Frankly unless a new manufacture or 2 come in, I see this going the other way. With no movement forward I see McLaren and Williams moving out - maybe to WEC.
Companies/sponsors (IMO) are not spending money like they used to and it does not seem that this will change - ever. In fact most of the corporate world is looking to cut costs and limit spending across the board.
At best we may see some Middle-East $$$ supporting some of the current teams but that won't last forever as it's simply a gesture of vanity.
Racing across the board is in a death spiral. IMO it's all about mitigating losses because an increase in veiwership, ticket sales and so on will likely be minimal/rare at best for all series moving forward. NASCAR and F1 have the farthest to fall, ICS has (IMO) already hit rock bottom (2 years ago) so the former two may be wise to keep an eye on what ICS does to move forward. While their model (IRL) under the George family was a case in business disaster, what Mark Miles has done recently has brought new life into that old gal and seemingly looks set to move forward - albeit at a slow pace but in this business I would argue that slow may equate to a more sound structure to build from.
Edited by aportinga, 23 January 2019 - 12:53.