not everybody screws up their life with alcohol... MOST DON'T!!!
so.. why is it OK to legislate against alcohol when MOST have zero problem coping with life while still enjoying it??
It's not fair to the majority of people to regulate something because THE MINORITY CAN'T HANDLE IT..
use Darwinism to settle it..
I personally do not think that a ban on advertisement will change much, as you'd need largescale cultural changes to really make an effort. There may be a minority with problems, but the impact of alcohol related problems are still quite big. You don't have to been an alcoholic to be a victim in some way of alcohol. That can range from an alcohol related traffic accident (1/3th of all deaths are alcohol related) to living in a family as a kid and suffering from alcohol related abuse. In some countries a bigger problem than elsewhere.
Alcohol-Related Deaths:
- Nearly 88,0009 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women10) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.9
- In 2013, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for 10,076 deaths (30.8 percent of overall driving fatalities).11
Economic Burden:
- In 2006, alcohol misuse problems cost the United States $223.5 billion.12
- Almost three-quarters of the total cost of alcohol misuse is related to binge drinking.12
Global Burden:
- In 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths (7.6 percent for men and 4.0 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption.13
- Alcohol contributes to over 200 diseases and injury-related health conditions, most notably alcohol dependence, liver cirrhosis, cancers, and injuries.14 In 2012, 5.1 percent of the burden of disease and injury worldwide (139 million disability-adjusted life years) was attributable to alcohol consumption.13
- Globally, alcohol misuse is the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability; among people between the ages of 15 and 49, it is the first.15
Family Consequences:
- More than 10 percent of U.S. children live with a parent with alcohol problems, according to a 2012 study.16
What I call my 2nd home country is one of the worst on the planet. Men, on average, die before they are 60. Mostly related to alcohol related health issues and traffic accidents. Domestic abuse, mostly under influence, is huge. Most of my friends have lost their fathers or can tell stories about how their mum was beaten by a drunk father. I was in a Korsakov clinic for my job and the amount of young ****ed up people there was shocking.
It is not a small problem.
But again. It is something deeply rooted in culture. No alcohol advertisement ban will stop French from drinking wine or Russians from drinking vodka. Even when you ban alcohol, people will start to make it themselves (it is not so difficult). Or they will move to natural and chemical drugs. The problem is the average human being, who, for whatever reason, is always searching for a substance to blow their mind into another reality. Nobody advertises cocaine, heroine, xtc and stuff, yet still people use it on surprisingly large scale.
The above does not apply to the moderate home drinker who enjoys the taste of wine, good beer or spirits.
Genetic manipulation could help. And indeed, nature does that as well, we call it Darwinism.