French anti tobacco associations sued Canal+ as they did not do enough to scrap tobacco branding from archives.
They won last year against C+.
They are also threatening on a regular basis F1 websites to scrap pictures of the Mclaren.
I can see why Liberty did this, the cost in order to scrap tobacco branding from archives for just 1 market would be too high.
This recent (2023) modification of the anti-tobacco law:
explicitly says:
"I.-Est punie de 100 000 euros d'amende : [...]
2° Le fait de retransmettre une compétition de sport mécanique contenant de la publicité directe ou indirecte pour le tabac et se déroulant dans un pays où la publicité pour le tabac est interdite, ainsi que la retransmission, par un moyen autre qu'une chaîne de télévision, d'une compétition de sport mécanique contenant de la publicité directe ou indirecte pour le tabac et se déroulant dans un pays où la publicité pour le tabac est autorisée."
"Is punished with a 100.000 euros fine the broadcast a motorsport competition showing direct or indirect advertising for tobacco and taking place in a country where tobacco advertising is forbidden, and the broadcast, by a media other than a TV channel, of a motorsport competition showing direct or indirect advertising for tobacco and taking place in a country where tobacco advertising is allowed"
This looks like it was directly written by Canal+ lobbyists, not by anti-tobacco associations.
Edited by Jerem, 10 June 2024 - 22:12.