Ironic. I just posted in the unpopular opinion thread that Piquet in the past said many things that would have made him lose his drive if there had been social media back then (and the furore that comes with it). Remember he insulted Mansell’s wife and insinuated things about Senna being a covert homosexual. I’m not surprised. By the way: Jos has done many stupid things, but I never heard him say deragatory things about entnicity… so need to drag him in.
Edit: I would like to hear from some Brazilians about the use of the word Piquet used. Is it taken as deragatory as described above?
Hi, Nemo.
I´m Brazilian and I´m black.
NEGUINHO is the diminutive of NEGO or NEGRO (formal translation of black). The word NEGO (without the 'R') were used to refer to black people in a derogatory way by the slave hunters or by the slave owners, mainly when the slave were punished or hunted.
NEGUINHO is diminutive, and it means little black, or it is used to refer to a young black man. In the past, the word were used to refer to the to ordinary people along the decades after slavery.
In the XX century, the word changed its meaning to illustrate ordinary people in general, but its meaning came from the way the racist white people used to see young black men, as someone without individual identity, someone in the middle of an undistinguished crowd of black people.
Nowadays none uses this word to refer to black people because it is clearly derogatory and offensive. Some black artists adopted the nickname Neguinho (like Neguinho da Beija Flor, a great samba singer!) just to defying the depreciatory nature of its original historical meaning, exactly in the sense that black people uses the 'N' word between themselves.
In this case, Piquet used the word TWICE. He clearly wants to be clear to his interlocutor and to aggrieve certain audience.
It was painfully racist for me. I grew up seeing my father, a black man, watching and rooting for Piquet on some Sunday mornings.
I'm still in disbelief.
Edited by joaoheitor, 26 June 2022 - 23:23.