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Formula Ford results 1970-1975

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#1 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 24 April 2021 - 20:40

I am sure this question has been asked before, but other than scrolling through old programmes or magazines, is there a 'one stop shop', as it were, to find British Formula Ford results (of all championships) from 1970-1975?


I'm talking about full results, not just winners, if at all possible.


I've made a few enquiries but an Autosport/Motoring News/etc etc seems to be the only way to do it, which I was hoping, for time purposes, to avoid.


Thanks, as always, in advance.


#2 Rupertlt1

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Posted 27 April 2021 - 17:07

Not sure why you have chosen this time period in particular, but here is a (small) start:




Brands Hatch, Sunday 1 March 1970, B.A.R.C.

Townsend Thoresen Formula Ford, 10-laps - Round 2?

1. Bernard Vermilio, (Merlyn Mark Eleven) 78.15 m.p.h., class record 54.0sec

2. Russell Wood (Merlyn)


Brands Hatch, Monday 30 March 1970

Results — "Evening News" Trophy:

1. Peter Hull (Merlyn) 18mins 14.2sec, average 87.19 m.p.h.

2. Jeremy Gambs (Lotus)

3. David Morgan (Alexis)

Fastest lap: Bernard Vermilio, (Merlyn) 1 min 47.4sec, 88.83 m.p.h.


Oulton Park, Saturday 18 April 1970, Lancs and Cheshire Car Club

Les Leston FF


Brands Hatch, Sunday 19 April 1970, M.G. Car Club

Round 3: Townsend Thoresen Formula Ford


Snetterton, 26 April 1970, B.R.S.C.C.

1. Geddes Yeates


Castle Combe, Saturday 9 May 1970, B.R.S.C.C (South-Western Centre)

Guards Formula Ford championship round:

1. Colin Vandervel (Merlyn Rowland), 92.26 mph:

2. G. Yeates (Merlyn 11A);

3. M. Harness (Lotus 61M) 


Oulton Park, Saturday 4 July 1970, Mid-Cheshire Championship Car Races

Les Leston Formula Ford

1. C. Vandervell (Merlyn) time 19 min 24 sec., speed 83.39 m.p.h.

2. J. Trevelyan (Merlyn)

3. P. Lamplough (Palliser)

Fastest lap: Vandervell, 87.65 m.p.h.

Formula Ford 

1. J. Trevelyan (Merlyn) time: 20 min 51 sec., speed 79.45 m.p.h.

2. P. Lamplough (Palliser)

3. E. Wilcox (Pringett)

Fastest lap: Trevelyan 80.68 m.p.h.


Mallory Park, Sunday 5 July 1970, Mini Seven Club


Castle Combe, 25 July 1970, B.R.S.C.C.

Guards FF Championship Final: Peter Lamplough (Palliser), Ian Taylor (March), M. Campbell Cole (Merlyn)  


Silverstone, 2 August 1970, Nottingham S.C.C.

1. Bill Stone (March); 2. J. Garratt (Lotus); 3. A. Baillie (Dulon)


Brands Hatch, 2 August 1970, Sutton and Cheam M.C.

Two heats and a final


Mallory Park, Sunday 9 August 1970, B.R.S.C.C. (Midland Centre) - two events


Lydden, Sunday 9 August 1970, T.E.A.C.


Croft, Sunday 9 August 1970, B.A.R.C. midsummer meeting

Tate round  


Oulton Park, 26 September 1970, B.R.S.C.C. (NW Centre)

Les Leston FF Championship


Mallory Park, Sunday 4 October 1970, B.A.R.C.

FF 1. J. Elliot (Merlyn) 90.85 m.p.h.


Oulton Park, Saturday 17 October 1970, B.A.R.C. Championship Car Races

Les Leston Formula Ford: 1. B. Vermilio (Merlyn), 18 min. 16.8 sec. 90.63 mph. 2. Geddes Yeates (Merlyn). 3. Brian McGuire (Merlyn). Fastest lap: Yeates, 92.03 mph. 


Castle Combe, Saturday 17 October 1970, Hagley D.C.C.

Townsend Thoresen Formula Ford final round


Silverstone, Saturday 17 October 1970, B.R.D.C. Clubmen's Championship Final


Guards International Motor Show 200 BRANDS HATCH Sunday, 18th October on the 2.65 mile Grand Prix Circuit,

36 top formula Ford drivers in a 10-lap final round of the Johnson Euro-trophy, including "seven Formula Ford national champions."


Mallory Park, 1 November 1970, B.R.S.C.C.

Race A:— P. Tinworth, Martin Ford

Race B: Peter Hull, Lola T200


Brands Hatch, 8 November 1970, T.E.A.C.

Event 3:

1. Peter Hull (Lola T200) 9 mins 8.8 sec

2. Tom Pryce (Lola T200)

Joint lap record: Hull, Pryce: 53.8 sec

Event 6:

1. John Trevelyan (Merlyn) 9 mins 15.4 sec

2. Vern Schuppan (Palliser)


TATE FF Championship

1. Derrick Lawrence (Titan Mk6)

2. Chris Meek (Titan Mk6)

3. Keith Garratt (Lotus 51/cx)


Bob Evans: Palliser-BRM WDFZ- Formula Ford 1600

Won the Townsend Thoresen Challenge


RACING AWARDS The Grovewood motor racing awards given to drivers who show outstanding promise have this year been awarded to Formula Ford driver Colin Vandervell etc.



Edited by Rupertlt1, 29 April 2021 - 17:13.

#3 Rupertlt1

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Posted 27 April 2021 - 18:45


MOTOR RACING CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL FOR OULTON PARK The British Oxygen Company, which last season backed a very successful Formula Libre series, will be sponsoring a major £2,225 Formula Ford Championship during 1971. It is the BOC Formula Ford Championship, and will embrace 20 races, to be staged at six circuits Brands Hatch, Castle Combe, Mallory Park, Mondello Park, Oulton Park and Snetterton. Each race will be a minimum of 10 laps (excluding heats, if any). and points will be allocated on the basis of 9, 6,4, 3, 2 and 1 for the first six places, with prize money at the rate of £4 per point This means a prize purse of £100 for each race. A driver's best 16 scores will count towards his championship placing, and the championship winner will receive £100 and the BOC Golden Helmet Trophy the helmet and goggles worn by Stirling Moss when he won the British Grand Prix at Aintree in 1957. There will be £75 for the runner-up, and £50 for third place. The first qualifying race takes place at Brands Hatch on 7th March, and the final event is at Oulton Park on 16th October.


Mallory Park, Sunday 14 March 1971, B.A.R.C.

BOC Formula Ford


Mallory Park, Sunday 29 August, B.R.S.C.C.

Two heats and a 25-lap final for the B.O.C. FF Championship.


Oulton Park, 16 October 1971, B.A.R.C. NW Centre

BOC Formula Ford race: 

1. Tony Brise (Merlyn) 92.08 m.p.h.

2. Bernard Vermilio (Merlyn)

3. Tim Brise (Elden)

Championship: 1. Bernard Vermilio; 2. Tony Brise


Tom Pryce, winner of the "Crusader" Formula Ford series in 1970. 




Edited by Rupertlt1, 30 April 2021 - 08:05.

#4 Bloggsworth

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Posted 27 April 2021 - 18:54

Ah, Peter Hull - Never seemed to drive the same car twice. I remember, at Chris Steele's, when Alan Jones got a top F3 drive, Hull saying "Alan Jones! He couldn't drive a greasy stick up a dog's arse..."


The kind of quip one never forgets, and so wrong...

Edited by Bloggsworth, 27 April 2021 - 18:57.

#5 Rupertlt1

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Posted 28 April 2021 - 06:45








#6 Michael Ferner

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Posted 28 April 2021 - 07:20

I'm talking about full results, not just winners, if at all possible.

How brave (or, foolish?) are you?  ;) Full Formula Ford results? Just recently, I read a report about a 1975 (I think) Formula Ford race, claiming that the entry was "badly affected" by a couple of clashing races, so that only two heats were sufficient to deal with the paltry 88 cars. Mind you, that was just one of approximately 200 or 300 FFord races in Britain that year alone.


One of my long-term projects is to find the top six (or, maybe ten if I'm lucky) finishers of the three big club championships, and I've done a bit of preparational work so far. It would be good to know what exactly you're after, and maybe I could bring this task forward a bit, but it's certainly not a job of a few weeks, so a time frame in which you need the data would be helpful, too. :)

#7 Michael Ferner

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Posted 28 April 2021 - 07:45

To be more precise, and to avoid doing unnecessary duplication of work, I have a pretty full collection of 1975 Autosport in digital copies, so if Rupert continues with his early seventies results, I could chime in with the 1975 results later on. But, to be brutally honest, I have a pretty full plate of work these days, so I'm not really anxious to do this; on the other hand I will do this anyway some time in the future, so to bring it forward would be sensible if I know it is exactly what you're after, Richard!

#8 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 28 April 2021 - 15:12

To be more precise, and to avoid doing unnecessary duplication of work, I have a pretty full collection of 1975 Autosport in digital copies, so if Rupert continues with his early seventies results, I could chime in with the 1975 results later on. But, to be brutally honest, I have a pretty full plate of work these days, so I'm not really anxious to do this; on the other hand I will do this anyway some time in the future, so to bring it forward would be sensible if I know it is exactly what you're after, Richard!


I'll PM you. 

#9 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 28 April 2021 - 20:40


Excellent, Rupert, very enlightening, thank you. Every little helps! 

#10 Rupertlt1

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Posted 29 April 2021 - 10:45

Not quite in the target zone, but:


Sebring, Sunday 28 December 1969, Grants '8' Formula F Championship, 30 laps, 66 miles, prize awards of $10,000

Formula Ford entry list included:

Gerry Birrell, Belfast, Northern Ireland, the 1969 European FF Champ;

Tim Schenken, the 1968 FF European and British titleholder;

Tony Trimmer, who won 10 races in 18 starts this year;

Reine Wisell, the 1969 European Formula 3 winner;

Huub Vermeulen, the Dutch FF champ;

Dave Walker, Sydney, Australia, Lotus 61 — "Walker holds the British Formula Ford Championship."


Some sources say race due on the Saturday, but run Sunday "between the two heats of the feature" Formula A races.  


Provisional results:

1. Tim Schenken, London, Fred Opert Racing, Titan Ford-Lucas, 40:38.9 minutes, 97.537 m.p.h.

2. Bill Scott, McLean, Va., Climax-Royale Ford

3. Skip Barber, Carlisle, Mass., Caldwell-Ford

4. Jim Jenkens, Yonkers, N.Y., Winklemann-Ford

5. Jim Clarke, Dearborn, Mich., Caldwell-Ford

6. Kurt Reinold, Rockford, Ill., Merlyn-Ford

7. Steve Louden, Dallas, Tex., Merlyn-Ford

8. Jack Cowell, New York, Winklemann-Ford

9. Nils Sanborn, Media, Pa., Merlyn-Cortina

10. Ed Patick, Dallas, Tex., Merlyn-Cortina


Qualifying: 4th Schenken; Scott 6th


"Stewards disqualified

Schenken late Sunday night

for having an illegal fly-

wheel on the car in violation

of race specifications.

Dr. William Scott of Mc-

Lean, Va., who trailed

Schenken across the finish

line by nine-tenths of a sec-

ond was declared the win-


The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Florida) Tuesday 30 Dec 1969, Page 24.


Schenken demoted to 22nd and last.


Does anybody have entry list/grid/report for this event? Why did the visiting foreign drivers not feature in the results?




Edited by Rupertlt1, 29 April 2021 - 13:32.

#11 Rupertlt1

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Posted 29 April 2021 - 15:58

Formula Ford was noted for the variety of cars from different manufacturers. Here is another from 1970 to add to the list. Is anything more known?


Photo caption of car #65: 

Clive Baker wins his

'race against time'

TORQUAY'S inter-

national racing driver

Clive Baker, roaring

down the runway at

Exeter Airport yesterday

evening at 137 m.p.h.

He successfully com-

pleted a fortnight's race

against time to build and

test his Baker Formula

Ford car, which he is

racing in America next


Held up by a shortage

of essential parts because

of trouble in the car in-

dustry, Clive and his two

mechanics, John Major

and Dick Thompson have

driven miles in search of

the pieces of equipment

they needed to finish

building the car, and have

worked late into the night

for a fornight to meet

their deadline for the


Final tests

Clive leaves Torquay

tonight, with the car, to

go to London Airport

where he is flying out on

tomorrow's jumbo jet to

America. He will carry

out his final tests at the

new road circuit at

Atlanta, Georgia, where

next week he will com-

pete in the final cham-

pion race of the Formula

Ford of the United States.

He is carrying the word

"TORBAY" on the side of

his car as well as on his

racing overalls, so the

county borough will be

well advertised.

Clive is on a sales drive

after the race to promote

the sale of the cars he

builds in his Torquay

workshop, and expects to

be in the States for at

least a couple of weeks.

Torbay Express and South Devon Echo, Saturday 3 October 1970, Page 1



Edited by Rupertlt1, 24 August 2021 - 11:46.

#12 Rupertlt1

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Posted 29 April 2021 - 17:30

Excellent, Rupert, very enlightening, thank you. Every little helps! 







#13 nexfast

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Posted 29 April 2021 - 21:57

"Gerry Birrell, Belfast, Northern Ireland, the 1969 European FF Champ"


Thought he was Scottish, did he ever live in NI? or Tampa Tribune excess of imagination?

#14 Rupertlt1

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 07:32



Mallory Park, Sunday 16 May 1971, B.R.S.C.C. Midland Centre

2 x 10 lap heats, 15-lap final


Brands Hatch, Sunday 4 July 1971, Sevenoaks and District Motor Club

Antiference FF Trophy


Castle Combe, Saturday 24 July 1971, B.R.S.C.C. South Western Centre

3 races for Townsend Thoresen and B.R.S.C.C. South Western Centre Championships 


Mallory Park, Sunday 8 August 1971, Clubman's Car Races, B.R.S.C.C. Midland Centre

Heat 1: Geoff Lees (Alexis Mark 15) 91.98 m.p.h.

Heat 2: J. Hamilton (Merlyn Mark 20) 93.22 m.p.h.

Heat 3: Colin Crang (Merlyn Mark 20) 93.80 m.p.h.

Final: J. Hamilton (Merlyn Mark 20) 94.37 m.p.h. (lap record to Crang)


Silverstone, Saturday 14 August 1971, B.R.S.C.C.

Formula Ford


Silverstone, Sunday 3 October 1971, Nottingham Sports Car Club

Formula Ford


Brands Hatch, 24 October 1971, B.A.R.C.

Johnson Wax Euro-Trophy



Edited by Rupertlt1, 30 April 2021 - 08:51.

#15 Rupertlt1

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 08:23

Brands Hatch


Much material here:





#16 Rupertlt1

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 14:37

1973 B.A.R.C. 'Wella for Men' Championship

May 20th, Brands Hatch

May 28, Thruxton

Sunday June 10, Silverstone

July 8, Thruxton

July 15, Cadwell Park

Saturday July 21, Oulton Park: 1. Stephen South (Ray), 2. Ted Wentz (Elden) 3. Peter Harrington. (Also race for Northwest FF)

July 29, Llandow

August 12, Croft

August 19, Brands Hatch

Monday August 27, Castle Combe

September 9, Silverstone

September 16, Thruxton

October 28, Thruxton


Championship winner: Ted Wentz



Edited by Rupertlt1, 01 May 2021 - 03:12.

#17 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 20:11

Thank you Rupert, this is all very helpful.

#18 LittleChris

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 20:28



Sebring, Sunday 28 December 1969, Grants '8' Formula F Championship, 30 laps, 66 miles, prize awards of $10,000

Formula Ford entry list included:

Gerry Birrell, Belfast, Northern Ireland, the 1969 European FF Champ;




I assume Belfast relates to the entrant in this case ( presumably Crossle ? ) 

#19 nexfast

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 21:30

I assume Belfast relates to the entrant in this case ( presumably Crossle ? ) 



Uhm... Then how can we explain a Lotus from Australia (D. Walker)?


#20 LittleChris

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 21:32

Uhm... Then how can we explain a Lotus from Australia (D. Walker)?

Self entered whilst Gerry's Crossle was entered as a works car ( wasn't the US the main market for Crossle )?

Edited by LittleChris, 30 April 2021 - 21:33.

#21 nexfast

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Posted 30 April 2021 - 21:35

I concede. Makes sense, At least like they say in italian, "si non è vero è ben trovato"  :p

#22 Rupertlt1

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Posted 01 May 2021 - 04:05


Formula Ford team

leaves for Rio

MOST OF the world's top Formula Ford drivers left Gatwick Airport, London yesterday (Thursday) en route for Rio de Janeiro and a five-race £10,000 championship series starting on Sunday. Among the drivers are two girls Gabriel Konig, from Ireland, and Liane Engeman, from Holland. European-based drivers from ten different countries will be competing in eight different makes of Formula Ford cars in the Torneio International BUA Formula Ford, with almost £2,000 in prize money for each of five races. The races will be at Rio de Janeiro on February 1, at Curitiba on February 8, at Rio again on February 15, at Fortaleza on February 22, and finally at Sao Paulo on March 1. Each race will be about 120 miles in length, run in two equal parts with aggregate times providing the overall result. Points will be on the same basis as the Fl drivers' world championship 9, 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1 for the first four events, with double points for the final race.

New Lola T200

The series will see the first racing appearance of the Lola T200, a sophisticated design, notable for being wider and shorter than its current rivals, in order to give good handling on road tyres (though the Brazilian series permits racing tyres). The car has fabricated front uprights and extra-large disc brakes, and is within a few pounds of the minimum weight laid down for Formula Ford. The T200 has already been tested at Brands Hatch by Brazilian ace Ricardo Achcar who likes the car very much and will be driving it in the Torneio. Eric Broadley, Lola chief, says: "The test were most encouraging, though we never had a dry circuit. So in effect Ricardo will be continuing the test programme in Brazil." British drivers include Ed Patrick (Hawke), Sid Fox (Mistrale), Ray Allen (Royale), Clive Santo (Merlyn), and Reg James (Lotus).

Harrow Observer, Friday 30 January 1970


The championship standings are here:




But what about the individual race results?


BUA = British United Airways



Edited by Rupertlt1, 01 May 2021 - 04:14.

#23 Rupertlt1

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Posted 01 May 2021 - 13:33



Brands Hatch, 7 March 1971, BOC


Mallory Park, 14 March 1971, BOC


Oulton Park, Saturday 20 March 1971, BOC


Snetterton, Sunday 28 March 1971, BOC, 


Mallory Park, 12 April 1971, BOC

British Oxygen Company Formula Ford Final: 1. Russell Wood, Palliser, 17mins 19.2sec, 93.53 m.p.h.


Silverstone, 12 April 1971, Nottingham Sports Car Club

Formula Ford: Martin Watson (Alexis Mark 18) 87.92 m.p.h.


Zandvoort, Holland, Monday 12 April 1971, 1st round of the European Johnson's Rally Wax Trophy


Silverstone, Sunday 18 April 1971?, Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham Automobile Club (SUNBAC).

Combined car and motorcycle meeting.

15-lap FF:

1. John Trevelyan (Crossle) 16min 27.6sec, 87.992 m.p.h.; 2. Ian Beresford (Palliser); 3. Mike King (Titan); 4. Robert Cooper (March); 5. Stephen Russell (Mallock)


Brands Hatch, Sunday 2 May 1971, B.R.S.C.C., BOC


Castle Combe, Saturday 15 May 1971, B.R.S.C.C., BOC


Mallory Park, Sunday 16 May 1971, B.R.S.C.C. Midland Centre

2 x 10 lap heats, 15-lap final

1. Jeremy Gambs, Lotus, 92.30 m.p.h.; 2. Mark Litchfield, Crossle; 3. P. Ellis, U2. Fastest lap: Ellis and S. Russell (Mallock) 94.55 m.p.h.


Silverstone, Sunday 16 May 1971

Formula Ford/Formula Four: 1. J. Trevelyan, Crossle 20F, 10min 57sec, 88.11 m.p.h.; 2. R. Keele, Crossle 20F; 3. C. Azevedo, Palliser WDF/3;

Fastest lap: C. Andrews, March 718, 1min 4.2sec, 90.17 m.p.h.


Mallory Park, Sunday 21 May 1971, B.A.R.C.


Snetterton, Monday 31 May 1971, BRSCC

British Oxygen Company Formula Ford

Heat One: Bernard Vermilio, Merlyn, 95.32 m.p.h.

Heat Two: R. Wood, Palliser Piper, 95.30 m.p.h.

Final: R. Wood, Palliser Piper, 96.23 m.p.h.


Silverstone, Monday 31 May, Nottingham Sports Car Club 

Formula Ford/Formula Four: 1. Ian Beresford, Palliser WDF 3, 11mins 10.6sec, 86.32 m.p.h.  


Cadwell Park, ??

1. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F


Silverstone, Sunday 20 June 1971, Nottingham Sports Car Club

1. Richard Mallock, U2 Mark 9, 87.00 m.p.h.


Mallory Park, Sunday 20 June 1971, Mini Seven Club

1. Neil Ginn (Lotus 69) 91 m.p.h


Brands Hatch, Sunday 4 July 1971, Sevenoaks and District Motor Club

Antiference FF Trophy


Mallory Park, 4 July 1971, BOC


Ingliston, Sunday 18 July 1971

1. Neil Ginn, Helensburgh (Lotus 69) 67.66 m.p.h.

2. Damien Magee, Belfast (Palliser)

3. P. Harrington, Scunthorpe (Merlyn)

4. Donald Macleod (Dulon LD4C)


Castle Combe, Saturday 24 July 1971, B.R.S.C.C. South Western Centre

3 races for Townsend Thoresen and B.R.S.C.C. South Western Centre Championships


Brands Hatch, Sunday 25 July 1971 


Silverstone, Sunday 1 August 1971, N.S.C.C., Luton Motors Group Trophy

1. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F


Mondello Park, 2 August 1971


Mallory Park, Sunday 8 August 1971, Clubman's Car Races, B.R.S.C.C. Midland Centre

Heat 1: Geoff Lees (Alexis Mark 15) 91.98 m.p.h.

Heat 2: J. Hamilton (Merlyn Mark 20) 93.22 m.p.h.

Heat 3: Colin Crang (Merlyn Mark 20) 93.80 m.p.h.

Final: J. Hamilton (Merlyn Mark 20) 94.37 m.p.h. (lap record to Crang)


Brands Hatch, GP circuit, 14 August 1971


Silverstone, Saturday 14 August 1971, B.R.S.C.C.

Formula Ford 


Oulton Park, Saturday 28 August 1971, B.R.S.C.C. Northern Championship , 

1. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F


Mallory Park, Sunday 29 August 1971, B.R.S.C.C. Midland Centre

BOC two heats and 25-lap final

Heat One: 1. Bernard Vermilio (Merlyn)

Heat two: 1. Tony Brise (Elden)

Final: 1. Vermilio (Merlyn) 21mins 26.4secs, 94.44 m.p.h ; 2. Brise (Elden); 3. C. Smith (Merlyn)


Silverstone, Monday 30 August 1971, Nottingham Sports Car Club 


Llandow, Monday 30 August 1971

1. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F, also pole position


Silverstone, Saturday 11 September 1971, Peterborough Motor Club

2nd Garratt


Cadwell Park, Sunday 12 September 1971, Tate Championship Trophy Race

1. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F, Lural Racing, 20 mins 8 secs, (also pole position)


Silverstone, Sunday 26 September 1971, B.A.R.C. (North Thames Centre)


Silverstone, Sunday 3 October 1971, Nottingham Sports Car Club

1. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F, 87.68 m.p.h.; 3rd Geoff Lees


Castle Combe, 9 October 1971, BOC


Croft, Sunday 17 October 1971: Final round of the Tate Formula Ford Championship

1. Chris Meek (Lotus 69); 2. Don McLeod (Dulon LD4C); 3. Ken Bailey (Titan); 4. Neil Ginn

Ken Bailey was the Champion, followed by Ginn 2nd, Meek 3rd


Brands Hatch, 24 October 1971, B.A.R.C.

Johnson Wax Euro-Trophy


Mallory Park, 27 December 1971, Christmas Car Races

Heat 1:

1. Mark Litchfield, Crossle 20F, 9mins 57sec

2. John Trevelyan, Crossle JDM, 9mins 57.2sec

3. David Martell, Titan Mark 4, 10mins 12.4sec

Heat 2:

1. Frank Sytner, Merlyn MkII/20, 9mins 50sec

2. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F, 9mins 50.2sec

3. Tiff Needell, Lotus 69F, 9mins 56.2sec

Formula Ford Final, 20-laps

1. John Trevelyan, Crossle JDM, 18mins 31.4sec

2. Graham Cuthbert, Lotus 69F, 18mins 33.6sec  

3. Keith Garratt, Lotus 69F, 18mins 37.6sec

Fastest lap: Keith Garratt, 53.8sec

"After the race an R & E

Engineering Director, Les Ryder,

who was a well known with

the Jaguar team in the

Stirling Moss era, assured Keith

and the team that they would have

R & E racing engines for the rest

of the season."


Note: Includes material at post #14.


For more Euro series see: https://tentenths.co...401&postcount=8



Edited by Rupertlt1, 03 May 2021 - 12:54.

#24 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 04 May 2021 - 19:57

For anyone else looking, I found this programme filled out from Thruxton - https://davestestsan...on11may1975.pdf

#25 FJB

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Posted 20 June 2021 - 17:31

Hi  I raced in F Ford from 1967 - 1978 and eventually won a few races as works driver for Image Race Cars from 1975 - 1978. However I had a one off race in a Hamlen designed and built by David Martin, a very clever engineer and restorer of GT40's and Lola GT's etc,  I am sure in 1972, at Brands Hatch.  I was dicing for the lead on the last lap, I think with Buzz Buzaglo, when he spun at the exit of Bottom Bend when I was just about to attempt an overtake, and to avoid ramming him I went off the track, and ended up over flying the bank behind the control tower and I think over the cars waiting there. A pretty big shunt. I am trying to get the date, and if anyone had any info, photos etc I would be grateful. I am listed in the programme in a Hamlen for the meeting of March 5th 1972, but did not race at that one apparently so it should be close to that date maybe. Should you have been marshalling you would remember it! Cheers Frank Bayes



#26 68targa

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 13:36

Not sure if you want non-championship races.

This one is from 25 Jan 1970 Brands Hatch pre-season races.






22 Feb 1970 - Brands Hatch - Round 1 Townsend Thoresen FF  Challenge.



Results in the final were:


1st - #5 Claude Bourgoingnie - Lotus 61

2nd - #6 Bernard Vermillo - Merlyn Mk11

3rd - #8 Simon Sherman - Merlyn Mk11A

4th - #68 Russell Wood - Merlyn Mk11A



In addition to post #2 above for the  1 March 1970 - Brands Hatch - Townsend Thoresen.


3rd - John Trevelyan - Merlyn Mk17

4th - Bernard Hunter - Merlyn Mk11A

5th - Colin Morgan - Merlyn Mk11A

6th - John Buzaglo - Merlyn Mk11


In addition to post #2 above for the 30 March 1970 Brands Hatch - Evening News Trophy Race.


4th - Simon Sherman Merlyn

5th - Michael Campbell Cole - Merlyn

6th - Mike Turner - Merlyn



 3 May 1970 - Brands hatch Les Leston Trophy Race :-


#27 Rupertlt1

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 06:45


March 30 Zandvoort, Monza

April 5 Coxyde, Osterreichring

April 12 Hockenheim, Vallelunga, Salzburgring

April 19 Vallelunga

May 3 Vienna

May 10 Zolder, Monza

May 17 Vallelunga

May 24 Zolder, Monza

May 28 Monza

May 31 Chimay

June 7 Zolder, Monza

June 21 Zolder, Monza

June 28 Anderstorp

July 5 Monza, Zandvoort

July 12 Salzburgring

Aug 2 Salzburgring

Aug 16 Osterreichring

Aug 23 Les Rangiers

Aug 30 Salzburgring

Sep 6 Vallelunga, Zolder

Sep 13 Vallelunga, Tulln-Langenlebarn

Sep 20 Vallelunga

Oct 4 Vallelunga

Oct 18 Vallelunga, Brands Hatch

Autosport, 27 Nov 1969, Page 40

European Championship Rounds in bold. Eight qualifying rounds referred to in this edition of Autosport. There was a round at the Salzburgring? Imola (possibly replaced Vallelunga)?


See: https://primotipo.co...d-championship/



Edited by Rupertlt1, 22 June 2021 - 07:03.

#28 Michael Ferner

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 07:10

Who sanctioned that European Championship? That's too early for EFDA, isn't it?

#29 GazChed

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 09:11

I have a feeling it was the Formula Ford Drivers Association founded by Nick Syrett who liaised with foreign circuits to give his members the opportunity to race on the continent.

#30 bradbury west

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 10:25

I always understood that Nick Brittan was the key force behind expanding Formula Ford into  Europe, that  coming from an  in period occasional participant. Having spoken to Nick Syrett on various occasions  years ago about a variety of stuff, much of it digressions, such was his vast range of knowledge about such a lot of stuff, I can understand his wish to be involved.

Roger Lund

Edited by bradbury west, 22 June 2021 - 10:29.

#31 70JesperOH

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 12:53

Who sanctioned that European Championship? That's too early for EFDA, isn't it?


According to linkedln https://lu.linkedin....-partel-2893157 EFDA was founded in 1979 and ended the Ford powered series at the end of 1987, to hook up with GM Opel/Vauxhall for 1988.


Jesper OH

#32 MCS

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 13:02

Pretty certain the previous two posts are correct.  It absolutely wasn't EFDA - a late seventies "invention" about which, well, the less said the better.


Fairly sure the initial European Formula Ford series was sponsored by Johnson's Wax and I had (possibly still have) a sticker saying as much.  Can I find it?  Well, can I hell, but at least I can see it in my mind's eye.


(As we all know, FF200 was invented in 1974 with the first proper race the year after).


EDIT.  Apologies, Jesper - you beat me to it.

Edited by MCS, 22 June 2021 - 13:06.

#33 GazChed

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 13:06

Roger was quite right, it was Nick Brittan through his organisation Formula Ford International, who began the European Formula Ford championship in 1969. By 1970 it was sponsored by Johnson Wax with 37 races in nine countries with Stirling Moss through his Johnson contacts attending many of launch press conferences. The championship was won by Claude Bourgoignie who won not only a new Ford Cortina and trailer but a fully sponsored F3 car for the 1971 season.

How do I know this ? I have looked it up in The Formula Ford Book by...Nick Brittan !

Edited by GazChed, 22 June 2021 - 13:09.

#34 Michael Ferner

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 14:04

Thanks, chaps. The first year I could see EFDA involvement was 1979, so evidently that's correct. However, I don't quite share the sentiment expressed above about EFDA "the less said the better". Dan Partel is a hero in my book, his various championships provided a lot of aspiring drivers and teams the opportunity to hone their skills on a supranational stage.

Edited by Michael Ferner, 22 June 2021 - 14:05.

#35 Rupertlt1

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 06:22

This is best efforts:



30 Mar Zandvoort

12 Apr Hockenheim

24 May Zolder

28 Jun Anderstorp

12 Jul Salzburgring, Rennen der Formel Ford:

1. Colin Vandervell (GB) auf Merlyn-Rowland, 25 Runden in 38:34,21 (164,91 km/h).

2. Peter Lamplough (GB) auf Palliser, 38:34,33.

3. Claude Bourgoignie (BE) auf Lotus, 38:34,73.

23 Aug Les Rangiers (hill climb) Formel Ford:

1. C. Bourgoignie (Belgien) auf Lotus 4:38,63.

2. Vandervell Colin, Merlyn 17 ;

3. Carling Charles, Crossle 16 F.

29 Sep Imola

18 Oct Brands Hatch


Somebody must have the results from Brands Hatch?



Edited by Rupertlt1, 24 June 2021 - 07:21.

#36 70JesperOH

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 06:35

Here's a link to the Anderstorp results: https://www.svenskra...einfo/?race=188


Jesper OH

#37 Geoff E

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 08:10


Somebody must have the results from Brands Hatch?




Daily Mirror, 19 Oct


C Vandervell (Merlyn 17 Rowland), 89.41 mph

#38 john winfield

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 10:44

Hi  I raced in F Ford from 1967 - 1978 and eventually won a few races as works driver for Image Race Cars from 1975 - 1978. However I had a one off race in a Hamlen designed and built by David Martin, a very clever engineer and restorer of GT40's and Lola GT's etc,  I am sure in 1972, at Brands Hatch.  I was dicing for the lead on the last lap, I think with Buzz Buzaglo, when he spun at the exit of Bottom Bend when I was just about to attempt an overtake, and to avoid ramming him I went off the track, and ended up over flying the bank behind the control tower and I think over the cars waiting there. A pretty big shunt. I am trying to get the date, and if anyone had any info, photos etc I would be grateful. I am listed in the programme in a Hamlen for the meeting of March 5th 1972, but did not race at that one apparently so it should be close to that date maybe. Should you have been marshalling you would remember it! Cheers Frank Bayes


Hello Frank,

Many of us, I'm sure, have good memories of you in the Image. Any joy yet with information on your earlier aerial experience at Brands? Sounds terrifying!

#39 john winfield

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 10:54

Brands Hatch  September 13th 1970    Les Leston championship round   Short circuit  8 laps


1. Reg James  Lotus 

2. Vern Schuppan  Palliser  (FL  62.0s)

3. Russell Wood  Merlyn

4. Tony Roberts  Hawke.


Trevelyan spun out of lead on last lap, Gambs in the hunt, Vandervell strangely off the pace.


Several F Fords also raced in a 10 lap Libre race.  Jeremy Gambs won in his Lotus, from John Trevelyan's Merlyn.


#40 john winfield

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 11:00

Daily Mirror, 19 Oct


C Vandervell (Merlyn 17 Rowland), 89.41 mph


This was the Motor Show meeting (Oct 18th). I don't have any official details at hand but I think Claude Bourgoignie may have finished second.


Here's a piece on Colin Vandervell that might be of interest:



#41 68targa

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 14:21

This was the Motor Show meeting (Oct 18th). I don't have any official details at hand but I think Claude Bourgoignie may have finished second.


Brands Hatch  18 Oct 1970 - 10 laps


1st - #29 Colin Vandervell - Merlyn Mkl17  -  17m47.0  -  89.41mph

2nd - # 1 Claude Bourgoignie - Lotus 59

3rd - #42 Bob Evans - Palliser WDF2

4th - #43 David Cripps - Palliser WDF2

5th - # 5 Mo Harness - Lotus 59F

6th - # 46 Tom Belso - Hawke DL2A


Fastest lap Claude Bourgoignie - Lotus 59 - 1.44.8 - 91.03 mph which set a new lap record.


There was an accident at Paddock Bend on lap 2 which resulted in a restart.

#42 Michael Ferner

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 18:19

A few from Italy:


June 2, Imola, 12 laps


1 Alceste Bodini, Tecno, 24'41.0"

2 Giancarlo Naddeo, De Sanctis, 24'41.3"

3 David Minister, Titan, 24'56.5"

4 Piscopo, Tecno, 24'56.8"

5 Pesenti, Tecno, 24'56.8"

6 Mimmo Bertone, Tecno, 25'14.2"


June 7, Monza short, 20 laps


1 Biagio Cammarone, Lotus, 21'07.8"

2 Gustavo Palermo, Tecno, 21'11.5"

3 Carlo Orsi, BWA, 21'22.4"

4 David Minister, Titan, 21'22.6"

5 Pesenti, Tecno, 21'25.1"

6 Bob Ellice, Lotus, 21'25.3"


September 27, Imola, 12 laps


1 Claude Bourgoignie, Lotus 61M, 23'38.4"

2 Hans Mayer, Hawke, 23'43.0"

3 Jac Nellemann, McNamara

4 Peter Wardle, Lotus 61

5 Giancarlo Naddeo, De Sanctis

6 Strous, Lotus 61M

#43 Michael Ferner

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 19:04

March 30, Zandvoort, 15 laps


1 Tony Trimmer, Lola T200, 26'25.4"

2 Claude Bourgoignie, Lotus 59F

3 Tom Belsø, Hawke DL2A

4 Tom Strous, Lotus 61M

5 Brian Nelson, Crosslé 16F

6 The Koks, Lotus 61M


April 12, Hockenheim, 15 laps


1 ian Taylor, March 708, 37'13.3"

2 Tony Trimmer, Lola T200

3 Brian Nelson, Crosslé 16F

4 Colin Vandervell, Merlyn 11A

5 Claude Bourgoignie, Lotus 59F

6 Huub Vermeulen, Lotus 61M


May 24, Zolder, 20 laps


1 Claude Bourgoignie, Lotus 59F, 34'52.6"

2 Colin Vandervell, Merlyn 11A

3 Huub Vermeulen, Lotus 61M

4 Derek Lawrence, Titan 6

5 Mike Fraser, Royale RP2A

6 Tom Belsø, Hawke DL2A

#44 GazChed

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 19:44

Here is a picture of Frank Bayes at Thruxton on 12/10/75 leading Rod Bremner and Rick Morris. Frank and Rod battled for second for the whole race before Frank misjudged an over taking attempt at the chicane on the last lap collecting Derek Warwick's retired Hawke.

This race saw Geoff Lees win one of many races in the 1975 season, going on to win three Formula Ford championships and the Formula Ford Festival. He had a busy day travelling between Thruxton and Mallory by Bell Jet Ranger. Unfortunately Geoff was out of luck at Mallory retiring with engine problems.

Here is the result of the Thruxton race. (8 Laps)

1st Geoff Lees (Royale RP21) 11:46.6 96.03 mph.

2nd Rod Bremner (Crossle 25F)

3rd Rick Morris (Hawke DL12)

4th Lou de Marco (Hawke DL12)

5th Richard Wills (MRE 75F)

6th Neil Israel (Hawke DL11)

Fastest lap Geoff Lees 1:27.2 97.27 mph

Edited by GazChed, 24 June 2021 - 20:17.

#45 Michael Ferner

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 20:08


Formula Ford team

leaves for Rio

MOST OF the world's top Formula Ford drivers left Gatwick Airport, London yesterday (Thursday) en route for Rio de Janeiro and a five-race £10,000 championship series starting on Sunday. Among the drivers are two girls Gabriel Konig, from Ireland, and Liane Engeman, from Holland. European-based drivers from ten different countries will be competing in eight different makes of Formula Ford cars in the Torneio International BUA Formula Ford, with almost £2,000 in prize money for each of five races. The races will be at Rio de Janeiro on February 1, at Curitiba on February 8, at Rio again on February 15, at Fortaleza on February 22, and finally at Sao Paulo on March 1. Each race will be about 120 miles in length, run in two equal parts with aggregate times providing the overall result. Points will be on the same basis as the Fl drivers' world championship 9, 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1 for the first four events, with double points for the final race.

New Lola T200

The series will see the first racing appearance of the Lola T200, a sophisticated design, notable for being wider and shorter than its current rivals, in order to give good handling on road tyres (though the Brazilian series permits racing tyres). The car has fabricated front uprights and extra-large disc brakes, and is within a few pounds of the minimum weight laid down for Formula Ford. The T200 has already been tested at Brands Hatch by Brazilian ace Ricardo Achcar who likes the car very much and will be driving it in the Torneio. Eric Broadley, Lola chief, says: "The test were most encouraging, though we never had a dry circuit. So in effect Ricardo will be continuing the test programme in Brazil." British drivers include Ed Patrick (Hawke), Sid Fox (Mistrale), Ray Allen (Royale), Clive Santo (Merlyn), and Reg James (Lotus).

Harrow Observer, Friday 30 January 1970


The championship standings are here:




But what about the individual race results?



Only from the last race:


1 Emerson Fittipaldi, Lotus 61M/Holbay

2 Ian Ashley, Lotus 61M

3 Wilson Fittipaldi, Lotus 61M

4 Ray Allen, Royale RP2

5 Luiz Bueno, Lola T200


FL Emerson F. 3'11"

#46 GazChed

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 20:32

Due to the large entry at Thruxton on the 12/10/75 there was a consolation race.

Thruxton 12/10/75 Formula Ford Consolation (7 Laps)

1st Garrett Conklin (Hawke DL12) 11:09.4 88.69 mph

2nd John Scannell (Merlyn Mk11A)

3rd Tony Broster (Dulon MP17)

4th Ed Bunker (Royale RP16A)

5th Phil Silverstone (Hawke DL12)

6th Graham Jones (Royale RP16)

Fastest lap Conklin, Scannell and Broster 1:33.0 91.2 mph

#47 sat

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 21:25

1.2.1970 Autodromo de Jacarepaqua, Rio de Janeiro 35 laps

KL 1. 1 Lotus 61M-Ford Emerson Fittipaldi BR KL 2.   Royale RP2A-Ford Ray Allen GB KL 3.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Peter Hull NZ KL 4. 3 Lotus 61M-Ford Ian Ashley GB KL 5.   Lotus 61M-Ford Wilson Fittipaldi BR KL 6.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Norman Casari BR KL 7.   Royale RP2B-Ford Tony Lafranchi GB KL 8.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Vern Schuppan AUS KL 9.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Milton Amaral BR KL 10.   Lotus 61M-Ford Reg James GB KL 11.   Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Belsø DK KL 12.   Macon-Ford Gabriele Konig IRL KL 13.   Titan Mk4-Ford Val Musetti GB KL 14.   Lola T200-Ford Ricardo Achcar BR AB     Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Walkinshaw GB AB     Mistrale-Ford Syd Fox GB AB     Mistrale-Ford Liane Engemann NL J     Macon-Ford Max Fletcher   J     Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Luis Pereira Bueno BR J     Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Clive Santo   J     Hawke-Ford Ed Patrick   NS     Lotus 61-Ford Marivaldo Fernandes BR



8.2.1970 Autodromo Paulo Pimentel, Curitiba (Paraná) 60 laps

KL 1.   Lotus 61M-Ford Ian Ashley GB KL 2.   Royale RP2A-Ford Ray Allen GB KL 3. 4 Lotus 61M-Ford Marivaldo Fernandes BR KL 4.   Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Walkinshaw GB KL 5.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Milton Amaral BR KL 6.   Lotus 61M-Ford Reg James GB KL 7.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Norman Casari BR KL 8. 1 Lotus 61M-Ford Emerson Fittipaldi BR KL 9.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Peter Hull NZ KL 10.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Clive Santo BR KL 11.   Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Belsø DK KL 12.   Titan Mk4-Ford Val Musetti GB KL 13. 2 Lotus 61M-Ford Wilson Fittipaldi BR KL 14.   Macon-Ford Gabriele Konig IRL AB 15.   Mistrale-Ford Syd Fox GB AB     Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Vern Schuppan AUS AB     Lola T200-Ford Ricardo Acchar BR AB     Royale RP2B-Ford Tony Lafranchi GB AB     Mistrale-Ford Liane Engemann NL J     Hawke-Ford Ed Patrick   J     Macon-Ford Max Fletcher   AB     Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Luiz Pereira Bueno BR


15.2.1970 Autodromo Virgilio Távora, Fortaleza (Ceará) 50 laps

KL 1. 1 Lotus 61M-Ford Emerson Fittipaldi BR KL 2.   Merlyn-Ford Luis Pereira Bueno BR KL 3.   Lotus 61M-Ford Ian Ashley GB KL 4.   Royale RP2A-Ford Ray Allen GB KL 5.   Lotus 61M-Ford Wilson Fittipaldi BR KL 6.   Lotus 61M-Ford Marivaldo Fernandes BR KL 7.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Milton Amaral BR KL 8.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Peter Hull NZ KL 9.   Royale RP2B-Ford Tony Lafranchi GB KL 10.   Lotus 61M-Ford Reg James GB KL 11.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Clive Santo BR KL 12.   Macon-Ford Max Fletcher   AB 13.   Titan Mk4-Ford Val Musetti GB AB     Hawke-Ford Ed Patrick   AB     Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Walkinshaw GB AB     Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Belsø DK AB     Lola T200-Ford Ricardo Achcar BR NS     Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Norman Casari BR NS     Mistrale-Ford Syd Fox GB NS     Mistrale-Ford Liane Engemann NL NS     Macon-Ford Gabriele Konig IRL


22.2.1970 Autodromo de Jacarepaqua, Rio de Janeiro 35 laps

KL 1.   Merlyn Mk11-Ford Luis Pereira Bueno BR KL 2.   Lotus 61M-Ford Emerson Fittipaldi BR KL 3.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Norman Casari BR KL 4.   Lotus 61M-Ford Ian Ashley GB KL 5.   Lotus 61M-Ford Wilson Fittipaldi BR KL 6.   Royale RP2A-Ford Ray Allen GB KL 7.   Lotus 61M-Ford Marivaldo Fernandes BR KL 8.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Milton Amaral BR KL 9.   Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Belsø DK KL 10.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Vern Schuppan AUS KL 11.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Peter Hull NZ KL 12.   Macon-Ford Max Fletcher   KL 13.   Titan Mk4-Ford Val Musetti GB KL 14.   Mistrale-Ford Liane Engemann NL KL 15.   Merlyn Mk11A-Ford Clive Santo BR AB     Hawke DL2-Ford Tom Walkinshaw GB AB     Titan Mk4-Ford José Moraes Neto BR AB     Lotus 61M-Ford Reg James GB NS     Hawke-Ford Ed Patrick   NS     Macon-Ford Gabriele Konig IRL

Edited by sat, 24 June 2021 - 21:26.

#48 john winfield

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Posted 02 August 2021 - 14:28

Brands Hatch  Dec 10th 1972 -  Mini 7 Club meeting


Two 10 lap FF races:


The first:

1. Syd Fox  Hawke DL10

2. Stephen South  Palliser

3. Mark Litchfield  Elden

4. Rob Wicken  Merlyn


The second:

1. Syd Fox  Hawke

2. Rob Wicken  Merlyn

3. Richard Morgan  Lotus

4. Rick Morris  Hawke 

#49 Rupertlt1

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Posted 03 August 2021 - 08:10

See re Croft, 1972: https://forums.autos...s/#entry9557372


Mallory Park, 1972: https://forums.autos...-2#entry9557394



Edited by Rupertlt1, 03 August 2021 - 08:38.

#50 Jon Saltinstall

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Posted 06 February 2025 - 18:38

How are we on the Italian F.Ford series, chaps?


Specifically, I am trying to find the race numbers carried by Lella Lombardi's Tecno-Pirola in 1970-1971 in a handful of events, plus a couple of qualifying positions:


27 September 1970 - Imola - (Race #)

18 October 1970 - Monza - (Race # / Grid)

3 October 1971 - Varano - (Grid)

17 October 1971 - Vallelunga -  (Race # / Grid)


Thanks for your help!