I'm sorry but this politcal correctness has to STOP. It's Christmas so say Happy Christmas or Merry Christmas, just drop this happy holiday rubbish.
Rant over, have a very Merry Christmas everybody.
One person's "political correctness" is another person's inclusion, decency, regard, and respect for others.
Your claim that "it's Christmas" - implying it's only Christmas, and suggesting other holidays during this time of the year are irrelevant/meaningless - is flatly wrong. There are several other overlapping holidays - religious, spiritual, or otherwise - simultaneously occurring, and they are all equally real, relevant, and meaningful as is Christmas. I watched my dad light the menorah last night; that meant a lot to me. We also simultaneously celebrate Christmas in our household, too. The menorah lighting is largely a token gesture done to carry on the tradition of my dad's genetic Jewish heritage, but it's still meaningful to us nonetheless.
"Happy Holidays" should not be perceived as a slight towards Christmas/Christians, or as anything other than a positive gesture of goodwill. For some reason people who celebrate named holidays other than Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc) never seem have an issue with the phrase "Happy Holidays" (in my experience, at least) .
Edited by catent, 19 December 2022 - 12:21.