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Jordan Grand Prix Racing (Good & Bad)

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#1 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 19:44



Its been 10 years since Jordan Grand Prix (JGP) came to an end. They had a number of decent seasons: 1991, 1994, 1997-99 and on average did a pretty good job given their limited budget. However while JGP never achieved world championship status (came somewhat close in 1999), as a team it seemed to create a lot of interest across F1.


I am curious to know what people think were their good and bad memories of JGP?


Im extremely biased, but these are some of my ones:




1) Stunning car in 1991

2) Double points at the Canadian GP

3) Almost winning the Spa GP in 91

4) Michael Schumachers first GP 91

5) Irvines Japanese 1993 GP

6) Barrichello Podium at the Pacific GP 1994

7) Barrichello Pole in 1994 Spa GP

8) Double Podium at the Canadian GP 1995 

9) Fisichella race at German GP 1997

10) Race 1-2 at the Spa GP 1998

11) Frentzen wins at French and Italian GPs

12) Jordan Qualifying at Monaco GP 2000

13) Trulli Qualifying at Spa 2001

14) Fisichella race at German GP 2002

15) Sato Japanese race result 2002

16) Fisichella's race win at Brazilian GP 2003




1) Losing Michael Schumacher after one race 1991

2) Shockingly bad cars in 1992-93

3) Barrichello's race at Imola 1994

4) Barrichello crashing out of the 1994 Spa GP

5) Peugeot engine constantly breaking down in 1995

6) Equally shocking cars in 1995-96

7) Ralf Schumacher crashing into Fisichella at the 1997 Argentina GP

8) Fisichella getting a puncture at 1997 German GP

9) Frentzen crashing out of the Imola and  GPs

10) Frentzen's car coming to a halt after a pit stop at European GP

10) Extremely fragile car in 2000

11) Sacking of Frentzen in 2001

12) Sato's ability to find new ways to crash a car

13) Jordan slipping to the back of the grid in 2003



Curious to hear your Good and Bad JGP moments.


It would be great to see any JGP photos you remember the most :)


Happy New Year !!!








#2 Prost1997T

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 19:56

Spa 1997 was a pretty good day for them too. Bad: Ralf's tendency for contact in '97 through to the first half of '98.


By today's standards he'd be considered a Maldonado-level menace:


#3 Marklar

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:02

Loved their 99 season. Up until today I stil think that Frentzen would had been the most deserving WDC out of the 3 contenders back then.

Jordan was always one of my favourite teams. These teams are the heart of F1. I was sad when the end came in 2005, which was pretty much the worst moment.

Edited by Marklar, 28 December 2015 - 20:03.

#4 F1matt

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:05

Jordan came into F1 prepared and gave people a chance, engineers and drivers when other teams wouldn't. That's the stand out point for me, I know Eddie has his bad points and people can say it was much easier to start a team when EJ did but there are more failures from that time than success stories, and teams like Caterham, marussia started with richer owners but are still extinct failures.

#5 BuddyHolly

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:06

My memories of them:-




Created one of the most beautiful cars of all time (Jordan 191)

Gave Michael Schumacher his break into F1 (even if it was only for 1 race)

Very fan friendly team




The whole Frentzen sacking affair

Team orders for Hill in Spa 1998

#6 PayasYouRace

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:07

I disagree with your assessment of their 1996 car. It was a solid 5th place behind the big four and occasionally could get in amongst them, though not as often as in 1997. Barrichello claimed a front row start in Brazil and ran well until a late spin.

#7 Dunc

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:11

I grew up in the 1990s and always loved Jordan as a team.  I liked the way they seemed a bit punky compared the likes of McLaren and Ferrari through things like the Bitten and Hisses logo; looking back they were as corporate as any of them but to a teenager they seemed rebels.  They also hired my favourite driver - Damon Hill - and got him his last F1 victory so they endeared themselves even more to me then.  After their 1999 season I thought they could go on to become a new force in F1 for the 2000s but, alas, it was not to be.


I pretty much lost interest in F1 between 2000 and 2005 - despite a bit of a surge in 2003 - when women, drink, women, university, women and other things took precedent in my life but when I started getting back into F1 I was pretty sad that Jordan weren't there.

#8 Dunc

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:12

A Jordan was also the first-ever F1 car I saw in the flesh as well, at an airshow at RAF Lechuers in 1997.  Plus, as has been mentioned above, they were a very fan friendly team.

#9 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:20

Spa 1997 was a pretty good day for them too. Bad: Ralf's tendency for contact in '97 through to the first half of '98.


By today's standards he'd be considered a Maldonado-level menace:


Oh good one !!! I forgot that one. Alesi and the Benetton team made a lot of pit stops during that race... it was touch and go if Fisi could get the podium. 

#10 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:21

Spa 1997 was a pretty good day for them too. Bad: Ralf's tendency for contact in '97 through to the first half of '98.


By today's standards he'd be considered a Maldonado-level menace:


Likewise Fisi drove an excellent race at Monza 97.... he finished very close to the race leader !!!!  

#11 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:24

Loved their 99 season. Up until today I stil think that Frentzen would had been the most deserving WDC out of the 3 contenders back then.

Jordan was always one of my favourite teams. These teams are the heart of F1. I was sad when the end came in 2005, which was pretty much the worst moment.

For me 2004 was the end of Jordan and the sale of the team seemed a bit of a mess and sold to a billionaire who was only holding it to make a profit. At least it kept the team together in 2005, but 2005 was a nightmare.... not really the Jordan team as there was a massive brain drain from 2003 onwads....

#12 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:26

Jordan came into F1 prepared and gave people a chance, engineers and drivers when other teams wouldn't. That's the stand out point for me, I know Eddie has his bad points and people can say it was much easier to start a team when EJ did but there are more failures from that time than success stories, and teams like Caterham, marussia started with richer owners but are still extinct failures.

Excellent point !!! 


One of Jordan's biggest successes was the keep the team going after the 1991 season..... sure the 92 and 93 cars were very disappointing, the team was built up in a controlled way.... which makes their 1994 season all the more impressive with a Hart engine.....

#13 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:30

My memories of them:-




Created one of the most beautiful cars of all time (Jordan 191)

Gave Michael Schumacher his break into F1 (even if it was only for 1 race)

Very fan friendly team




The whole Frentzen sacking affair

Team orders for Hill in Spa 1998

The team orders in Spa 1998 was a tough one.... but it was the right call by the team..... I love listing back to the team radio on this one... 


It was interesting to hear Damon Hill was telling Eddie what to do !!! And what could happen if they race... a good move on his part.... 


If I am correct Jordan as the first team to win its first race with a 1-2 :) so that was awesome !!!

#14 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:32

My memories of them:-




Created one of the most beautiful cars of all time (Jordan 191)

Gave Michael Schumacher his break into F1 (even if it was only for 1 race)

Very fan friendly team




The whole Frentzen sacking affair

Team orders for Hill in Spa 1998

While Frentzen was going through a bad patch, sacking him still doesnt make a lot of sense....

#15 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:38

I disagree with your assessment of their 1996 car. It was a solid 5th place behind the big four and occasionally could get in amongst them, though not as often as in 1997. Barrichello claimed a front row start in Brazil and ran well until a late spin.

You are right, the 1996 car was a solid one (my use of the word shocking was not the right one), and I still remember Barrichello's race at Brazil .... with a good qualifying as you said.... Plus Brundle did a great job a Japan...


The car never got a podium ... which was disappointing... I may have used the work shocking due to the frustration as to how close they seemed to be..... but never really getting there.... Portugal highlighted how bad the car was aero wise... 


However given the power of the Peugeot engine the aerodynamics seems to let the car down i.e. in Mozna, they seemed to be way behind.... once they had a more solid car aero wise (e.g. 97) we got to see more of what the Peugeot engine could do.... 

#16 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 20:41

I grew up in the 1990s and always loved Jordan as a team.  I liked the way they seemed a bit punky compared the likes of McLaren and Ferrari through things like the Bitten and Hisses logo; looking back they were as corporate as any of them but to a teenager they seemed rebels.  They also hired my favourite driver - Damon Hill - and got him his last F1 victory so they endeared themselves even more to me then.  After their 1999 season I thought they could go on to become a new force in F1 for the 2000s but, alas, it was not to be.


I pretty much lost interest in F1 between 2000 and 2005 - despite a bit of a surge in 2003 - when women, drink, women, university, women and other things took precedent in my life but when I started getting back into F1 I was pretty sad that Jordan weren't there.

Agreed, the 2000 season was a major let down after the promise of 1999, the team never got back to that level ever again....

#17 JordanIreland

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 21:04

Great 1993 Team Photo:



Love how sleek the J194 was:



Nice summary of the team:



Excellent German GP Qualifying 1999:

#18 Nathan

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 21:26

Classic underdog.  Loved the team until they sold the half share to that bank and EJ seems to have gotten distracted/loss interest.  Usually had attractive looking cars. I enjoy reading about EJs exploits.  Hope a good team biography is on the way.  Something of a precursor to Red Bull IMO.

Edited by Nathan, 28 December 2015 - 21:28.

#19 blackhand2010

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 21:28

I always liked Jordan for all the reasons given above.

And say what you will about Eddie himself; he may have had some dodgy moment (Fentzen, Vodafone...), but he kept the team on the grid through thick and thin, and he did provide a nice contrast to the Ron Dennis types.

But then again, I'm the guy that still pines for a Paul Stoddart type in the Piranha Club, so what do I know...?


#20 messy

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 22:07

Their biggest fail was failing to capitalise on their upwards trend 1997-1999, where they'd gone from midfield runners through being a bright, exciting young team with dazzling young drivers like Fisichella nearly winning races to hiring two proven drivers, winning races, getting a works Honda deal, finishing third in drivers and constructors championships....

Their car unveiling in 2000 was surely their peak to the outside world, two rated drivers, a beautiful looking car, a works engine......and yet the decline started there through unreliability, fragility, internal politics, overreaching....God knows what.

That 99 season should have been the start of something, but it was something of a peak before the downwards slide.

#21 JuanPablo

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 22:40

Honda going all in with BAR as a works team and Jordan as a customer team hampered them after 1999. EJs personality was too big for Honda I reckon. I miss having an Irish team in F1.


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Posted 28 December 2015 - 23:06

Bang tidy thread but it will soon likely get moved or locked  as its in the wrong forum.

Edited by LORDBYRON, 28 December 2015 - 23:06.

#23 Volcano70

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Posted 28 December 2015 - 23:09




#24 JordanIreland

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 00:19

Classic underdog.  Loved the team until they sold the half share to that bank and EJ seems to have gotten distracted/loss interest.  Usually had attractive looking cars. I enjoy reading about EJs exploits.  Hope a good team biography is on the way.  Something of a precursor to Red Bull IMO.


There is ample scope for a classic F1 documentary !!! It has it all :) 

#25 JordanIreland

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 00:24

That 99 season should have been the start of something, but it was something of a peak before the downwards slide.


Exactly !!! A great shame !!! From the outside it seemed as if everything was there to take a good solid team into a constant winning team fighting for championships on a regular basis....


However apart form B&H Jordan rarely had BIG long term sponsors.... If you look at all the big teams, they tend to have a lot more stability with big money backers.....

#26 JordanIreland

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 00:26

Honda going all in with BAR as a works team and Jordan as a customer team hampered them after 1999. EJs personality was too big for Honda I reckon. I miss having an Irish team in F1.


I remember reading this in 2000:



It was a pretty good assessment !!!

#27 Seanspeed

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 00:35

Eddie Jordan used to run a racing team.

#28 JordanIreland

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 00:39

Eddie Jordan used to run a racing team.


A good racing team :)

#29 Kristian

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 01:16

Best Jordan memories were Spa 1998, France 1999 qualifying, and Brazil 2003. And all their car launches (oh we don't have anything like that anymore, even from Red Bull). 


It was very sad to see them go; just think we used to have a pitlane with Eddie Jordan, Paul Stoddart and Flavio Briatore on the perches. Toto Wolff, Monisha Kaltenborn and Eric Boullier just aren't quite as colourful....

#30 Dolph

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 01:35

Jordan claimed in his autobiography tha he was responsible for DHL changing their logo from brown-and-white to yellow. Of course yellow was the colours of Deutsche post before they acquired DHL at around the same time so who knows what really was the cause.

#31 Dolph

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 01:38



Its been 10 years since Jordan Grand Prix (JGP) came to an end. They had a number of decent seasons: 1991, 1994, 1997-99 and on average did a pretty good job given their limited budget. However while JGP never achieved world championship status (came somewhat close in 1999), as a team it seemed to create a lot of interest across F1.


I am curious to know what people think were their good and bad memories of JGP?


Im extremely biased, but these are some of my ones:




1) Stunning car in 1991

2) Double points at the Canadian GP

3) Almost winning the Spa GP in 91

4) Michael Schumachers first GP 91

5) Irvines Japanese 1993 GP

6) Barrichello Podium at the Pacific GP 1994

7) Barrichello Pole in 1994 Spa GP

8) Double Podium at the Canadian GP 1995 

9) Fisichella race at German GP 1997

10) Race 1-2 at the Spa GP 1998

11) Frentzen wins at French and Italian GPs

12) Jordan Qualifying at Monaco GP 2000

13) Trulli Qualifying at Spa 2001

14) Fisichella race at German GP 2002

15) Sato Japanese race result 2002

16) Fisichella's race win at Brazilian GP 2003




1) Losing Michael Schumacher after one race 1991

2) Shockingly bad cars in 1992-93

3) Barrichello's race at Imola 1994

4) Barrichello crashing out of the 1994 Spa GP

5) Peugeot engine constantly breaking down in 1995

6) Equally shocking cars in 1995-96

7) Ralf Schumacher crashing into Fisichella at the 1997 Argentina GP

8) Fisichella getting a puncture at 1997 German GP

9) Frentzen crashing out of the Imola and  GPs

10) Frentzen's car coming to a halt after a pit stop at European GP

10) Extremely fragile car in 2000

11) Sacking of Frentzen in 2001

12) Sato's ability to find new ways to crash a car

13) Jordan slipping to the back of the grid in 2003



Curious to hear your Good and Bad JGP moments.


It would be great to see any JGP photos you remember the most :)


Happy New Year !!!


I'm not really biased but that really sums it up for me. Except I'd set the 1999 European GP as a positive for Jordan rather than negative. Cars do retire in motorsport (at least they did 15 years ago), but Frentzen was really bringing the fight to the big boys at that race. I thought that was Frentzens strongest race. I was really impressed.

Edited by Dolph, 29 December 2015 - 01:38.

#32 hittheapex

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 02:25

Good and bad, I would add Barrichello damn near putting the Jordan on the podium ahead of Prost until the car failed at Donington in 1993 less than 10 laps from the finish. He had a great first lap and race himself. Senna was of course impressive but in the context of a young driver in his third race for a small team that only scored 3 points that season, I was just as impressed by Barrichello.

#33 Junky

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 04:46

As a portuguese, I'm obviously biased, but given the car and the circumstances of the race, I think Tiago Monteiro's 8th place in Spa 2005 was a very, very good drive. I rate this higher than the podium at Indy.

#34 FullThrottleF1

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 07:53

If you are looking for charismatic team owners, I am glad Gene Haas is entering next year, that guy likes a barbecue...



#35 Dolph

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 09:44

If you are looking for charismatic team owners, I am glad Gene Haas is entering next year, that guy likes a barbecue...




Does barbecue imply charisma?

#36 FullThrottleF1

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 10:18

Does barbecue imply charisma?


I have never seen Sir Frank or Vijay Mallaya chow down on some. 

#37 noikeee

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 10:22

I liked the 1991 car as much as anyone else, but I seem to be the only guy in the universe that didn't like the yellow liveries. Distinctive? Yes. Good looking? Eh, no.
Also worth mentioning that whilst the "Jordan" name doesn't live on, the team still exists, races and has recovered remarkably from total backmarkers to upper midfielders. I'm not a huge fan of Vijay Mallya, and was even less of a fan of the previous owners be it Midland or Spyker, but at least they've always remained as independents, so in my mind it's still pretty much the same team. I'm sure some employees from the Jordan days still remain there! Unlike other former privateers that have undergone massive changes, such as Tyrrell whose successor BAR started up almost from scratch; or Stewart that briefly was a manufacturer team and now represents another massive corporation.

#38 sopa

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 11:40

I was also fond of the Jordan team.


I have always been fascinated, how did Jordan enter F1 so well. Maybe some insight? :p Because most of the teams, who enter, have a really hard time. They were very competitive with what were customer Ford engines back in 1991, finishing fifth in WCC.


Initially 1991 seemed like a flash in the pan, but it turned out they did had genuine depth, just were let down by bad engines in 1992-1993, and also somewhat by the march of electronic gizmos that bigger/richer teams could develop and open up a big gap. That's also how i.e garagiste Tyrrell team dropped somewhat backwards in 1993, yet rose more to the fore in 1994 with new regs.


Jordan was on an upward-swing till 1999, and as others point out, after that we saw a gradual decline. I personally think it was related to the big infux of manufacturer teams, who not only were new competitors, but threatened to stole both the limelight, and crucially... engineers and sponsors. TD Mike Gascoyne, who was behind the excellent 1999 car, left for Benetton-Renault.


I guess this is a natural flow of ups-and-downs, which all teams experience. But to have a "new up" you must adapt to the changes in the competition world, which Jordan never managed...


BMW and Honda entered in 2000 with full works effort, Renault and Toyota followed shortly suit. Ford bought the Stewart team.


Mugen-Honda engines had worked well on the Jordan and previously on the Ligier/Prost, but by 2000 they were outdated. Honda then took the strategy of supporting two teams (BAR & Honda), but the Honda engines weren't at that time particularly good and IIRC despite 'works status' Jordan budget was never really up there with the best either. Then... Honda wanted to commit to one team, and for whatever reason Honda chose BAR over Jordan.


Jordan had been doing a great job a decade ago, but with the high-period of manufacturer involvement and lots of big-funded teams in early 2000 they stood little chance with customer Fords.


Also fun to think... Peugeot as an engine manufacturer had perhaps its brightest period with the Jordan team. McLaren would never remember them fondly, Prost-Peugeot dropped well to the back of the field with unreliable powerplants, but Jordan was doing just fine, and in 1997, very well.

Edited by sopa, 29 December 2015 - 11:44.

#39 EvilPhil II

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 11:49

Worth mentioning that they would have won in Spa 1991 with Andrea de Cesaris had the Ford engine not blown with 3 laps to go. 


#40 king_crud

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 12:33

was my favourite team back when I was obsessed with F1. I've still got a model Jordan 195 in a Perspex box signed by Rubens, and a t-shirt from 93 also signed by Rubens. Also in 93 I spent a couple of hours chatting to one of the mechanics at the back of the pits at Adelaide, top bloke. He also gave me one of the wheel nuts, which I still have.

#41 SophieB

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 12:49

No harm, no foul but this is better suited to The Nostalgia Forum.

#42 Allan Lupton

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 13:09

No harm, no foul but this is better suited to The Nostalgia Forum.

Not sure it is, as it's a bit "current events" for my liking!

I wondered what all those people we don't normally see on TNF were doing in this rapidly growing thread.

#43 MCS

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 13:24

Not sure it is, as it's a bit "current events" for my liking!

I wondered what all those people we don't normally see on TNF were doing in this rapidly growing thread.


Can’t say I disagree with Allan.  Not what I want to see or even contribute to, although I knew Eddie Jordan long before he made it to Formula One.


The original thread creator has made a third of the posts and a number of the responses are unfortunate to say the least – why would you re-post videos and pictures?



#44 Spillage

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 13:28

If Frentzen's car had held up at the Nurburgring he'd have gone into the last two races level on points with Irvine and one behind Hakkinen - and coming off the back of two straight wins. Who knows what might have happened...?

#45 PayasYouRace

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 14:37

The team orders in Spa 1998 was a tough one.... but it was the right call by the team..... I love listing back to the team radio on this one... 


It was interesting to hear Damon Hill was telling Eddie what to do !!! And what could happen if they race... a good move on his part.... 


If I am correct Jordan as the first team to win its first race with a 1-2 :) so that was awesome !!!


It annoys me no end when people start complaining about the team orders at Spa as if Ralf was somehow robbed in that race. It came up in another thread recently but the events of the day show that Ralf was lucky to be close to Damon that day, and given his propensity to take his team mate out or generally throw it at the wall, it was definitely the right decision.


But the race history graph shows that that particular video is edited for extra drama too.



#46 Boing 2

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 14:39

I loved the 191, loved De Cesaris closing down Senna in a McLaren Honda at Spa with a customer Ford engine...... :clap:

I loved that their cars were almost always pretty under Gary's leadership, even the abysmal 192 was an extrordinarily good looking car.

That snake head on the 197, still can't believed thay raced that!

Watching them embarrass some much better finainced outfits with a Hart engine in the back and a shoestring budget.

I loved the romance of their first win, the planets truely aligned for them that day.

Barrichello running 3rd in 93 at a soaking wet Donnington.


I hated to see their decline but it was clear the manufacturers were coming in and privateers were being edged out, the grid is infinitley poorer for the loss of teams like Tyrrel, Jordan and Minardi.


Whatever you think of Eddie though think of this, if you draw up a list of true privateers* who have come into the sport, started from scratch and won more than a single race, that list for the last THIRTY FIVE YEARS is one name ......... Jordan Grand Prix.




(* Not state sponsored, backed by major manufacturers, owner is a billionaire, bought an existing operation etc.)

#47 PRD

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 17:05

Can’t say I disagree with Allan.  Not what I want to see or even contribute to, although I knew Eddie Jordan long before he made it to Formula One.


The original thread creator has made a third of the posts and a number of the responses are unfortunate to say the least – why would you re-post videos and pictures?




That comes across as incredibly snooty

#48 MCS

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 18:27

Thank you :lol:

#49 kamikaze1

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Posted 29 December 2015 - 18:56

Yup.... Frentzen really had a great shot at the WDC in 1999, only for that failure in the Nurburgring. 



Well....  Jordan memories... 


Being an Irish man, Jordan were probably my favourite team.  I never had a clear favourite, I loved watching all the teams and drivers battling back in the day.  Whoever won or lost didn't matter to me.  It was pure gladiator stuff back then, when anything could happen.  


But Jordan, seeing the Ferraris chasing Hill up past Eau Rouge etc, to this day still makes the hair on my arms stand up, and a nostalgic tear to my eye.  I remember friends berating me cheering on Hakkinen in the final race in 99... "An Irish man could have been F1 champion, and you don't cheer for him??"  -  To which I responded, that Irvine didn't deserve the title.  To me, Frentzen was the deserving 1999 champion for what he did in that car.  


Of course the sacking of Frentzen was a bit of a tarnish to the Jordan history, but there were a lot of other things.  I think the pressure of F1 got to Eddie, the money, etc, and he just went through pay drivers like one night stands.  Although I do believe they didn't deserve the hate that came within days at Hockenheim.  There's a lot to the Frentzen story that people don't remember or recall.  Frentzen too was agitated by how the car was performing, so two bulls in a china shop and all that. 


It was great seeing Alesi finish out his career in Jordan, and heartbreaking seeing him being taken out of his last race by Kimi collecting him on the Michelin curve before Degner 1.  If I recall correctly, Alesi had finished every race that season!  (Alesi's debut in the Jordan was also a highlight!) 


Hill in the Jordan, it was sad to see him waning, while Frentzen was kicking ass.  But anyone could see, Hill's heart just wasn't in it, especially with al the media asking him about retirement every day of the week!.  Ask somebody something enough times, slowly but surely they will start to believe it.  


Fisichella was great to watch, and so was Rubens.   Magnificent at times!.  That French GP (can't recall what year at the mo) was spectacular.  


Jordan kicked ass with the Honda Mugen, which must have been an embarrassment to Honda.  I still fully feel that Honda chose the wrong option going with BAR (I was a Villeneuve fan), but I guess the Jordan atmosphere wasn't a match for the Japanese way of doing things.   Plus, it's nice to look back on that a customer team with a Mugen tuned engine, was able to do so much, and on a lot of  occasions, embarrass the giants of the sport.   


Eddie always was a thorn in the sides of the team principals, money this, money that etc., so I am sure a few were happy with the Jordan GP demise. One thing was for certain, he was great TV!.  I do miss Jordan Grand Prix every year, so much so that I secretly wish Eddie would consider going back.


A lot of Jordan's successes was down to Gary Anderson and the team, so it would be a shame to forget them.  Eddie and Gary, and the past members of the team, as an Irish man, thanks for giving us these memories that have lasted, and will persist.  It was an emotional joyride, one that I'd love to experience again!.   Sundays just haven't felt right since!


To be honest, I think someone needs to put into production a DVD of the history of Jordan Grand Prix!   Two friends of mine, were Jordan guests at the 1993 Belgian Grand Prix.  One of them ran a bar, and right inside the front door, was a huge framed pic of the two boys, standing on top of Eau Rouge, and another pic in the garage with Eddie, and a pair of Rubens signed gloves underneath!  I was always so jealous every time I walked into the bar and saw it :)   It was the closest thing to a motorsports bar I've ever been a local of.  


The Irish national interest in F1 took a nosedive when Jordan left.  Such a shame for such a great sport. 



Oh... and Pedro in the Jordan! Was fantastic.  I remember being in a bar watching Barcelona I think, and they cut to a quick clip of Pedro in the garage in Jordan attire, and a buddy of mine went.. "Was that just Hill in the garage???" --- we replayed the footage, and goddamn that shot of Pedro, looking exactly like Damon :D


The Jordan grid girls too were always a highlight!!  Something I bet Ralf Schumacher and a certain namesake female would wish to forget :D

Edited by kamikaze1, 29 December 2015 - 19:09.

#50 Rob Ryder

Rob Ryder
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Posted 29 December 2015 - 19:03

Not sure it is, as it's a bit "current events" for my liking!
I wondered what all those people we don't normally see on TNF were doing in this rapidly growing thread.


Can’t say I disagree with Allan.  Not what I want to see or even contribute to, although I knew Eddie Jordan long before he made it to Formula One.
The original thread creator has made a third of the posts and a number of the responses are unfortunate to say the least – why would you re-post videos and pictures?


Can anyone give me the exact year when 'Nostalgia' starts and finishes? :confused:   :rolleyes: