Here's how the calendar shakes out, with the standard TEN WEEK GAP at the end of the season, for reasons. The calendar is largely the same as this year, apart from Melbourne moving ahead of Bahrain and Jeddah to be the season opener, and Spa and Hungary switching places.

The two signings so far are:
Leonardo Fornaroli at Invicta
Arvid Lindblad at Campos
Team Driver 1 Driver 2 Invicta Leonardo Fornaroli TBC Campos Arvid Lindblad TBC MP Motorsport TBC TBC Rodin TBC TBC Hitech TBC TBC Prema TBC TBC DAMS TBC TBC ART TBC TBC Van Amersfoort TBC TBC Trident TBC TBC AIX TBC TBCSo who do we think will end up where for next year?
In terms of Formula 3 graduates, I expect Prema to pick up Gabriele Minì at the very least, given he's having a cameo for them this weekend (at time of writing) in Baku. Perhaps Dino Beganovic too, but I thought he was very underwhelming in F3 in 2024. I'd also expect to see Luke Browning at either ART or Hitech; the rumours are that (unfortunately) Amaury Cordeel will continue with Hitech next year. Dennis Hauger is also apparently angling to stay on at MP Motorsport (why?), possibly alongside Ollie Goethe. Christian Mansell may continue after his part-season with Trident but I expect the rest of the seats to be up in the air.
I imagine we might see more carryover from 2024, including Josh Dürksen, Rafa Villagómez (his dad owns part of VAR after all), Paul Aron (even if not at Hitech) and maybe Pepe Martí if Red Bull decide to keep him on after a lackluster (so far) 2024.
Elsewhere, I have seen rumours that Ferrari will do an Antonelli with Rafa Câmara and get him to go FRECA → F2 , though I don't feel that'll be all to likely.
Edited by Frood, 12 September 2024 - 20:13.