As I promised earlier, I'll be running a helmet design competition. Let's put the most important thing first, the deadline is not before Monday, February 29 at 11:59 pm UTC-12:00 (Tuesday, March 1 at 11:59 am UTC±00:00). (I may still delay the deadline if requested.)
I provide three different templates:
Arai open-face:
The only requirement is to create the design to the side view, the rear and top views are optional.
You can include sponsor logos in your designs but it's not necessary.
All designs must be original. It's hard to give exact rules for that, given there's the gray area of being inspired by another design or copying it. Changing colors of an existing design would hardly be a separate design, unless it's a simple design like Panis's. Incorporating existing designs to a new design is mostly fine, Barrichello's Senna design as an example.
I'll decide within a week about a possible cap of designs per person.
Edited by August, 29 February 2016 - 08:12.