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Grid boys in F1

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#251 Timstr11

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:14

Objective is what I meant. The female body is more beautiful 


edit: I'll compromise on subjectively-objectively  :kiss:   I think it's very hard to deny the female body is more beautiful.


If I were going to have a bias, it would be in the other direction

But frankly the idea of grid boys doesn't really do anything for me, it's not what I watch for

That said, maybe ask me again after they try it in Japan and Singapore   :lol:   :blush:


Why feel the need to tell people on this forum you prefer female bodies over male bodies. 


I don't care.

Neither should anyone else.


Especially in the context of an F1 race it is highly irrelevant.


#252 DinosaursRoarForHugs

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:17

I mean, it seemed pretty pertinent to the thread

It's also not what I said

But good chat anyway

#253 Timstr11

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:21

You're right. It is pertinent to this thread.

And it was meant for all those who made similar remarks throughout the thread. 

#254 YoungGun

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:30

Nothing wrong with having a "personal preference", if it was wrong this thread would not exist and it would defeat so called progress.

#255 Timstr11

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:36

Nothing wrong with having a "personal preference", if it was wrong this thread would not exist and it would defeat so called progress.


Exactly, a 'personal' preference.


Mandating only pretty girls to be on display is hardly about 'personal' preference but about imposing a 'personal' preference on the diverse audience F1 has.

Edited by Timstr11, 29 May 2015 - 20:37.

#256 DinosaursRoarForHugs

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:41

How about only grid girls or twinks? Perfect compromise 


Edit: for the lucky ones who don't know the term

from wikipedia - Twink is a gay slang term used to refer to a young (18 to early 20s) man with certain outward characteristics, such as an effeminate manner, a thin build, no body or facial hair, which all contribute to a youthful look. The term has origins of usage in the 1970s.

Edited by DinosaursRoarForHugs, 29 May 2015 - 20:43.

#257 MrFondue

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 20:52

How about only grid girls or twinks? Perfect compromise 


Edit: for the lucky ones who don't know the term

from wikipedia - Twink is a gay slang term used to refer to a young (18 to early 20s) man with certain outward characteristics, such as an effeminate manner, a thin build, no body or facial hair, which all contribute to a youthful look. The term has origins of usage in the 1970s.

Lucky ones? Seriously? Keep digging that hole, mate.

#258 chipmcdonald

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Posted 29 May 2015 - 23:56

Where did equal rights come from?  And since you brought it up, please explain how women are more qualified to stand still in front of a car and hold a sign. 


The world has gone insane.

#259 chipmcdonald

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 00:04

Call me whatever you want, but I am all for the Grid GIRLS, don't wanna see any Grid Boys anymore, ever!! God is like the people running F1 are trying to ruin this sport completely! Thumbs up for Seb on pointing it out at the last race, I mean seriously, what the heck just happened??



Apparently, grid girls are an epidemic of state sanctioned slave trade that Formula One has been help to promulgate across the planet, along with 'Murican football's cheerleaders.


Never mind that F1 races in a country that supports SHARIA FRAKKING LAW, jails political dissenters, and used slaves to build the track.


THIS, this is the most vile crime that needs to be addressed in F1!!!!


Is it not obvious?  That SkyTv F1 special, "The Best of Waterboarding Grid Girls" should have been banned, along with that popular "A Year Review of Grid Girls Cleaning Toilets" calendar... disgusting!



Edited by chipmcdonald, 30 May 2015 - 00:05.


#260 chipmcdonald

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 00:10

Because they were in Tag uniforms?





 I didn't look at them, so I didn't know.  Tag Heuer must feel secure with their new market demographic I guess...

#261 chipmcdonald

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 00:20


I'm a hetero man and grid girls make me uncomfortable. It feels leering and at some level exploitative. But I have sisters. And I'd be offended if you saw them as primarily physical beings. Because they are incredibly well educated and successful, and all while managing to be reasonably attractive.





Are they also grid girls?  Are you a monk, or live in a country where sharia law is practiced?  Do you feel the need to do criminal acts if you feel sexually attracted to a woman?  Why should men and women not have a reaction to visual stimulus?  


Or are women above such things, being women....?

#262 ViMaMo

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 07:29

Then things seem to be looking up for you - a few years ago it was limited to 20 year old models. Now it's open to anyone with a polo shirt and a pair of jeans.

Happy days.

Sad days for TV viewers ;)

#263 Buttoneer

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 08:22


£165/ day, but that's British Superbike ... i don't know what that translates to in UK purchase power wise.


then again, money's not the most important to some:



In India, some were making twice as much i was making per day (but i was salaried, so there's that), some a bit more, but that was at Auto Expo... F1 reps were paid more. I thought my wages were alright at the time (2010) and i was somewhat of a consultant - client manager.


Sure, it wouldn't be equal across all countries, but pay for such a job will be fairly decent, accordingly for each of the country they're from that is.

£165 would be decent money if you were getting it regularly - it works out to £60k if you get that money every single day of the year and UK average salary is £26,500.  But that's not a realistic multiplier, we don't know how much they'll need to pay for their travel and accommodation each day and even if we assume that they were able to attend all of the venues listed, for three days each time, that's only (£165 x 3 x 12) £5940.  Their income will need to be seriously bolstered by other jobs in order to get even close to a minimum wage income.  These idealised looks are also not a transferable skill once you reach a certain age.  Where's the career?

#264 garagetinkerer

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 08:31

£165 would be decent money if you were getting it regularly - it works out to £60k if you get that money every single day of the year and UK average salary is £26,500.  But that's not a realistic multiplier, we don't know how much they'll need to pay for their travel and accommodation each day and even if we assume that they were able to attend all of the venues listed, for three days each time, that's only (£165 x 3 x 12) £5940.  Their income will need to be seriously bolstered by other jobs in order to get even close to a minimum wage income.  These idealised looks are also not a transferable skill once you reach a certain age.  Where's the career?

Again, you would be wrong if you think that it is the only job they do. Modelling entails working sporadically. No model is presenting something or walking a ramp every day of the year. Where a regular paycheck is lacking, the windfalls they more than make for it. There were two links, and in one of them, three models were interviewed, and all three wanted to be there. So they are being paid to be there, while they do something they enjoy.


It is not like every worker in a white collar job, raises to the top. Most don't even make it to middle management. So just because not many will make it to earning millions, it doesn't mean there's no career. If there weren't, i'm sure there will not have been millions doing it. On top of it, most models start when they're students. They could feasibly look up alternatives. Different jobs, different trade-offs in my humble opinion.

#265 Buttoneer

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 08:32

Again, you would be wrong if you think that it is the only job they do.

I would be, and I acknowledged that.


Where's the career?

#266 garagetinkerer

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 08:36

Exactly, a 'personal' preference.


Mandating only pretty girls to be on display is hardly about 'personal' preference but about imposing a 'personal' preference on the diverse audience F1 has.

Oh well, but those pushing that grid girls should be removed is also a personal preference. Just because some of the ones decrying it have a platform in media, it doesn't make it any more valid than any other opinion, and any more representative of majority of the fans. They're all but stating it as a fact. If he doesn't make his preference known, they will claim to speak for him as well.

#267 Heisenberg

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 08:46

What really got me thinking is, what if soon Bernie will arrange to have a GP in Thailand? Then we might not know whether it's grid girls or grid boys holding the number plate.. !

#268 garagetinkerer

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 08:55

I would be, and I acknowledged that.


Where's the career?

You need to think along the lines of an athlete of some sort, or an actor, or something such. True, not everyone makes it, but even those at a lower rung once established do make decent monies. If there was no money, why would so many across the world try this? Then there's fame, and that's a whole different drug. Also, a fair few college students do various modelling jobs. So don't knock a few thousands of pounds over a year, that in this economy. Someone may have a very good use for that sort of windfall.


Again, that £165, is for British Superbike,,, different series may pay different (read mostly higher owing to better budgets). I mean, i wouldn't be surprised, if someone said that grid girls in F1 were paid more.

#269 DrProzac

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 09:48

£165 would be decent money if you were getting it regularly - it works out to £60k if you get that money every single day of the year and UK average salary is £26,500.

That's not a full time job, it's obvious. And it's normal in modeling - that's the specifics of the trade, unless you're a Victoria's Secret model.. Â£166 a day is good money.


Also, if we're talking about money, than what about race marshals? Their works is much, much harder, is actually quite dangerous and what are they paid? Breakfast and lunch!

If anything, this is a real issue, not girls holding a sign.



Surprisingly, I know very few men that are interested in F1 but I know a lot of women who are interested in motorsport and F1 in particular. My experience of going to races is that the split is around of 37% sounds about right. I've never counted but it doesn't feel male dominated.

Is there any detailed resarch on this? Could you post it / PM me? It's interesting. And it's a bit relevant to the topic, I think.


Race attendance may not be a good measurement, because a large portion of women going to the race may just be company of their boyfriends etc. Not all, of course!



It's not about the individual grid girls. It's about the message that broadcasting footage of them sends to the rest of the world, for the sport and for the advertisers.

And what this message is and exactly what is wrong with it? Assuming that the models aren't dressed up in a offensive manner. (And I don't remember them being dressed like that in F1, at least lately).

Edited by DrProzac, 30 May 2015 - 09:59.

#270 Andrew Hope

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 09:54

Alright, this thread spread off into a million different tangents and directions and I don't have the time or the energy to quote every single post I wanted to reply to. So feel free to ridicule fifteen minutes of uninterrupted rambling from the deepest regions of my heart-soaked gin. And try not to take this **** too seriously, either. I don't. I just like to explain myself.


I would be more than happy to respect a paddock babe for her intellect or her character if she demonstrated either of them when she's on my television screen. Or even demonstrated that she posesses either of them in the first place. Not everyone does. I work, as anyone who frequents the IndyCar threads here knows, in an automotive plant building car parts. I work alongside quite a few capable and forceful women who have been putting in fearsome workloads to support their families for in some cases twice as long as I've been alive. Women who routinely make me feel like a cupcake and ashamed to have ever complained about anything at all. Some of them have been putting in 50+ hour work weeks since the God damn 70s. But I also work with a battalion of empty-headed dipshits who would have risen to run the entire company years ago if they put as much effort into producing quality components for Chevrolet Camaros as they did into painting their faces and stuffing themselves into push-up bras and low-rider jeans. I've worked under female bosses who could go toe-to-toe with the best man you could ever put in charge of tedious manual labor: I've also worked under clueless broads so backwards that far from wondering how they got their job and their salary, I've been inclined to wonder that if they were presidentette of the Atlantic Ocean in 1912, whether the iceberg would have sunk instead.


It's sort of like how some of the men I work and have worked with are dependable brothers in arms fighting the same fight I do every week, and how some of them are lazy schmucks I wouldn't cross the street to piss on if they were on fire. Many of these women have gained my respect until the day I die by offering me a ride home after work, which sounds like nothing typed out here but is actually a big deal when you are 54 hours into the work week, your feet are bubble-wrapped with blisters and you begin to consider seriously diving headlong off of a bridge, because at least then with your verterbrae turned into sugar you won't feel your aching body anymore. Clocking out at midnight and taking the bus home, I get in around five minutes shy of 2 in the morning. With a ride home, as maybe a dozen women (and a dozen more men) have generously given me in the two years I've worked where I do, I'm often showered and snug as a bug in a rug by 12:30. Sparing me this gigantic pain in the ass (which amounts to ten hours not spent standing at bus stops and an extra $20 in my pocket if I scrounge a ride every night of the week) is not something I take lightly. Owing a great deal to women, I respect their skills and abilities. Whenever skills and abilities are demonstrated, generosity being the ability I admire most in anyone. And on those occasions when a woman has given me a ride home, never for a second have I questioned her ability to drive a car or thought of her as a piece of meat when she reaches over to shift from 4th to 5th. Nor do I chuckle arrogantly to myself in my own head at the thought of a woman driving a manual transmission. I still look down her shirt when she does, though.


I'm not picking on the girls: I'd be willing to bet there is more integrity in a grid girl's left titty than in the entire F1 paddock put together - A hideous rat's nest of filthy businessmen, governed by a senile dwarf who should have been in prison 30 years ago, overlooking an eternal parade of spoiled children while they conduct their go-kart soap opera across the globe and spend the billions of dollars they collectively accumulate in the eternal search for an extra thousandth of a second sliced off their lap time of last year on that tedious pursuit rather than on anything remotely beneficial to human beings. All the while, goofy old bobbleheads so removed from any kind of honest speech they can't spit on the ground without it first going through their PR department whilst simultaneously cannoning empty threat after empty threat to leave the sport should they be forced to share their blood money with smaller teams to develop their own wind spit tunnel facilities splutter on in their press releases about how the sport is advancing green technology, bringing countries together through its competition, and whatever other fairytale horseshit they dream up every weekend, using this sport (to the extent ten team owners lounging around a Monaco hotel room comparing the size of their bank accounts can be considered a sport) to further political goals when it increases the size of their wallets, and shamefully declaring that F1 isn't about politics whenever it's considerable influence and spotlight could be used to help the people of a country they go to.


But the cars go fast, and the girls look cute, so I'll watch every weekend like I have since Montreal 1996. Cute girls giggling and smiling at the camera is about as honest as it gets in a typical grand prix weekend. At least the girls don't change the rules every weekend.


The only thing I'd like to see more than all those grid girls naked is any proof whatsoever, at all, that these girls don't want to be there. That there is a gun to their head. Or even an elastic band to their head. Or that pretty girls, which the world tends to bend over backwards to accomodate, aren't free to wear baggy jeans and a dirty old sweater, sit alone at home on race weekend pouring over college textbooks while cashiering at Walmart from 8-5 and then going to night school from 7-2. And repeat, for year after year after year, like five hundred million plain Janes and honorable cutie pies laboring under the delusion that it's evil to notice that pretty things are pretty are doing as we speak. But grid girls aren't there to show off their brains. Kinda like how female professors and scientists aren't there to show off their asses. And how circus clowns aren't there to read poetry, and how poets aren't there to clown around. And how F1 drivers aren't there to pepper your weekend with interesting quotes and soundbytes. Which is why the never do that. We can ban grid girls and blow ourselves for being progressive all we want, but I think a world in which everyone above the age of 7 has a smart phone capable of downloading a gig of porn in six minutes is a world where you get to see far too many tits to be worried about grid girls and their effects on the moral sanctity of our sport. When the kids who fell off the short bus to make a career at FOM cut away from a last-lap pass for 1st to show some enchanting collaboration of mascara and eyeliner biting her nails and clutching her headset in the pits and the on-screen graphic says "Nobel Laureate in Chemistry" and not "Valterri Bottas' girlfriend", I'll be the first one to eat my words.


And when that awkward post-race walk, following a driver in sweaty and pissed overalls up the flight of stairs from parc ferme to podium, shows me an attractive young lady our race winner is blundering past lifting up her revealing mini-dress to show a dissertation of her new mathematical theorem, I'll be the first to congratulate her on being much more clever than I am and I will of course regret ever having been so shallow as to think that a beautiful young woman is a beautiful young woman. It will pair nicely with other threads that won't happen, such as those detailing the incredible careers of women like Michele Mouton or Shirley Muldowney. If only starting a discussion on how awesome Simona de Silvestro or Ana Beatriz are could create as much passion as people have for calling you sexist for pointing out that Carmen Jorda is terrible, or that Susie Wolff is kinda ****, or that Danica Patrick probably shouldn't be the darling of the American racing world bringing a top-10 car home 32nd every weekend. But don't worry: the aliens will land and Robert Merhi will win the WDC before the billions and billions of men on this planet will magically shut off the billions and billions of years of biological compulsion to enjoy pretty girls all to placate some dumbass, berserk imperative of deleting in our brains How Things Work to satisfy a more comfortable How I Want to Feel About Things

Edited by Andrew Hope, 30 May 2015 - 18:24.

#271 YoungGun

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 09:54

£165 would be decent money if you were getting it regularly - it works out to £60k if you get that money every single day of the year and UK average salary is £26,500.  But that's not a realistic multiplier, we don't know how much they'll need to pay for their travel and accommodation each day and even if we assume that they were able to attend all of the venues listed, for three days each time, that's only (£165 x 3 x 12) £5940.  Their income will need to be seriously bolstered by other jobs in order to get even close to a minimum wage income.  These idealised looks are also not a transferable skill once you reach a certain age.  Where's the career?


I came across an article during the discussion of the Grid Girls particularly the COTA Girls and you would be surprised to learn that some of these women held regular jobs. For example one was a photographer by trade, another a sports trainer, architect and sales woman.  Others were students enrolled in radio and television programs, who aspired to be sports reporter's or anchor women and saw this as a great opportunity to launch their careers. While the article did not mention $ figures, it did indicate it was a year long contract with a salary.


Of course this could be a cultural thing and may not apply across the board.

Edited by YoungGun, 30 May 2015 - 10:10.

#272 Mandzipop

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 10:57



Is there any detailed resarch on this? Could you post it / PM me? It's interesting. And it's a bit relevant to the topic, I think.


Race attendance may not be a good measurement, because a large portion of women going to the race may just be company of their boyfriends etc. Not all, of course!



It was in F1Magazine a number of years ago. It might be a British survey, I don't know as it was a long time since I read it and it was a print edition, so no links available I'm afraid.


I've been to Silverstone once for F1, Spa 3 times for F1 and Barcelona winter testing for F1 (amongst other motorsports events), so it isn't just one event. It seems to be consistent.


Matthew Carter from Lotus was on the Sky F1 show last night and they discussed grid models. The sponsors no longer want to see scantily clad girls. It no longer fits within the marketing image which companies wish to portray. In other words, expect to see more grid guys.


#273 043Max

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 11:02

Without Grid Girls, I will not go the races.



#274 Exb

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 11:18

The thing that makes me chuckle about this thread, amongst all this outrage that there were no grid girls in Monaco, is the fact there were grid girls in Monaco - they just didn't hold the driver signs. Shows how much the audience actually gets to see on TV I guess. :drunk:

Edited by Exb, 30 May 2015 - 11:18.

#275 Jimisgod

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 12:03

I don't care so long as they never, ever have fat people.

#276 AJFIN

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 12:09

I don't care so long as they never, ever have fat people.


Fat shaming!

#277 tomjol

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 13:08

And what this message is and exactly what is wrong with it? Assuming that the models aren't dressed up in a offensive manner. (And I don't remember them being dressed like that in F1, at least lately).


One of cheapness and poor taste.


The kind of demographic people like TAG are targeting is no longer impressed by "glamour".

#278 YoungGun

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 13:37

I don't care so long as they never, ever have fat "big beautiful" people.


fixed. :)

#279 HoldenRT

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 15:01

There are certain themes I notice on here over the years, where there are certain topics that pop up, sometimes in new disguise.  Pretty sure last year there was one called grid girls, this year it's grid boys.  :lol:


There's always been a topic every year about where Alonso should go.  Or something to do with Alonso.  Early this year that was replaced with his accident and all of the theories and endless speculation.  But same theme.. in terms of Alonso obsession, and endless pages of Alonso.


Rarely Lewis ones, as they don't last long.  :lol:


I'd like to see the sexism in the sport be reduced but there are other problems that are more important and none of them will be solved anytime soon.


Case in point was Suzie Stoddart/Wolff when she wasn't even considered for subbing in for Bottas.  I cringed when in opening GP this year, a well intentioned but badly informed reporter asked Carma Jorda when we'll see her in the car, and talked like it could be a possibility in the future.  Her face said it all.  I wonder why the teams even bother hiring these people if they don't have intention of letting them drive.  It's like they baby them as if they are a 5 year old.  I guess it's progress that they are in the team at all but it's veeery slow.  It's almost like a token gesture or just wanting publicity.  How can they actually give much testing feedback when they barely drive?  Better off with an ex racing driver like Alex Wurz or Pedro De La Rosa.


And now's the time too, while the cars are like this and they cruise and manage things so much during a race.


Grid boys or grid girls, I can't take that argument very seriously either way because it's so unimportant in the grand scheme of things.  I don't even notice them except for when people post pics in these themed topics.  Yeah some people are nice to look at, but you don't tune into an F1 race for that.  Or if someone does, they won't get much fulfilment, as 99% of the time you're seeing grass or tarmac.


Hint.. there are better options. 

Edited by HoldenRT, 30 May 2015 - 15:05.


#280 frewin90

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 15:13

all i'll say is political correctness has made the world go mad.... if i say anymore i'll get chastised so i won't go there  :up:


EDIT: from this video, my fondness of Vettel has risen, hilarious  :rotfl:



'you get there and park behind George or Dave, what's the point?'  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Edited by frewin90, 30 May 2015 - 15:28.

#281 Jimisgod

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 15:39

Fat shaming!



Then again, maybe F1 should have fattie models after how it embraced cigarette companies when their dangers were well known. Ferrari had to be dragged away from Marlboro, kicking and screaming.

#282 Heisenberg

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 16:07

Alright, this thread spread ...a more comfortable How I Want to Feel About Things

Probably the best post in this thread! :smoking:

#283 RacingDuck

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 16:58

I don't care so long as they never, ever have fat people.

Thank you for reminding me that I'm on the internet, and not in a place for talking about car related things.

#284 Andrew Hope

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 19:43

I don't care so long as they never, ever have fat people.


I dunno. I think 20 carbon fiber copies of Beverly Paige would be a genuinely gorgeous heart attack for the US GP.

#285 kvyatfan

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 22:31


Then again, maybe F1 should have fattie models after how it embraced cigarette companies when their dangers were well known. Ferrari had to be dragged away from Marlboro, kicking and screaming.


Red Bull causes heart attacks.


*ducks* I still like the team though. Or the drivers, I guess. They're a little skinny to be truly likeable though.


Why aren't the teams body positive? Why do they shame different car sizes? Aren't they all beautiful in their own way?

Edited by kvyatfan, 30 May 2015 - 22:34.

#286 Buttoneer

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 22:46

Heading way off target again in this thread.  Please try and at least circle the topic.

#287 Jimisgod

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 00:19

Thank you for reminding me that I'm on the internet, and not in a place for talking about car related things.


Was a grid boy/girl discussion anything related to cars? :drunk:

#288 HPT

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 01:50

Good news for me. I'm a young man, bodybuilder and have a handsome enough look. I suppose I should try. :lol:

You can't make a claim like this without posting a picture 😄

#289 garagetinkerer

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 01:59

Good news for me. I'm a young man, bodybuilder and have a handsome enough look. I suppose I should try.  :lol:

Must have overlooked your post somehow, but found it thanks to HPT... Good luck and i sincerely mean it. You will get to see racing as i couldn't even if i paid $3k or so for tickets at US GP. Well, you have an opportunity now, go for it.

#290 SR388

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 05:25

I'm fine with grid boys.

#291 brr

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 05:34

Grid girls are a part of F1 history, just like certain European tracks. No rational reasons to keep either, but F1 is not the same without them.

#292 Jimisgod

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 13:01

I'm fine with grid boys.


Drivers like Hamilton have a nice set of abs but I do wonder if the drivers' insecurities will emerge when posed next to men about 6ft 3'

#293 YoungGun

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 13:16

Drivers like Hamilton have a nice set of abs but I do wonder if the drivers' insecurities will emerge when posed next to men about 6ft 3'


Seemed to do just fine next to Arnold Schwarzenegger during the podium ceremonies at the OZ Gp. Grid Girl's did too.

#294 rhukkas

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 20:12

Grid girls are a part of F1 history, just like certain European tracks. No rational reasons to keep either, but F1 is not the same without them.

Grid girls are a relatively new concept

#295 autosportfan

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 22:08

I know what this thread needs!
Do not let the tradition DIE!!!
Oh and all pics are found on google images.....

Thanks... This was worth repeating....

Edited by Buttoneer, 01 June 2015 - 12:03.
No it wasn't. People can follow the link back if they really need to.

#296 Wretched

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 23:47

Grid boys, grid girls, meh, I am there to see the racing.

I just find it strange that some female groups are up in arms about grid girls, so they're now replaced with grid boys.  Another male dominated industry? :lol:

Some people don't like them and some do, no matter what F1 does it is always going to upset someone.

Personally, I'd find it easier to just have one male, one female per driver or one driver has male and one has female.  Keeps most people happy then.

#297 043Max

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Posted 01 June 2015 - 19:01

Kinda stupid discussion I think. They will, they will, they will keep the grid girls, no worries there I believe.


But I tried to tell my girl about this, she isn't into f1 at all, but know's what grid girls, paddock and pit babes are. (part of racing) and I told her what happened at Monaco during the start of the race with the strange appearance of the grid boys, she was laughing her ass off and asked "with sexy clothes or like latex Freddy Mercury-people?"


Lucky me I could tell her that was not the case, but hey! I assured her it would not happen again.

It was simply a stupid test balloon-idea to let people talk. If this is caused by some feminist groups, what are the names of these then?


Or was it Rosberg's idea? (;) :drunk: )

#298 ANF

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Posted 01 June 2015 - 19:15

she was laughing her ass off and asked "with sexy clothes or like latex Freddy Mercury-people?"

And you were like