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Auto Action magazine

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#101 cooper997

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 08:26

Thanks Mark, I wasn't expecting a response from Bruce. But good to see there are some plans.


My post 99 was simply a result of me not finding a new issue in 2 or 3 newsagents. So I finally went online to find out what was happening. Hence the link I added.


As you're aware I still support car magazine publishers and the newsagents the best I can. But I know I'm in a minority as us dinosaurs get passed by in the new age where everything has to be done with a bloody phone.


Of the 5 or 6 Aussie car related mags out there, I've been supporting just 2 on an every issue basis. AA and AMC. Occasionally I'll get a Unique Cars, but usually only if something grabs my attention.


The rest I buy are from publishers based in that other hemisphere,


Happy to buy a new format AA even without changing the current formula too much ( new size will make storage easier ). But that Historics editor chappie needs a chance to strut his stuff and maybe get a bit more than a few giggles in the office. But there's that age old problem of production cost versus incoming revenue and the pecking order.


And for it all to work a significant number of others will need to contribute as a point of sale purchaser or subscriber.






#102 cooper997

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Posted Today, 01:18

I've just purchased the new monthly 'Auto Action Premium' and although I'm yet to read much, I can say it's great to have a hardcopy available to read at my leisure.


'Premium' has been added to the title and indeed the quality of the publication too. Bruce, Andrew, Betty and the AAP team can be rightfully proud. It's not their first rodeo, but it is a major step forward in the many life cycles of the Auto Action publication's 54 year existence.


Yes it's a bit dearer per copy. Big deal, buy 3 less coffees over a month. However works out cheaper over the year as it's monthly rather than fortnightly. Pages are up and it has a nice feel to the paper quality used. Caroline has done a great job laying out the pages in a neat and logical fashion. There's no great wastage of white (or coloured) space that some titles I buy prefer to have in their 'arty' ways.


Plus it's all motor sport / motoring related covering current and historic features. Mark has 20 something pages of the 132. Greedy bugger that he is! Alas many of those pages relate to a huge photo spread to cover Jim Clark's 1965 season. The choice derived from his 1965 Tasman, Indy and F1 GP racing that year.


Another piece Mark has contributed is Toyota's competition history in Australia. As I've told him "Toyota better buy 500 copies and send out to their dealers to learn their own motor racing history. "  As they will soon embark on their Supercar journey.








Now it's up to us to support their efforts, resist the often used addage that "I haven't bought a car mag in years"




Edited by cooper997, Today, 01:24.