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Kadina Show and Shine. 7/6/15

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#1 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 07 June 2015 - 10:34

Today was the annual Show and Shine at Kadina Showgrounds. Also a swap meet, my main reason to be there.

Not a huge attendance of cars or spectators either but some interesting stuff on display. Some where still on their way when I was going home at midday!

Weather was bloody cold!

Pics were taken with my phone, a combination of overcast grey skies and the camera leaves most pics a bit washed out.


Pic 1. Radical custom FJ. For you old enough to remember this 2015 version of a 60s custom. EK headlights, EK dash with Commodore cluster! Hinged rear 1/4 windows on Torana hinges, filled boot and the tailights are not the usual,, Aston Martin!! Oh and Crappadore motor too. They are better in Moggy Minors though! I suspect this car has been a rehash of an old custom. Nice to see some are still doing them though. Modern wheels etc do nothing for me personally.

Pic 2 XU1 engine

Pic 3 Buick, they are classy cars but those engines look archaic,, in the 50s!

Pic 4. FC

Pic5 HK Prem

Pic 6 Kwaka 9

Pic 7Ariel Square 4 with a Killer Kwaka 750 in the background. I knew 3 people who died on those things.

Pic 8 Dragsta

Pic 9 Duggan headed engine

Pic10 57 Buick

Pic 11 Broggam. Nice car and a lady entrant. Still a Prem with a big boot!033.jpg035.jpg036.jpg037.jpg038.jpg039.jpg040.jpg043.jpg044.jpg


Edited by Lee Nicolle, 07 June 2015 - 23:41.


#2 Ray Bell

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Posted 07 June 2015 - 12:56

Nice looking Brougham...

And the Dodge, any full pics of the Dodge?

#3 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 07 June 2015 - 23:05

Nice looking Brougham...

And the Dodge, any full pics of the Dodge?

Sorry no. It was a bit scruffy and had a few people standing around it anyway. At a guess local and and old rod.

Full steel body, Seemingly homemade tray. I guess old style mechanicals as it had genuine 16" wires.

#4 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 07 June 2015 - 23:15

sSome more.

1 Why?

2 Nice

3 Also nice 69

4 Waliant grandpa car. This was so nicely restored. Better than new really.

5 69 Mach

6 Autographed

7 Another Z9 Kwaka, Two at one show.

8 Under there somewhere is a 302 Windsor! There was quite a few modern cars on display too.

9 Capri V6

10 Bonne

11 Late Trumpy, trying to be Japanese!

12 Two Kwaka triples in one day. The 350s threw plenty of people down the road too as did the RD Yams.

13 Blue pipes

14 $15k,,, spend another 30k and you have a 25k car! At the swap.  LC GTR.


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Edited by Lee Nicolle, 07 June 2015 - 23:31.

#5 275 GTB-4

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 05:38

Today was the annual Show and Shine at Kadina Showgrounds.

Nice pics Lee - goodonya.

I don't doubt 750s took a few lives, but the 500 was absolutely lethal (I've ridden both)


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:23

Good photos, Lee. I like that 'Squeffa'. :up:

#7 Dipster

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 07:37

Yes, very good photos that I am sure we appreciate. Thank you for taking the time to post them all.

#8 275 GTB-4

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 09:05

Good photos, Lee. I like that 'Squeffa'. :up:

and often referred to as "Squarials" :smoking:


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:37

At a Silverdale hillclimb in the '60s, Dick White turned up with a very clever car he'd built. It had an Ariel Square Four engine. Stretching the memory a bit, but I think Tim Schenken drove it.

#10 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:45

At a Silverdale hillclimb in the '60s, Dick White turned up with a very clever car he'd built. It had an Ariel Square Four engine. Stretching the memory a bit, but I think Tim Schenken drove it.

I learnt something talking to the owner. The later ones had 4 exhausts. I have seen them before over the decades and thought they all did.

Murray Williams used a Square Four in a scrambles out fit in the 60s with a lot of success.

Until recently there was a Museum in the Barrossa full of Chevs and Ariels! Inc a Square four Chopper!

Edited by Lee Nicolle, 09 June 2015 - 05:41.

#11 275 GTB-4

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 02:18

Until recently there was a Museum in the Barrossa full of Chevs and Ariels! Ind .2c a Square four Chopper!

That was a beauty, a few clicks past Tanunda at the fork in the road...would have been a great auction!







Edited by 275 GTB-4, 10 June 2015 - 00:00.

#12 Hamish Robson

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 05:01

Looks like a nice show - thanks for the pictures!

#13 gkennedy

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 07:23

275 GTB, re the Kawasakis: I owned one back then ('71 Mach3, metallic blue) and survived. Nobody told us that they didn't handle, and we kind-of found out as we went along. I only really found out years later. I thought it was OK, but I didn't have any real reference point. I had a Suzuki Hustler before that, and it was like a little brother version. I can remember the Mach3 well, the feeling trying to take off in a hurry, with the engine fluffing and not clearing - until it did, like BANG! Trying to wind the throttle back as you felt your hands being dragged off the bars as it hurtled forward.  Never wore out a front tyre, but replaced a few rears.

Edited by gkennedy, 10 June 2015 - 07:26.

#14 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 08:28

The same museum in the Barrossa. My lady and I stayed there one weekend,,, we had the top of the range carriage with a spa!

This is the Square four chopper I referred to. With 4 exhausts!

I have been told the most of the bikes and some of the Chevs are in a new Barrossa location.

I do like the Lucas battery,, but does it work.23082009067.jpg

#15 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 08:29

275 GTB, re the Kawasakis: I owned one back then ('71 Mach3, metallic blue) and survived. Nobody told us that they didn't handle, and we kind-of found out as we went along. I only really found out years later. I thought it was OK, but I didn't have any real reference point. I had a Suzuki Hustler before that, and it was like a little brother version. I can remember the Mach3 well, the feeling trying to take off in a hurry, with the engine fluffing and not clearing - until it did, like BANG! Trying to wind the throttle back as you felt your hands being dragged off the bars as it hurtled forward.  Never wore out a front tyre, but replaced a few rears.

Look at Lenos site this week, he tests a 750 triple,, and some modern Kwaka too.