Can any one fill in details on these (and maybe other) ERA /Match' and ERA Only' races
I have details on this:
'Imperial Trophy' race meeting at Crystal Palace 8th October 1938:
A 5 lap 'Bira' v Dobson match race, won by 'Bira (R2B), 10'48.5", 55.51mph. Arthur Dobson (R7B) had puncture after 2 laps
Brand Hatch meeting on 21st September 1957 (AMOC run) 'Match race between Bill Moss (R5B) and Barry Eastick (R11B)
Have no details of laps, distance or results.
ERA Only Races:
I only have (some) details on one race at Brooklands (BARC Autumn meeting) 16th October 1936
10 laps of the Mountain course.
Siam Challenge Trophy:
Entrants, No 2 Deins Cribbans (R9B), No 3 Arthur Dobson (R7B), No 4 Douglas Briault (R6B), No 5 Raymond Mays (R4B) No 6 Reggie Tongue (R11B.
The race was won by Raymond Mays, speed 77.98mph (time ?) with Arthur Dobson coming second.
I do not know if any other 'match' or ERA only races took place.