The second smudge to the right in the spectator area could be me , dragging on the JPS King Size I smoked to express my Lotus support. And talking of JPS , there is fascinating unwitting testimony in the JPS advert banner . Not only because we don';t see fag adverts any more , but the fact that it reads 'Formulae I and III ' - so the full Latin deal , and would anyone outside TNF now even say anything other than formulas ? And , even in the cash strapped, inflationary Seventies , F 3 was considered worthy of juxtaposing with F1 - how tragic that not only can we never see F2 at any UK circuit other than as the support act for F1 , we don't even have an F3 championship, or rather two , as I seem to recall we had in 1972 ?
But Mallory is still in rude health , after some recent unpleasantnesses , as I can confirm from being one of several TNF folk at recent Plum Pudding and CSCC events . But I'd give a kidney , possibly even one of my own , to see a full field of F2 or F5000 cars there again .