This is were I am getting confused: Richard A. says he found a man in the 1930 census, right place, right occupation, wife from Alabama (disappointing that she's not from Salerno, but hey...), wrong race. Difficult to assume this is not our man, so perhaps a small mistake in the census? Then you join in with a mixed post about news reports and census, and if I get it right you have found a BR in the 1930 census, born in MO, with a wife born in AL and her name illegible, son born in FL, two years older than the gravestone BR and also the wrong race - that would make it two mistakes in the census? And, is that the same person Richard A. found?
Then, Richard J. joins in and mentions a family tree, naming the wife of (yet another?) BR, and a 1930 census entry with the same wife's name - can't be the same census entry that you found, since you said the wife's name was illegible!?! Then you join in again and declare that you have found families in the 1900, '10 and '20 censuses which match the 1930 entry that you and Richard A. quoted (is it really the same?), yet according to this BR is two years younger than the gravestone BR. And then, you come forward with the family tree of the wife mentioned in Richard J.'s post, matching it (very well) to the gravestone BR.
Are we really talking about
one person here? Two?? Three??? Can each one of you post here exactly what's in the census report that you have found?
Another thought: what if the census people made their rounds while Bob was racing in the Northeast, i.e. he wasn't at home? Maybe we should be looking into a census for Langhorne/PA?
Edited by Michael Ferner, 21 July 2019 - 11:27.