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Jack Brewer - Cooper Monaco Mk.I

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#1 tombe2

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Posted 19 October 2016 - 18:13



Did US resident Jack Brewer ever own any other Cooper Monaco Mk.I  than CM-1-59 in the sixties?

I'm asking because we are trying to establish the identity of a Monaco that spent a couple of years racing on trotting tracks and frozen lakes here in Norway in the early sixties. And we know this car went to Brewer from Norway late 63 early 64.


Tom Berge


#2 proviz

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Posted 20 October 2016 - 07:21

Not sure if this is of any help, but according to Curt Lincoln's mechanic Pekka Rämö CM-1-59 was sold from Lincoln to Norway, "to a former speedway rider". This would have been late 1961 or some time in 1962.

#3 tombe2

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Posted 20 October 2016 - 10:09



That very much closes the case.

Just what we believed, but somewhere along the line someone brought Jack Brabham,s name into the line as a former owner.

Thanks again!!!!


With regards

Tom Berge


#4 doc knutsen

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Posted 20 October 2016 - 16:34



That very much closes the case.

Just what we believed, but somewhere along the line someone brought Jack Brabham,s name into the line as a former owner.

Thanks again!!!!


With regards

Tom Berge

Leif Koxvold  owned the Cooper, he was not a "former speedway rider." Some confusion with the FJ/F3 Cooper which was imported into this country at the same time, and run by ex-speedway rider Roger "Kleggen" Hansen, perhaps? This chassis was displayed inside the movie theatre at the premiere of Frankenheimer's "Grand Prix" in Oslo. The Monaco was presented on the NRK TV sports news show after its racing premiere in Koxvold's hands, and it was mentioned that "former owner Jack Brabham expressed his pleasure when learning about his former machine doing so well" which may be how that rumour started.

#5 tombe2

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Posted 20 October 2016 - 19:15

The "former speedway rider" was Leif "Basse" Hveem. He bought  the car from Lincoln, then sold it on to Koxvold about 6 months later.




#6 RacingCompagniet

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 07:43

Doc, do you know more about this FJ/F3 Cooper?  Was it one of Lincoln's?

#7 tombe2

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 15:58

None of this cars came from Lincoln.

doc is in fact talking about two separate cars. The first, a T 59, came to Norway from Sweden in '64, bought by another former speedway rider, Henry Andersen. He sold it on, and after a couple of years racing at trotting tracks and frozen lakes, it was stored at Lillehammer for 30-40 years. A few years ago it was sold back to Mr. Sjöberg in Sweden.

The other Cooper was a T 76, a former Rosqvist, Wisell and Gröndahl car brought to Norway by Roger Hansen later '67 early '68. This car was displayed at the movietheatre at the release of the "Grand Prix" movie in Norway. This car has later had several Norwegian and Swedish owners.





#8 cooper997

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 00:50

The Lincoln Cooper T52 Formula Junior was up until 2014 raced by Mike Gosbell (he ran his Nota FJ at this year's Goodwood Revival). If memory serves correct, he procured it from New Zealand and as of its sale in 2014, the T52 headed across the Nullabor to Western Australia.


TNF member, Dick Willis might be able to fill in some blanks, also.



#9 doc knutsen

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 10:20

None of this cars came from Lincoln.

doc is in fact talking about two separate cars. The first, a T 59, came to Norway from Sweden in '64, bought by another former speedway rider, Henry Andersen. He sold it on, and after a couple of years racing at trotting tracks and frozen lakes, it was stored at Lillehammer for 30-40 years. A few years ago it was sold back to Mr. Sjöberg in Sweden.

The other Cooper was a T 76, a former Rosqvist, Wisell and Gröndahl car brought to Norway by Roger Hansen later '67 early '68. This car was displayed at the movietheatre at the release of the "Grand Prix" movie in Norway. This car has later had several Norwegian and Swedish owners.






You are right. The first one was entered as "Henry's Ford" at a race at Bjerkebanen trotting track in Oslo, leading my Father to expect to see one of the older Ford-powered specials from the Fifties. Iirc, it was painted medium blue and was entered by Henry "Stompa" Andersen, very much a former speedway rider. It was Ford powered, hence the name in the race programme. The car displayed at Colosseum movie theatre was Roger "Kleggen" Hansen's car, and it was finished in very dark green or possibly even black.

I never realised they were two different chassis, but then I never saw the Stompa car close up. Roger Hansen's car was studied in great detail in the movie theatre by myself and many others, one of my friends was so impressed with the little racer that he suggested it needed a mink protective cover on the throttle pedal!


I am intrigued by the Basse Hveem/Koxvold/ Cooper Monaco connection. At the time, my Dad worked for Basse Hveem & Grorud, the motorcycle dealership at Lilletorvet in Oslo, running the engine rebuild department. And Koxvold's son Tore was in my class at school (we were about 13 ot 14 at the time). We spent a lot of time together, and Basse was a frequent visitor at my parents', yet I do not recall hearing anything about Basse being involved with the Cooper Monaco. My Dad went with Basse to London in October 1958 in order to arrange the purchase of an F3 Cooper (the 500ccm F3) from the Ewell Road works. Later on, Koxvold had the first Cortina Lotus in Norway, upsetting what was known as the Volvo (PV) class at the time. Inspired by the success of the twin cam Ford in the Cortina, some of the Volvo drivers approached my Dad about designing a twin cam cylinder head for the Volvo B16/B18  and I recall a wooden mock-up being built, but the project petered out eventually.

#10 RacingCompagniet

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 20:30

Tom & Doc


Thanks for the info about these cars.  Thanks to Stephen as well about the whereabouts of the Lincoln T52. 

#11 Rupertlt1

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 14:08

COOPER MONACO 2 liter. Ready to run, now in
Norway. Never campaigned in U.S. Profes-
sionally maintained, mechanically perfect.
Body, paint excellent. Many spares included.
Real value at $4000. Freight paid any U.S.
port. G.C. Ball, 708 Crescent Blvd., Glen
Ellyn, Ill.
Competition Press, 30 March 1963

ditto 13 April 1963


#12 Rupertlt1

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 14:18

COOPER MONACO—leaf spring rear suspen-

sion; all parts completely sandblasted, magna-

fluxed, painted. Car can easily pull RS 61

Porsche. Without engine $3500; with 2 liter

FPF Climax, $5500. Jack Brewer, 915 E.

Market st., Elmira, N.Y.; (607) RE 4-1505;

RE 4-6503

Competition Press, 9 Nov 1963



#13 Rupertlt1

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 14:30

COOPER MONACO without engine; leaf

rear suspension; 10-1/2 inch brakes; en-

tire car cleaned, magnafluxed, sand-

lasted, painted. Condition superb. 4-

speed Cooper box, 2F (sic) differential, ex-

cellent chassis for Alfa, Corvair etc.

$2900. Jack Brewer, 915 E. Market st.,

Elmira, N.Y.; (607) RE 4-1505.

Competition Press, 11—24 Jan 1964



#14 Jack-the-Lad

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Posted 25 April 2020 - 17:53

This thread caught my eye because the subject and I share the exact name. As far as I know we’re not related and I’ve never had family in Elmira, New York.

Nor has there ever been a Cooper Monaco in the family! :(
