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How is Forza 7?

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#1 BuddyHolly

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 16:51

Any Forza 7 players on here?


I've been toying with buying an Xbox for a time now and Forza 7 looks like a good excuse to push myself off the fence and buy.

However is the game fun with a plain old controller?  (don't get me started on Assetto Corsa on the PS4, I almost bounced my controller off the walls many times until I gave in and finally admitted defeat and deleted that game, so don't want to make the same mistake if F7 is only viable with a wheel)




#2 balage06

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 17:56

Assetto Corsa is aimed at hardcore simracers, meanwhile Gran Turismo and Forza are made for a much wider audience, so yes, it is fun with a controller (I'd say probably more fun than using a wheel based on my personal experience). Although it's also worth mentioning that both Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon series are compatible with Windows 10 PC's now.

#3 messy

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 18:31

If you have an Xbox One X, it's ****ing gorgeous, that's its big selling point. Like, the best looking racing game ever. Huge, detailed car models, silky frame rate, from in-car or first person doing a GT race or something around the Nordschleife, it's the slickest thing ever. Like proper next generation stuff. It handles well enough, its fun, it's quite challenging and the AI is reasonable. It's good.

Also - given that their isn't a Forza Motorsport 8 due imminently (breaking the bi-annual FM/Horizon) pattern, its still being supported monthly with new cars etc.

But it's not exactly deep. No qualifying, limited/non existent multi-class or custom options, and the handling for me is nothing like as satisfying as GT Sport so hot-lapping isn't much fun once you've got over the looks, and if you want a serious simulation you go for (despite their many flaws) Project Cars 2 or Assetto Corsa.

I particularly hate the lack of grip and feeling of the cars constantly understeering and sliding. Compare a Formula car in FM7 to the new Super Formula in GT Sport and it's worlds apart. One will spend its entire time awkwardly skating across the track, one has so much grip it makes your eyes pop out through the Suzuka esses. The realistic thing is probably sonewhere in between but I'm on GT Sport's side.

Amazing technical demo though.

Edited by messy, 04 April 2019 - 18:35.

#4 PayasYouRace

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 19:13

It's very playable with the standard Xbone controller. I got a lot out of it. Great for customisation option on any of the cars, and the livery editor alone is great fun. Good selection of tracks with something of an IMSA slant. Multiplayer can be a bit of a mess, as there's little to govern driving standards. Plenty of ghost racing options though and the leagues were good when I was playing it regularly about a year ago. Single player has plenty to offer, with a varied selection of championships and series to choose from. The sheer variety of car groups means you'll find something you like. Great selection of GP and top level racing sports cars from the 30s to present day.

#5 mahelgel

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 19:27

I played forza 4 a lot on the xbox 360 back when it was reasonable fresh... and loved it. So i tried forza7 a while ago, and never got it to feel right with the controller. Not really sure why, but i felt the turn in was either slow and unresponsive, or a bit jumpy depending on the steering settings in the options. Also, correcting slides was difficult due to the same reasons. Might be that it has been ages since i last drove any games with a controller, but i just couldn't find the groove... so after a few nights i just moved on to my usual racing games (Project Cars 2, Raceroom and iracing) :)

#6 MikeV1987

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 21:10

Looks and plays good but online is trash, single player seems alright if your into racing against AIs. It's probably one of the best racing games out there on a controller, but it's not very good on a wheel. Has tons of cars but they all kind of feel the same really, great track selection though.


The motorsport part of it has always on the back burner with Forza Motorsport games in the past and it's not much different this time around, but at least now you can dress up your driver as a clown or ninja. :rolleyes:


Why not just get a decent PC instead of console? the xbox one and ps4 are going to be replaced within the next 1-2 years anyway...

Edited by MikeV1987, 04 April 2019 - 21:29.

#7 BuddyHolly

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 12:48

Thanks for the help everyone! (Xbox ordered, white Forza bundle, it's arriving today.  although I'm not allowed to open it until my bday next week. because the wife chipped in the extra so I could get an X rather than an S)


Why not just get a decent PC instead of console? the xbox one and ps4 are going to be replaced within the next 1-2 years anyway...


Because £££.  A 'decent' PC would probably cost me close to £800-£1000 or more, which is miles and miles out of my budget.  Don't get me wrong I like PCs and used to be a PC gamer but the price of gpus have gone way out of my league so I'm quite happy to remain a console gamer now.

Edited by BuddyHolly, 05 April 2019 - 12:49.

#8 messy

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 13:12

You won't regret getting an X. It's a totally different proposition to the original one. Project CARS 2 is like a completely different game on the X. And it's cheap.

Edited by messy, 05 April 2019 - 13:14.

#9 BuddyHolly

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 22:09

I particularly hate the lack of grip and feeling of the cars constantly understeering and sliding. Compare a Formula car in FM7 to the new Super Formula in GT Sport and it's worlds apart. One will spend its entire time awkwardly skating across the track, one has so much grip it makes your eyes pop out through the Suzuka esses.


Having read this again, I don't mind admitting this scares me a little, I don't enjoy racing games where you are constantly sliding around and have no grip, this is not good but thanks for giving me the info.

#10 PayasYouRace

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 22:52

I think Turn 10 have always had a bit of a problem getting the right feel when it comes to very high powered, high downforce cars. I'd say avoid the Renault RS17 in the game, but the vast majority of the game's cars will feel quite good with a controller. And anyway, if you want a good F1 experience, you should get F1 2018 as that will be much more in depth and realistic that what Forza 7 has to offer.


For more typical cars, I wouldn't say the handling model struggles as much and it should feel quite intuitive. I don't get the feeling that I'm sliding around looking for grip in most cars. Sometimes they just seems a little loose, or a little pointier than I'd imagine the real thing to be.

#11 BuddyHolly

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 23:20

I think Turn 10 have always had a bit of a problem getting the right feel when it comes to very high powered, high downforce cars. I'd say avoid the Renault RS17 in the game, but the vast majority of the game's cars will feel quite good with a controller. And anyway, if you want a good F1 experience, you should get F1 2018 as that will be much more in depth and realistic that what Forza 7 has to offer.


For more typical cars, I wouldn't say the handling model struggles as much and it should feel quite intuitive. I don't get the feeling that I'm sliding around looking for grip in most cars. Sometimes they just seems a little loose, or a little pointier than I'd imagine the real thing to be.

Thanks for that, I already have F1 2018 and although it has its problems its rather fun (I'm on year 10 of my career atm), I just want Forza for a change and to race other cars on different tracks.  (as much as I love F1, you get tired of the same tracks over and over)  I never play online, only single player.

#12 messy

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Posted 06 April 2019 - 06:50

I think Turn 10 have always had a bit of a problem getting the right feel when it comes to very high powered, high downforce cars. I'd say avoid the Renault RS17 in the game, but the vast majority of the game's cars will feel quite good with a controller. And anyway, if you want a good F1 experience, you should get F1 2018 as that will be much more in depth and realistic that what Forza 7 has to offer.
For more typical cars, I wouldn't say the handling model struggles as much and it should feel quite intuitive. I don't get the feeling that I'm sliding around looking for grip in most cars. Sometimes they just seems a little loose, or a little pointier than I'd imagine the real thing to be.

I'd agree with that. It's mainly the single seaters which don't feel right. For stuff like Touring Cars I'd say it probably has a better feel using a controller than Project CARS. Don't get me wrong - I like Forza 7, it's a good game that gets unfairly looked down on by people who say "it's not a proper sim". None of them are, really.

#13 BuddyHolly

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Posted 10 April 2019 - 17:34

Dear gods how do you people use this UI (dashboard?) it's absolutely bloody horrible.

jeez, I thought the PS4 OS wasn't great but its 50x better than the Xbox monstrosity.  ughh what a sodding cluttered mess  :mad: 

#14 PayasYouRace

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Posted 11 April 2019 - 07:28

Can't say I've had any problems myself.

#15 BuddyHolly

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Posted 14 April 2019 - 22:12

Its not my day.  :mad:


I've kind of got over my dislike of the UI and I've been playing Forza 7 and quite frankly I have been really loving it a hell of a lot. I agree with the person who said the grip was a bit low and they slide around a bit, but the overall feel of the game is really awesome and I've only been playing it a couple of days but I really loved every minute playing it.


well.. until about an hour ago, when my brand new Xbox died.  :mad:    Yep, I was loading the game and there was this crack (I think through the headphones) and my screen went blank.

I immediately assumed my monitor had died on me but no.  The xbox won't turn on now, neither by the controller button nor the button on the front.   I've tried doing a power cycle thing (unplug power , count to 10 and plug back in) but nothing.  no light when I press the power button, nothing.  


Tried changing the fuse in the plug and tried a different socket, nope.  bloody thing is dead.   it's just my luck.


Will contact Amazon tomorrow and see if they can replace it.   :cry:

Edit: Amazon sent me a label to print out for a return, so hopefully it won't take long to replace it.

Edited by BuddyHolly, 15 April 2019 - 13:04.

#16 messy

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 13:50

Yikes. That's such bad luck - and rather worrying that can still happen.

Aside from a known bug where they refuse to load up games while downloading an update, I've never heard any complaints about the reliability of the XB1 really, in stark contrast to the 360 which broke about twice a week on average.

#17 BuddyHolly

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 17:02

Amazon have been great, can't fault them tbh.  My XB1 had barely been at the local post office 20 mins when I get an email saying my replacement is coming tomorrow.

#18 AdieB

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 16:06

I think it depends on what you want to use it for.  I like it to dip in every now and again to hotlap.  The handling is different to 6, and not for the better.


The thing that frustrates me the most about F7 is the online lobbies; the driving standards are horrific.  Get on a private server and you're good - but public ones will see you smashed off at every opportunity.


I've recently spent a lot of time at Simply Race in MK on the VR setup - it's got me thinking at least  :drunk:

#19 messy

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 16:15

I’m the opposite - I’d never choose Forza 7 to hotlap. I can spend hours trying to shave my times on GT Sport but for me F7’s handling is just not satisfying at all, too wallowy, imprecise, no sense of grip, not to mention infuriating when your lap gets chalked off if you so much as brush a marker cone or something. But racing other cars can be fun.


#20 AdieB

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 16:49

I know what you mean. I meant I can get on late of an evening turn in a few laps and go to bed. It’s very casual.

But I totally get what you mean with the handling. I felt F6 wasn’t perfect but it was ok. In 7 there’s very little consistency. It’s a shame, as there’s a good audience with XBox users.

#21 PayasYouRace

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 17:31

Still great for livery editing and having fun with that. My recent changes of avatar are testament to that. Though I wish they'd put in a proper text editor for the livery editor. Creating words out of individual letter layers is very tedious, and the font selection isn't great.

#22 messy

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 19:11

Gotta say, I deleted Forza 7 months ago because if you’ve got Project CARS 2 or GT Sport there’s just no point in it. But I decided to reinstall it the other day because I wanted to see if absence made the heart grow fonder. It didn’t, the handling and AI are total garbage. I think I actually hate it, so, so much potential in terms of content, licensing and beautiful looking, but so bad to play. No grip, awful brakes, no control, horrible. It’s easily the vaguest, loosest feeling game I’ve played, and the appalling AI that all just grind to a halt at turn one and then aim at each-other?

Does anyone actually like this?

#23 balage06

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 22:13

Forza looks amazing, but that's the only positive thing about it. The "simulator handling" should be avoided at all costs, it just makes the rear end incredibly loose, it has nothing to do with realism. I actually enjoyed Forza Horizon 4 more, because that's a full-blown arcade racer and doesn't want to be more than that (it gets boring pretty quickly though).

#24 PayasYouRace

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Posted 15 January 2020 - 22:46

Gotta say, I deleted Forza 7 months ago because if you’ve got Project CARS 2 or GT Sport there’s just no point in it. But I decided to reinstall it the other day because I wanted to see if absence made the heart grow fonder. It didn’t, the handling and AI are total garbage. I think I actually hate it, so, so much potential in terms of content, licensing and beautiful looking, but so bad to play. No grip, awful brakes, no control, horrible. It’s easily the vaguest, loosest feeling game I’ve played, and the appalling AI that all just grind to a halt at turn one and then aim at each-other?

Does anyone actually like this?


I've been playing it again because I wanted to complete all the championships. But it's let down so much by the things you mention. The AI is terrible because it relies on the Drivatar system. It's so frustrating that they constantly brake test you on corner exits or just drive into the side of you all the time. The handling in the faster cars is so weird and floaty.


I do get a bit of enjoyment out of it, but it could be a lot better. I was surprised to see at Autosport International that the LMES uses it as their sim. I had a go on one of their rigs, which was set up for 3 laps in a 787B at Silverstone, and it didn't seem too bad. But that's hardly the same as me in my living room with my XBox controller.

#25 MikeV1987

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Posted 16 January 2020 - 09:47

Gotta say, I deleted Forza 7 months ago because if you’ve got Project CARS 2 or GT Sport there’s just no point in it. But I decided to reinstall it the other day because I wanted to see if absence made the heart grow fonder. It didn’t, the handling and AI are total garbage. I think I actually hate it, so, so much potential in terms of content, licensing and beautiful looking, but so bad to play. No grip, awful brakes, no control, horrible. It’s easily the vaguest, loosest feeling game I’ve played, and the appalling AI that all just grind to a halt at turn one and then aim at each-other?

Does anyone actually like this?


Do you play on a wheel? Because Forza is and always has been **** when using a wheel. I tried it once on Bernese Alps in FM6, never again. I don't think their e-sports competitions even use wheels either. I've always thought it was one of the best racing games around in terms of feel with an xbox controller though.


I liked it until I started playing GT Sport.

Edited by MikeV1987, 16 January 2020 - 09:51.