Specifically, the people and organisations with "skin in the game" and therefore, those with by far the most to lose. They of course are also the only people considering each situation as competitive professionals and make no mistake, if they see or suspect even the smallest of actions that they believe to be unfair, unreasonable or in contravention of the rules, they'll make a lot of noise and push for changes (as we saw with the accusations and carry on over the Red Bull front tray adjuster this year).
You may recall that in the "Pink Mercedes" case, the other teams made a lot of noise, asked a lot of questions and the FIA issued clarifications and we haven't seen such blatant copying again. The fact, as mentioned by me and others through this thread, that other teams haven't made any noise about Red Bull dual ownership speaks volumes and indicates that there hasn't been cause for concern.
Re your first paragraph, the teams, the FIA, and Liberty certainly have 'skin in the game', but so do we fans, some of whom have been invested in and contributed to motor sport since when Stefano Domenicali and Mohammed Ben Sulayem were in short pants. And that is not to mention the interests of motor sport itself, which transcend the interests of us mortals and will matter long after all we mortals will be at that great race track in the sky. What is accepted in practice by them in power is not necessarily 'acceptable' to reason or fairness. The people in power are not the only ones who matter.
Re your second paragraph, I don't know about any other team owners or TPs, but Zak Brown has several times objected to the one-owner-two-teams loophole. I cannot recall a time when someone in this thread has argued that none of the teams had raised concerns but no one here corrected them on that point.
Zak Brown:
"No other sport to my knowledge allows co-ownership of two teams that compete against each other," Brown said when asked by The Race why he's been so vocal about A/B teams and co-ownership recently.
"So I think the sport, as we’re now in the budget cap era, has moved on to where we’re trying to have 10 independent teams from a sporting, from a political, from a technical point of view.
"I think they [Red Bull] are very much playing by the rules. I have an issue with the rules - and believe the FIA needs to address this."