governing bodies and there are rules about contact with lower graders and rookies etc. But as I say they are perhaps a little more physical, but the ORCi Mini;s offer closer racing and often closer grids as a result.
Brisca Minis are pretty intense. The cars are wider, lower and can be tuned a fair bit without going too far away from 998 Mini engines. Again, they race on full size adult tracks with plate fence or wire and rope fencing depending on where they race. There is more emphasis here on contact, the hits can be pretty hard and big and the last couple of years have seen some pretty amazing racing, girls and boys totally equal and the girls have been doing most of the winning. There are injuries but the officials take a keen eye. Drivers HAVE to wear in ear raceivers at all times in the meeting, so they can hear direct from race control what is going on in the race and in the pits and they wear full safety gear, harnesses, seats, helmets etc.
As I say contact here is encouraged a little more than in ORCi Mini's but the cars are fairly similar, the Brisca ones allowing things like a central seat for instance.
The safety record is very good as it is in all properly governed short oval formulae.
When it comes to safety, the cars are not going that quickly and on most tracks have a lot of racing room, incidents happen, and this is simply one that has. The lad was quick a regular winner and knew what he was doing, as did his family who were no doubt there with him. Just desperately sad for the sport and all concerned.
Edited by chunder27, 11 May 2015 - 22:58.