Patty McLaren RIP.
Posted 07 February 2016 - 09:24
Posted 07 February 2016 - 10:12
Mid to late-seventies in this day and age is too young for the vibrant woman she used to be. Her love for Bruce and her desire to see that his name never died seems to have been something that not only never left her, but added spirit to her life.
More sadness for the family, my condolences to them.
Posted 07 February 2016 - 11:07
Sincere and profound condolences to family and friends.
RIP, Pattie
Posted 07 February 2016 - 11:23
As a cancer survivor myself I can only echo the sentiments posted. My sincere condolences to her family and friends.
RIP Pattie
Posted 07 February 2016 - 13:24
Posted 07 February 2016 - 13:39
Poor, dear lady. Rest in peace.
Posted 07 February 2016 - 14:00
RIP Patty
Posted 07 February 2016 - 15:40
Sad news
Posted 07 February 2016 - 17:14
Sad news indeed.
Posted 07 February 2016 - 18:32
For her family and friends, sincere condolences. Thanks for keeping Bruce alive in our memories.
Posted 08 February 2016 - 04:40
Very sorry to hear this.
One of my favorite photos...I believe Patty McLaren got a copy of it.
Photo by Ted Langton-Adams, copyright Eric Faulks
Edited by raceannouncer2003, 08 February 2016 - 04:42.
Posted 08 February 2016 - 11:45

Condolences, and RIP.
Posted 08 February 2016 - 11:47
Many condolences - DCN
Posted 08 February 2016 - 22:10
Sad indeed - RIP.
Posted 08 February 2016 - 23:54
My condolences to the McLaren & Brickett family and friends on the passing of Patty.
Just to add a (very) slightly different perspective to Vince's post #12 photo of the 1962 Monaco GP presentation for Bruce's win in the Cooper. This particular Bryon Kallend photo did indeed come from the Patty McLaren collection. One of several I sourced through an English motoring memorabilia dealer a few years ago.
Obviously each photo was snapped at the same time as Ted & Bryon were close to rubbing shoulders, Patty is sent forward by Bruce to meet Princess Grace and Prince Rainier, with John Cooper and as far as I'm aware Louis Chiron taking part in this happy occasion.
Previously in other threads on TNF, Terry Walker has posted a great colour photo of Patty with the Mini Cooper Bruce raced at the 1962 Australian GP meeting. Hopefully Terry or one of the West Australian enthusiasts can dig it out and add to this thread.
Posted 09 February 2016 - 07:16
I have the photo of Pat McLaren sitting in the Mini that Bruce raced in 1962. Coincidently she is photographed with Mrs Taylor wife of WA race driver Syd Taylor. Unfortunatly i am not able to post on the site.Maybe Terry will see the post and put the photo up. By the way Stephen you may have that photo in the ones i sent you sometime ago.
Posted 09 February 2016 - 10:36
Thanks for the reminder Ken.
Here's the photo of Patty waiting patiently with Mrs Taylor, as Bruce and Wal no doubt tinker away on what would be the AGP-winning Cooper T62.. Photo taken by the Taylor's daughter IIRC.
Posted 09 February 2016 - 19:18
Patty and my mom were such good friends and had many adventures together.
My sincere condolences to Amanda and the family who are heartbroken at her loss,
but I know that there is MUCH rejoicing on the other side right now - Patty & Bruce,
Mom, and all the many dear friends that went before them are having one heck
of a reunion party! Patty will be greatly missed and never forgotten!
Posted 10 February 2016 - 19:08
that doesn't look like Patty in ellrosso's photo, why would she be getting an autograph from her own husband?
Posted 10 February 2016 - 19:19
I thought it was a spectator getting an autograph when I first loaded the pic on ORP too - when I saw the pics on this thread though I thought it may have been a different scenario. Bit hard to tell but I think you're right Gary C. Will delete.
Edited by ellrosso, 10 February 2016 - 21:14.