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Shareholders 2015: Abu Dhabi changes and new entries

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#1 Makarias

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 15:42

New entries are always welcome!
Do note the difference between entering the game for the first time and making changes to your existing entry:
If you don't want to make any changes, you don't need to make any post here!
* New entries submit an entry with 100 shares as described below
* Existing players may only shift position for at most 20 of their shares each round, as described below.

Deadline for both edits and new entries is the start of first free practice.

Initial thread (including scoring rules)
Malaysia changes
China changes
Bahrain changes
Spain changes (including Bahrain entries)
Monaco changes
Canada changes
Austria changes (including Canada entries)
Britain changes
Hungary changes
Belgium changes
Italy changes (including Belgium entries)
Singapore changes
Japan changes
Russia changes
USA changes (including Russia entries)
Mexico changes
Brazil changes

Submitting an initial entry

The first time you play this game, you shall submit an entry where you place 100 shares among the drivers, fulfilling these conditions:
 * You may only hold 100 shares (or less, which doesn't help you) in total at a time.
 * You can not own fractions of a share, just integer shares.
 * You can place no more than 40 shares on any one driver.
 * You must own shares in at least three drivers.
 * You may not own shares in more than ten drivers.
 * You may edit your first entry as much as you like until the edit deadline (first free practice) for the coming race.

Note that there is no limit to the number of shares available for each driver.
Also note that your initial entry is the basis for the following rounds too! You'll be allowed to change no more than 20 shares before each race, so make sure your initial entry looks at least 80% respectable...

Entry Example A from 1975:
E Fittipaldi 37
Reutemann 22
Depailler 16
Peterson 12
Ickx 10
Donohue 3

Editing your entry after the first round it takes part in
 * After the first race your entry took part in, you may only change 20 of your shares at a time (for the next race).
 * You do not have to edit your entry at all! If you so wish, you can leave your entry as it is from race one and not make a single change throughout the season.  
 * If a driver is replaced -temporarily or permanently- during the season, the shares placed on him will automatically be transferred to the replacing driver. So you could say that the shares actually are attached to the car number.
 * You may edit your changes as much as you like until the edit deadline for the coming race.
 * Edit deadline for changes is the beginning of first free practice for each race.

Example B:
After the first race, the shareholder who submitted the entry in Example A from 1975 realizes that the Lotus is a dud, and submits an edit to her entry as follows:

Peterson -10
Ickx -10

Pace +10
Reutemann +5
Depailler +5

Her new "portfolio" will after the entry look like this:
E Fittipaldi 37
Reutemann 27
Depailler 21
Pace 10
Donohue 3
Peterson 2

The above change of shares can perhaps best be written like this:
E Fittipaldi 37
Reutemann 27 (+5)
Depailler 21 (+5)
Pace 10 (+10)
Donohue 3
Peterson 2 (-10)
Ickx 0 (-10)

Posting changes in this way may make it easier for you to keep track of what your portfolio looks like, if you look back into these change threads.
Just look at the initial thread, and it's a bit of a drag to backtrack some players' changes!

An edit doesn't have to look just like above, any way is fine as long as it's easy to understand which driver shares are to be sold and which to be bought.

NOTE: I won't automatically be posting updates on what each player's portfolio looks like, so remember to keep track of what you own!

*** Share distribution and value ***
DRIVER      DShares   Race Season    VPP Owners
Hamilton        418  17.59 334.23     56     20
Rosberg         341  14.35 272.66     69     18
Vettel          317  13.34 253.47     75     19
Massa           187   7.87 149.52    127     14
Bottas          183   7.70 146.32    130     14
Räikkönen       159   6.69 127.13    149     15
Perez           129   5.43 103.15    184     11
Kvyat           119   5.01  95.15    200      9
Ricciardo       107   4.50  85.56    222     12
Hülkenberg       99   4.17  79.16    240      9
Verstappen       88   3.70  70.36    270     10
Sainz            57   2.40  45.58    417      5
Grosjean         49   2.06  39.18    485      5
Maldonado        49   2.06  39.18    485      7
Nasr             32   1.35  25.59    744      4
Ericsson         31   1.30  24.79    768      3
Alonso           23   0.97  18.39   1035      4
Button           11   0.46   8.80   2164      3
Backpack          1   0.04   0.80  23808      1

The table above shows how the shares are distributed and the race points scores corresponding to these share distributions.
A driver's share provides above average return when the driver scores more points than the value listed for him in the "Race" column.

*** WDC points value for one share as a function of number of players ***
#   points/share
24  0.042083
25  0.040400
26  0.038846

With 24 players, if ten shares are moved to a driver his rating will rise by about 0.421 points/race.

*** Return per share as a function of finishing position ***
DRIVER           Win      P2      P3      P4      P5      P6      P7      P8      P9     P10
Hamilton        1400    1008     840     672     560     448     336     224     112      56
Rosberg         1725    1242    1035     828     690     552     414     276     138      69
Vettel          1875    1350    1125     900     750     600     450     300     150      75
Massa           3175    2286    1905    1524    1270    1016     762     508     254     127
Bottas          3250    2340    1950    1560    1300    1040     780     520     260     130
Räikkönen       3725    2682    2235    1788    1490    1192     894     596     298     149
Perez           4600    3312    2760    2208    1840    1472    1104     736     368     184
Kvyat           5000    3600    3000    2400    2000    1600    1200     800     400     200
Ricciardo       5550    3996    3330    2664    2220    1776    1332     888     444     222
Hülkenberg      6000    4320    3600    2880    2400    1920    1440     960     480     240
Verstappen      6750    4860    4050    3240    2700    2160    1620    1080     540     270
Sainz          10425    7506    6255    5004    4170    3336    2502    1668     834     417
Grosjean       12125    8730    7275    5820    4850    3880    2910    1940     970     485
Maldonado      12125    8730    7275    5820    4850    3880    2910    1940     970     485
Nasr           18600   13392   11160    8928    7440    5952    4464    2976    1488     744
Ericsson       19200   13824   11520    9216    7680    6144    4608    3072    1536     768
Alonso         25875   18630   15525   12420   10350    8280    6210    4140    2070    1035
Button         54100   38952   32460   25968   21640   17312   12984    8656    4328    2164
Backpack      595200  428544  357120  285696  238080  190464  142848   95232   47616   23808

The above table illustrates the return each share gives for each finishing position given the current share distribution.

*** VPP samples ***
Players                             Shares/driver
        5     10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90    100   200   300   400   
24      4761  2380  1190  793   595   476   396   340   297   264   238   119   79    59         
25      4960  2480  1240  826   620   496   413   354   310   275   248   124   82    62         
26      5158  2579  1289  859   644   515   429   368   322   286   257   128   85    64         

VPP as a function of number of players and number of shares placed on a driver.

*** Return per share season history ***
DRIVER          TOT    OZ   MAL   CHN   BAH   ESP   MON   CAN   AUT    GB   HUN   BEL   ITA   SIN   JAP   RUS   USA   MEX   BRA   ABU
Kvyat         33306     0   720     0  1044   520  6936  1178     0  3968  4410  4464   432  1904     0  3050     0  3480  1200      
Nasr          31892 20940     0  1800     0     0   968     0     0     0     0     0     0   744     0  5952  1488     0     0      
Perez         26637   856     0     0  4960     0  4464     0  1282   860     0  3900  1640  1758     0  4005  2180   732     0      
Vettel        20717  1440  2250  1215   710  1125  1350   710   876  1125  1900     0  1350  1875  1080  1296  1290     0  1125      
Rosberg       19680  1224  1080  1278   990  1725  1600  1098  1475  1098   256  1170     0   756  1152     0  1278  1775  1725      
Button        18992     0     0     0     0     0  5952     0     0     0  1488     0     0     0     0  5952  5600     0     0      
Hamilton      18945  1375  1026  1400  1275   882   735  1250   882  1275   408  1300  1300     0  1275  1300  1300   954  1008      
Ricciardo     18058   968   198   528  2200  1122  1530     0   272     0  3795     0  1488  3474     0     0   173  2310     0      
Grosjean      18023     0     0  1434  1332   832     0   320     0     0  2694  6735     0     0  2304     0     0   432  1940      
Hülkenberg    17236  2214     0     0     0     0     0  2492  4592  1392     0     0  1284     0  2112     0     0  1230  1920      
Verstappen    17215     0  2124     0     0     0     0     0  1708     0  5100  1700     0  1188   586   309  3432   528   540      
Bottas        16170     0  1150   864  1620  1572     0  1560   950  1020     0   244  1380  1420  1380     0     0  1710  1300      
Maldonado     15853     0     0     0     0     0     0  3846  3192     0     0     0     0     0  2380  3570  2380     0   485      
Räikkönen     15286     0  1248  1212  1800   840   728  1104     0   536     0   624  1480  2010  1464   452     0     0  1788      
Massa         15063  1224   840  1170   129  1168     0  1240  2070  1596     0  1032  1710     0     0  1788     0  1096     0      
Alonso         8766     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0  1086  7680     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      
Sainz          6947   724  1416     0     0   924   378     0     0     0     0     0     0   586   417     0  2502     0     0      
Ericsson       6545  3012     0   461     0     0     0     0     0     0   768   768  1536     0     0     0     0     0     0      
Backpack          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      

Scoring over 1000 points per share in a round means that the share did above average.


#2 thegforcemaybewithyou

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Posted 25 November 2015 - 17:04

Kvyat 20

Ricciardo 20 (+10)

Vettel 20

Rosberg 15

Hamilton 5 (-5)

Perez 10

Raikonnen 10


Maldonado 0 (-5)

#3 Makarias

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Posted 25 November 2015 - 19:01

Vettel 35

Rosberg 18 (+18)

Hamilton 11 (+2)

Massa 11

Perez 11

Kvyat 7 (-15)

Ricciardo 7 (-5)

#4 Makarias

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Posted 25 November 2015 - 19:02

DRIVER      DShares   Race Season    VPP Owners
Hamilton        415  17.46 331.83     57     20
Rosberg         359  15.11 287.05     66     19
Vettel          317  13.34 253.47     75     19
Massa           187   7.87 149.52    127     14
Bottas          183   7.70 146.32    130     14
Räikkönen       159   6.69 127.13    149     15
Perez           129   5.43 103.15    184     11
Ricciardo       112   4.71  89.55    212     12
Kvyat           104   4.38  83.16    228      9
Hülkenberg       99   4.17  79.16    240      9
Verstappen       88   3.70  70.36    270     10
Sainz            57   2.40  45.58    417      5
Grosjean         49   2.06  39.18    485      5
Maldonado        44   1.85  35.18    541      6
Nasr             32   1.35  25.59    744      4
Ericsson         31   1.30  24.79    768      3
Alonso           23   0.97  18.39   1035      4
Button           11   0.46   8.80   2164      3
Backpack          1   0.04   0.80  23808      1

DRIVER           Win      P2      P3      P4      P5      P6      P7      P8      P9     P10
Hamilton        1425    1026     855     684     570     456     342     228     114      57
Rosberg         1650    1188     990     792     660     528     396     264     132      66
Vettel          1875    1350    1125     900     750     600     450     300     150      75
Massa           3175    2286    1905    1524    1270    1016     762     508     254     127
Bottas          3250    2340    1950    1560    1300    1040     780     520     260     130
Räikkönen       3725    2682    2235    1788    1490    1192     894     596     298     149
Perez           4600    3312    2760    2208    1840    1472    1104     736     368     184
Ricciardo       5300    3816    3180    2544    2120    1696    1272     848     424     212
Kvyat           5700    4104    3420    2736    2280    1824    1368     912     456     228
Hülkenberg      6000    4320    3600    2880    2400    1920    1440     960     480     240
Verstappen      6750    4860    4050    3240    2700    2160    1620    1080     540     270
Sainz          10425    7506    6255    5004    4170    3336    2502    1668     834     417
Grosjean       12125    8730    7275    5820    4850    3880    2910    1940     970     485
Maldonado      13525    9738    8115    6492    5410    4328    3246    2164    1082     541
Nasr           18600   13392   11160    8928    7440    5952    4464    2976    1488     744
Ericsson       19200   13824   11520    9216    7680    6144    4608    3072    1536     768
Alonso         25875   18630   15525   12420   10350    8280    6210    4140    2070    1035
Button         54100   38952   32460   25968   21640   17312   12984    8656    4328    2164
Backpack      595200  428544  357120  285696  238080  190464  142848   95232   47616   23808

#5 jjcale

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Posted 26 November 2015 - 09:35

No change

#6 M2000-5

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Posted 26 November 2015 - 19:45

Hamilton 25

Vettel 15

Bottas 20

Kvyat 5 (-15)

Hulkenberg 5 (+5)

Perez 15

Verstappen 0 (-5)

Raikkonen 15 (+15)


I hope it's enough to hold on to second...

#7 scheivlak

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Posted 26 November 2015 - 22:05

Vettel  22 (+2)

Rosberg  15

Ricciardo 11 (+5)

Verstappen  10

Hulkenberg  10 (-2)

Hamilton 10 (-7) 

Kvyat 10  (+10)

Perez  6  (-3)

Bottas  6 (-2)


Button  0 (-3)

#8 Marklar

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 00:07

Again 10 changes :p


Vettel 24 (+4)

Hamilton 16 (-4)

Rosberg 12 (-4)

Perez 12 (+2)

Kvyat 12 (+2)
Ricciardo 10 (+4)

Bottas 8 (+2)

Raikkonen 6 (+6)


Massa 0 (-6)

Verstappen 0 (-6)

Edited by Marklar, 27 November 2015 - 00:08.