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Le Mans Chevron

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#1 Odseybod

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 10:17

The task of scanning some of my father's photos continues - as it would, when the alternative is gardening.


We're currently at the 1970 Le Mans scrutineering and practice. This is the Chevron B8 of Erwin Barnes and Roy Johnson, which sadly failed to qualify for the race. In the first pic, it's apparently having its steering checked - for some reason, in a bar - while the second pic shows someone with hair working on its mechanicals. Any idea who the someone is? Racing Sports Cars says the car was entered (and owned by?) Roy Johnson, so I suppose it could be him. But it would be good to caption it correctly, so any help from Chevron gurus would be much appreciated.








#2 Bloggsworth

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 10:53

No idea, but it puts Kevin Keegan's mop-top to shame.

#3 Charlieman

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 10:57

Charming photographs. I love the very French bicycle propped up against a curtain -- 'puncture resistant' tyres and dynamo at the front -- whilst the bar is still being erected, with the men around showing different levels of enthusiasm about the necessary work.

#4 Odseybod

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 11:48

When it comes to charming, I rather like this one of the Matra team working on the Pescarolo-Beltoise MS660.


Did someone mention rocket science?



#5 Charlieman

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 12:03

Interesting to see that a tiddler British team had negotiated better conditions for car maintenance than mighty Matra! Should we assume that the mechanic who has lost his shirt is British? A box of plugs on the toolbox? I think I'll look at stripy trousers after the duration.

#6 68targa

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 14:17

It seems the Chevron team hve got their priorties right - why walk further than you need to get a drink ?  I hope this had nothing to do with the car not qualifying for the race.


No help with the ID, sorry, but it is a lovely photo.

#7 Odseybod

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 14:43

A second view of the Matra rural idyll. I'm lousy at faces but I think that looks like a young Francois Cevert on the left - he was co-driving the second Matra with Jack Brabham.



#8 Garsted

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 15:03

I'm guessing the Chevron crew have intruded into the bar preparations to take advantage of the relatively flat floor for set-up purposes (compare with the Matra situation).

I think the driver to the left of your third picture is Beltoise, if Cevert is in the photos I think it might be the chap in the pink shirt and stripey jeans.

Unfortunately I can't help with identification of the Chevron folks.



edit: great pics by the way.

Edited by Garsted, 07 April 2020 - 15:04.

#9 d j fox

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 15:29

Great pictures-more please!

The Chevron pic is interesting—initially I thought the car was in “le Village” around the paddock area but looking at the top right I believe those are the pits/ “stands de revaitaillment”in the background.

Therefore I’d suggest that the car was on the Grandstands side of the track. I’d agree with Garsted that the bar gave relatively flat floor (suspension set up?) and I’d also add that it was at least shaded—Le Mans in June can be brutally hot…plus of course “beaucoup de biere…”

The Equipe Matra pics are great . Traditionally the top French teams were always at the bottom of the Paddock—the Ford Chicane/Maison Blanche end which was relatively flat, rising uphill towards the Dunlop Curve….

I’ll get my anorak!

#10 Odseybod

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 16:23

Thanks for the input, both, especially about the flat floor on which the bar's being built - and as I said, I'm lousy at faces!


By popular demand, two or three more, including Ferrari's palatial premises, 917s versus the Scrutineers and the shapely Alfa T33/3s in front of the pits. And that's yer lot, someone used to say.











#11 Charlieman

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 16:59

The top one, the photo of the Ferrari yard, is a slow picture which captures people moving. So who is the motionless bloke on the right?

#12 Odseybod

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 17:12

Working out the lunch menus?

#13 d j fox

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 19:49

Great photos again! Just to be really pedantic the area where the Ferrari 512 Coda Longas are is actually the old scrutineering bay If you look closely you’ll se the various areas marked off with yellow signs: eg Poste1 Indentification Vehicule Concurrent (entrant/drivers) etc etc...the French like long lunches as much as the Italians!

#14 bradbury west

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 21:04

Top stuff again, Tony, and such good colour repro. Many thanks.
I am intrigued why the chap in the first Matra shot, in the blue coat, has a crease in only one trouser leg....
Roger Lund

#15 Odseybod

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 21:31

Top stuff again, Tony, and such good colour repro. Many thanks.
I am intrigued why the chap in the first Matra shot, in the blue coat, has a crease in only one trouser leg....
Roger Lund

I wondered if the crease on the other leg had been smoothed/scorched by the exhaust pipe, but maybe it's just a French fashion thing.


Thanks for the comments about the colour, Roger. I was impressed, too, especially as these were taken with his early (1928) Leica, whose fixed lens was not really designed or correctted for colour - which maybe why these Kodachrome slides have a bit less 'bite' than usual.I managed to get the scans quite close to the originals, by the way, though Monsieur Juan Crease's coat is maybe a slightly more vivid blue. You've encouraged me to have another go at him!





#16 Jager

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Posted 08 April 2020 - 07:05

Thanks for the input, both, especially about the flat floor on which the bar's being built - and as I said, I'm lousy at faces!


By popular demand, two or three more, including Ferrari's palatial premises, 917s versus the Scrutineers and the shapely Alfa T33/3s in front of the pits. And that's yer lot, someone used to say.









Judging by the liveries, this is presumably very early in the race week.


The 'Hippie' Porsche 917 is missing the green trim that was added after qualifying, while the Alfa is missing many of its sponsors stickers (Shell logos over headlights, Firestone logo above the roundel on the bonnet and the Borg&Beck logo above the winglets)

#17 Odseybod

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Posted 08 April 2020 - 09:13

Sorry, should have said - these were taken during the scrutineering and practice, hence the presence of the Chevron in the first pics that failed to qualify for the race.
