South Australia has fixed term state elections. The next election will take place on Saturday, March 19 2022. The current incumbent party is the Liberal Party. At this time they are ruling in minority. Many, including myself, believe they are going to be very hard put to win the election. The Opposition is the Australian Labor Party.
Here is a report from the ABC dated Mon 2 Nov 2020
Labor Leader Peter Malinauskas flew to Sydney today to speak with Supercars CEO Sean Seamer and sign a memorandum and make an election promise to bring the (Adelaide 500) race back to Adelaide.
"We were able to sign a memorandum of understanding which puts me in a position to commit that a future Labor government will bring it back to the streets of Adelaide, where it belongs," Mr Malinauskas said.
That said, politicians in this country have a long, painstaking and thoroughly well-earned reputation for failing to follow through with commitments they made ahead of elections. So.... my breath I'm holding not!!!
It is/was my local track and it was wonderful to be at the Grand Prix all those years. The proximity of the track, at its western end, to eateries in Rundle Street lent it a fabulous atmosphere, way better than Albert Park. I was privileged, for most of those years, to have a full access pass (via my work) and I especially recall, one year, spending the whole race in the Williams garage, drinking in the ebb and flow of activity with Frank in the background, overseeing it all. A never to be repeated experience, I'm sure.
I think Adelaide was a better track to view on television than being there. Perhaps because I'm not a grandstand person, preferring to wear out shoe leather walking around tracks where that's possible, I invariably found that its flatness (lacking the mounds that surround a lot of the track in Melbourne) made viewing difficult at any interesting parts because, naturally, that's where great throngs of spectators would gather.
A final recollection. At the start of the 1989 race, the film crew of which I was a part, decided to abandon the filming leaving me free to do what I liked. I decided to walk the circuit in the bit between the crowd enclosures and the concrete barriers - getting happily soaking wet into the bargain. I was at the Stag Corner when Mansell ran into the barrier in the Ferrari 640. As he trudged back around the track towards the pits I followed him and realised why he was such a crowd favourite. First one glove, then the other, then his balacklava were flung into the grandstands, and all the way, he was waving to the spectators. They loved it!
Edited by Gary Davies, 11 October 2021 - 02:55.