18 years ago...ah man we've been around here a long time...anyway, 18 years ago, this thread and McGuire's post (and Greg's) touched on CFD use for cylinder head development before it went off the rails into a 2V vs. 4V debate.
And 18 years later we have vastly more powerful computers but searching recently for cylinder head CFD hasn't been any more successful now than it was then. Software with a cylinder head flavour is aimed at OEMs and priced accordingly (WAVE, ANSYS, Converge, ETC). openFOAM is perhaps better than it ever has been (and more approachable), but there are no cylinder head / ICE modules in the public domain, and I get the distinct impression that even if there were, I might need to go to university before I can figure out how to meaningfully use and interpret it. The scanning stuff is a piece of cake, I own more than one. They are more like a Linux environment than an iOS device, which is to say they work well but they remain the domain of people willing to tinker and grind to figure it all out.
I suppose this is just a big whine about the state of affairs in this niche area. In reality, we're living so far into the future I am absolutely amazed when I pause long enough to think about it but in this area it would seem there's been precious little movement. Perhaps that opportunity remains.