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Who was or what was Milmor ?

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#1 arttidesco

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Posted 06 February 2017 - 11:50



On May 7th 1989 after taking a cursory glance at my official HSCC Cadwell Park programme, 50p, I remember thinking I must get a photo of the Lenham's in the A.F. Budge Trophy race.


Fast forward 28 years and imagine my surprise when I found I had no photo's of either Lenham, both of which I now realise were Spyders in that race, but I do have this pic of a Lenham like 1967 Milmor Mk VII driven by Richard Brightman.


Info on Milmor on the net is scarce I have found reference to a Mk 3 and Mk V which appear to be 1172 clubman's type vehicles, but nothing regarding the origins and or history of the Mk VII can anyone help ?




#2 Tim Murray

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Posted 06 February 2017 - 12:15

Milmor cars were designed by Howard Milborrow, an enthusiastic member of the 750MC. My understanding is that he would build the first one or two of each design he came up with for himself, and then sell the drawings to other people who would build their own versions. There's a thread about Milmor in 'the other place', which includes contributions from Howard himself:


#3 arttidesco

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Posted 06 February 2017 - 12:31

Thanks Tim :wave: