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Place The Points Competition 2024 after Austria

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#1 Makarias

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Posted 01 July 2024 - 07:40

The standings after Austria:

Pos Name                  Tot Latest
1)  KWSN-DSM             1105 101
2)  Brawn BGP 001        1104 100
3)  Bleu                 1103  99
4)  LB                   1101  97
=   scheivlak            1101  97
6)  mark f1              1098  94
=   SpaceHorseParty      1098  94
8)  Anderis              1097  99
9)  sladealonso          1095  91
10) Costaz               1094  90
=   DutchQuicksilver     1094  90
=   GTA                  1094  90
13) Makarias             1092  89
14) ANF                  1091  88
=   LolaB8060            1091  90
16) M2000-5              1089  89
17) Benchulo             1086  95
18) polesetter1          1074  89
Wow, I don't even have to pretend that this round is interesting because it actually is! More weird results please!

The entries

The Drivers' list
Driver Expect  Surprise Beat
           %        %     #
Bear    INF,8    600,0   18  
Hülk    191,2     75,0   16
Magn    123,3     25,0    9
Norr     70,3     48,3    0
Pias     62,3     40,2    0
Sain     55,9     38,6    0
Russ     54,2     39,1    0
Lecl     49,1     39,2    0
Tsun     44,6     25,0    1
Pere     43,7     34,1    2
Vers     43,2     35,1    0
Hami     34,4     29,4    0
Stro     31,1     13,5    1
Alon     28,0     16,9    0
Gasl     17,3      9,1    0
Ricc     10,4      5,6    0
Ocon      9,3      4,5    0
Albo      7,5      3,5    0
Nico Hülkenberg and Kevin Magnussen become the first regular drivers to beat their expectations this season!

Expect: Expectation fulfillment. The driver's current points score as a percentage of the average points placed on him (not rounded off to integer points)
Surprise: The driver's points score as a percentage of the maximum points placed on him plus one. When this number is reached, the driver has achieved a 100% surprise, by beating the highest expectations on him for this season.
Beat: How many players' expectations the driver has managed to beat. The maximum amount is the number of entrants for the season; for 2019 this is 23.

Guesses on P1-P5:
Russell                Piastri                Sainz                  Hamilton               Verstappen          
* Potential     429    * Potential     425    * Potential     448    * Potential     398    M2000-5         600
polesetter1     265    Costaz          248    polesetter1     318    polesetter1     247    LolaB8060       590
ANF             244    ANF             239    * Forecast      268    ANF             243    SpaceHorseParty 550
* Forecast      227    * Forecast      218    Bleu            265    SpaceHorseParty 240    * Potential     536
Anderis         213    Brawn BGP 001   185    GTA             260    mark f1         230    Makarias        535
Bleu            207    LB              174    Anderis         231    M2000-5         222    Anderis         525
mark f1         200    scheivlak       174    Benchulo        229    Costaz          221    DutchQuicksilver525
sladealonso     200    Benchulo        172    scheivlak       228    Bleu            215    GTA             510
KWSN-DSM        190    LolaB8060       170    sladealonso     225    sladealonso     215    LB              506
SpaceHorseParty 190    polesetter1     163    mark f1         220    Anderis         213    sladealonso     502
Benchulo        183    SpaceHorseParty 160    LB              218    DutchQuicksilver212    mark f1         494
DutchQuicksilver183    KWSN-DSM        150    Brawn BGP 001   215    Makarias        210    scheivlak       466
LB              182    mark f1         150    LolaB8060       215    GTA             207    * Forecast      460
scheivlak       182    Bleu            148    Makarias        212    Benchulo        200    ANF             458
M2000-5         180    DutchQuicksilver138    DutchQuicksilver207    Brawn BGP 001   200    Costaz          454
Makarias        179    M2000-5         138    M2000-5         201    KWSN-DSM        200    KWSN-DSM        450
LolaB8060       172    Makarias        136    KWSN-DSM        200    LolaB8060       188    Brawn BGP 001   449
Brawn BGP 001   167    GTA             131    Costaz          191    LB              180    polesetter1     427
GTA             158    Anderis         115    SpaceHorseParty 190    scheivlak       180    Bleu            415
Costaz          156    sladealonso     100    ANF             135    * Forecast      159    Benchulo        336
* Current       104    * Current       100    * Current       123    * Current        73    * Current       211
Russell's forecast was 144 points after Emilia-Romagna, and at this rate he might have a shot at a 100% surprise! If Max wins out the rest of the season I'll have made a very good guess on him.

Guesses on P6-P10:
Hülkenberg             Perez                  Magnussen              Ricciardo              Gasly               
* Potential     337    * Potential     430    * Potential     330    * Potential     331    * Potential     331
* Forecast       26    LolaB8060       307    KWSN-DSM         19    ANF             107    mark f1          65
KWSN-DSM         15    Costaz          300    * Forecast       11    polesetter1     104    scheivlak        52
Benchulo         13    DutchQuicksilver280    Anderis           6    Benchulo         94    KWSN-DSM         50
* Current        12    mark f1         280    LB                6    Costaz           81    LolaB8060        45
Brawn BGP 001    11    KWSN-DSM        275    scheivlak         6    GTA              60    ANF              43
Anderis          10    sladealonso     275    Benchulo          5    sladealonso      60    LB               42
Bleu             10    M2000-5         273    Bleu              5    DutchQuicksilver 59    DutchQuicksilver 41
LB                8    Anderis         265    Brawn BGP 001     5    M2000-5          59    GTA              40
scheivlak         8    Makarias        265    mark f1           5    LB               57    Bleu             38
sladealonso       6    Brawn BGP 001   254    SpaceHorseParty   5    scheivlak        57    Brawn BGP 001    33
DutchQuicksilver  5    SpaceHorseParty 250    * Current         5    SpaceHorseParty  50    Benchulo         29
GTA               5    scheivlak       245    ANF               3    Bleu             47    sladealonso      28
mark f1           5    LB              235    Costaz            2    Brawn BGP 001    47    M2000-5          27
SpaceHorseParty   5    * Forecast      229    LolaB8060         2    Makarias         44    Anderis          25
Costaz            4    Bleu            218    DutchQuicksilver  1    KWSN-DSM         40    Costaz           23
ANF               3    GTA             212    GTA               1    mark f1          35    Makarias         21
Makarias          3    polesetter1     200    Makarias          1    LolaB8060        25    polesetter1      15
LolaB8060         1    * Current       105    sladealonso       1    * Forecast       13    * Forecast       13
M2000-5           1    ANF             102    M2000-5           0    Anderis          12    SpaceHorseParty   8
polesetter1       0    Benchulo         86    polesetter1       0    * Current         6    * Current         6
Hülkenberg is now only four points away from a 100% surprise.

The PTPC forecast
Name               Forecast  +/-
Brawn BGP 001        2160,0  -0,8
LB                   2133,2 -20,4
scheivlak            2133,2  -6,6
Costaz               2119,6  29,2
Bleu                 2103,1   0,9
GTA                  2078,5 -39,9
mark f1              2070,2 -13,6
Anderis              2050,1  -0,3
polesetter1          2044,8  50,8
LolaB8060            2044,5 -27,3
KWSN-DSM             2040,0   9,0
Makarias             2037,5 -29,3
sladealonso          2031,5 -20,1
ANF                  2026,0  64,0
DutchQuicksilver     2019,2 -26,6
SpaceHorseParty      2018,1 -24,7
M2000-5              1989,5 -30,5
Benchulo             1885,4 -23,2
Big gains for big time Russell believers polesetter1 and ANF.



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Posted 01 July 2024 - 08:43

Ohh my...

#3 M2000-5

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Posted 01 July 2024 - 11:16

Below 2K, oh well.


I think I will come back to this game on season's end, no use spending time here.

Edited by M2000-5, 01 July 2024 - 11:17.

#4 LolaB0860

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Posted 01 July 2024 - 12:05

I still hate you, useless Perez

