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Vote the Livery! | Formula E Season 9 Edition

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Poll: Vote the Livery! | Formula E Season 9 Edition (34 member(s) have cast votes)

Best livery on the grid?

  1. ABT CUPRA (2 votes [5.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  2. NIO 333 (9 votes [26.47%])

    Percentage of vote: 26.47%

  3. PORSCHE (1 votes [2.94%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.94%

  4. JAGUAR (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. ENVISION (1 votes [2.94%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.94%

  6. DS PENSKE (5 votes [14.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.71%

  7. MASERATI (7 votes [20.59%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.59%

  8. ANDRETTI (3 votes [8.82%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.82%

  9. MCLAREN (2 votes [5.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  10. NISSAN (4 votes [11.76%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

  11. MAHINDRA (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 thegamer23

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 13:28

Kind of a new tradition for the FE series, would be nice to make this an yearly thing!  :smoking: 
New cars have come, but wich of them have the best livery?

Have your say!  :up:




HD Galleries here!





VOTES open for 3 days, deadline Monday 23.59! 








Abt Cupra comes with a turquoise-grey main colour with different shades & vibrant yellow lines.  







NIO 333


NIO333 comes with a funky, colourful livery, using different geometries all around the body's shape.  







Quite a lot going on in the Porsche paint scheme, but retains the trademark white, red & black. 








Jaguar went bonkers this season with an asymmetrical livery, using black & white with a golden stripe separating those colours.








Envision sticks with their green-dark blue scheme from Season 8. Quite appropriate, given they're running Jaguar powertrains this year.






DS Penske comes with Techeeta's trademark Gold/Black livery, using a diamond-shaped theme at the front of the car.









Maserati enters FE with a striking vibrant Blue livery, most noticeable from the above shots, while the sides are black.









Andretti sticks with Avalanche, meaning it retains its striking red/white look!
More black on the sides this year!








McLaren comes with their trademark papaya orange look, with black sidepods & cyan details.








Blossom petals in the light pink back area and a full red front of the car, Nissan is quite eye-catching this year!








Change of look for the Indian based team, with some blue in the rear, red till half of car's lenght that fades into a black-grey front.



Edited by thegamer23, 17 December 2022 - 13:31.


#2 romaincrouton

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 13:41

They’re all so pointy, I wish they floated like in Wipeout.

Has to be the Nio for me though, just a nice colour scheme, and it doesn’t seem as concerned as some of the others to attempt to reshape the car

Edited by romaincrouton, 17 December 2022 - 13:43.

#3 juicy sushi

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 14:39

Nissan for me, even though it needs more sakura and less red.

#4 Disgrace

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 15:14

DS Penske for me - they've combined the best of both worlds wonderfully. Classy.

#5 Ben1445

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 16:06

I’m saying ABT Cupra - breaking the mould a little on liveries there, nice to see from a brand

#6 danmills

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 16:07

My god they are some fugly cars in both shape and livery. It looks like the distance lods in GP4, pixelated canoes with wheels.

#7 pup

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 17:45

I have to give it to Penske. I usually don’t go for black and gold since it’s a bit of a rip of a classic livery, but this version looks fresh and it fits the car perfectly. Plus the mirror gold keeps it from being too much of a JPS wannabe.

A close second to Jaguar. I don’t think that photo does it justice since the asymmetry of the livery isn’t obvious. It’s a creative take that fits the car well and though simple will be distinctive on track.

Third place to the Cupra. Simple and elegant yet also edgy. Crisp.

Honorable mention to Nissan, Maserati and Andretti, in that order.

Mahindra, Envision and McLaren are competent but uninteresting. Zak, you’ve got to stop trying so hard with the black, you’re killing me.

Porsche confuses me - no idea what they’re trying for.

And the NIO is just a right mess, isn’t it.

#8 Rob G

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 18:17

I think the NIO looks great -- a complex livery that looks great on such a simple-looking machine. Porsche's is complex too, but it looks more like an art piece than a livery. There's just way too much going on there.


Conversely, the Abt Cupra color-shifting paint would work so much better on a curvier, more complicated car. On a car like this, it looks more like just a patchwork of mismatched flat panels.

#9 RacingGreen

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 19:31

Best - Maserati - clean and simple without all the clutter that the other team's graphic designers believe is needed

Worst - Porsche - see above

#10 thegamer23

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Posted 17 December 2022 - 19:45

Maserati & NIO 333 in the lead so far with 4 votes each, but things can still change!  :smoking:

Edited by thegamer23, 18 December 2022 - 21:40.

#11 maximilian

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 05:00

Maserati?  Are you people kidding me?  :lol:


By far the best two - NIO333 and Porsche

Pretty good - DS, Andretti, Jaguar

Quite alright - Nissan, Mahindra

Meh - McLaren, Envision

Urgh - Abt, Maserati

Edited by maximilian, 18 December 2022 - 05:01.

#12 Dara

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 07:16

the best: DS
the worst: Maserati.
the I have no idea how to make soup but I'll just try it, let me throw al these ingredients I've never heard of toghether and it turns out to be the best soup I've ever tasted: Porsche.

#13 RSRally

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 11:28

Great OP!

I've grown to quite like this Gen3 car from certain angles (mainly the side view and mainly the front end). Not keen on the head on view (the bit around the roll hoop is a mess) and it is very wide and bulky in front of the rear wheels. Thus i think the best liveries are the ones that try and disguise that. This is where the Maserati falls down despite a lovely colour. McLaren too.. cool to have some orange on the grid but i'd have used it differently i think.

I've voted for the Andretti, but the NIO runs it close. Nissan and DS with the shiny gold deserve a mention too.

#14 maximilian

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 15:56

At Maserati:


"Hey Vito, go paint those cars!"


"OK Boss, do we got any paint?"


"I dunno Vito, go check in the shed, I think there's some paint in there."


"OK Boss, I found half a can of blue paint and a couple of rolls of white tape."


"Good, go paint the cars."


"But Boss, there's not enough paint for both cars."


"Ah I dunno Vito, just paint the tops then, good enough."


"OK, Boss."




"Hey Vito, you forgot to take the tape off after painting around the edges."


"Sorry, Boss!"


"No matter, good enough!"

#15 thegamer23

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 21:40

Meanwhile, NIO is trying to breakaway from the pack, 7 votes.

DS Penske in 2nd with 5.

This could be the head to head for the best livery of 2023 award, still 24 hours to go.




#16 NewMrMe

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 22:22

I voted Maserati.Sometimes simple liveries can be effective and I do like the shade of Blue.


The worst is Mahindra. It looks like a cut and shut.

#17 juicy sushi

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Posted 19 December 2022 - 13:32

If the whole Maserati was blue, maybe I could understand.  But that black just kind of darkens the whole thing and ruins the effect of the blue, I think.  Perhaps blue with white below would have worked better.

#18 thegamer23

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Posted 21 December 2022 - 09:16

And NIO333 Wins this year's contest!

Final podium:


1) NIO333    (9 votes)

2) Maserati  (7 votes)

3) DS Penske  (5 votes)

4) Nissan (4 votes)
5) Andretti (3 votes)
6) ABT Cupra (2 votes)
7) McLaren (2 votes)

8) Porsche (1 vote)

9) Jaguar       (0 votes)
10) Envision  (0 votes)

11) Mahindra (0 votes)








