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Need Help Identifying Indy-Style Kart

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#1 ggregger

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 11:28

Hello all,

     A few weeks ago my father passes away and I found my F1 go kart that I had won from Hardees back in 1984.  I have been doing extensive research including go kart forums, phone calls and emails to Hardees and collectible forums.  Hardees said they lost all paper records from that time in a flood back in 1999 and no one has ever seen a go kart like mine.  The go kart guys said as a go kart with no collectible value it would be $600 and that the 2 peace F1 style was relatively rare as well as the style frame was also relatively rare.  But I am looking to see if there is a collectible market for this and where to go to do so.  Was hoping some race fans would help me out.  Here is a link to see the go kart image. https://i.imgur.com/OsrxD1o.jpg



Edited by Vitesse2, 09 June 2019 - 15:23.
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#2 E1pix

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Posted 09 June 2019 - 15:17

Probably as my phone and software is five years old, I can't view the image.

Myself, or for sure a friend here Colorado, would likely know what it is otherwise.

I still have our '83 Emmick-Yamaha and will likely be buried with (or in) it. :-)

Edit: Thanks Richard, now I see it. All I know now is that's a reproduction of a Pancho Carter Indy car, possibly from Malibu Grand Prix. Is this thing in the States?

I might suggest changing the thread title to "Need Help Identifying Indy-Style Kart." There's a few of us kart racers here; Cirrus and Eldougo for two, and you may get more insights by identifying the thread.

Edited by E1pix, 09 June 2019 - 16:50.

#3 ggregger

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Posted 10 June 2019 - 02:26

Probably as my phone and software is five years old, I can't view the image.

Myself, or for sure a friend here Colorado, would likely know what it is otherwise.

I still have our '83 Emmick-Yamaha and will likely be buried with (or in) it. :-)

Edit: Thanks Richard, now I see it. All I know now is that's a reproduction of a Pancho Carter Indy car, possibly from Malibu Grand Prix. Is this thing in the States?

I might suggest changing the thread title to "Need Help Identifying Indy-Style Kart." There's a few of us kart racers here; Cirrus and Eldougo for two, and you may get more insights by identifying the thread.



This is in PA and has been since I won it from Hardee's.  I know what it is and all but don't know if the logos and paint and being one of one make it more collectible.

Edited by ggregger, 10 June 2019 - 02:33.

#4 E1pix

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Posted 10 June 2019 - 14:33

It seems to me that if even Hardee's doesn't want it, it may not have much collectibility.

I can't imagine anyone valuing it more than it might you.

#5 ggregger

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Posted 10 June 2019 - 19:16

It seems to me that if even Hardee's doesn't want it, it may not have much collectibility.

I can't imagine anyone valuing it more than it might you.


I did not offer to sell it to Hardee's.  I just asked if they had the original information on it from when I won it in 1984.  They told me that the records had been destroyed in a hurricane / flood in 1999.  Since then Hardee's was purchased by Carl's JR.

#6 E1pix

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Posted 10 June 2019 - 20:20


#7 JacnGille

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 01:23

I seem to remember that kart shape being sold with several different Indy Car liveries. Again, I seem to remember them just being karts for kids to use on the driveway or a park, not for competition.

#8 ggregger

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 11:19

I seem to remember that kart shape being sold with several different Indy Car liveries. Again, I seem to remember them just being karts for kids to use on the driveway or a park, not for competition.


Yes this is not a competition kart it only has a 3HP engine in it.  It was never a fast kart.  Just hoping to find out if someone knows if there is a collectors market for it and the best place to list it or find a true value on it.

#9 E1pix

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 18:36

I missed saying something: Sorry you lost your Dad.

Here's some advice. If you're serious about selling this, especially in a Collector vein, you might realize that everywhere you show this kart may well have a potential buyer looking in. Maybe even here.

But no collector or even serious enthusiast will be interested with it looking so poorly. I would detail this thing to the Nines, shoot a nice photo of it in good light, and then display it everywhere you can. Or maybe it will look so good and refurbish so many great memories you might even want it for yourself.

Best of Luck, whichever way you wish to go.