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Duke F1 season reviews

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#1 FirstnameLastname

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Posted Yesterday, 20:49

Did anyone else enjoy these over the years? With modern tech like YouTube I’m not sure they are super relevant, and with the length of the seasons they’d be about 8hrs long now :lol:

I used to get the VHS every year, I just had a trip down memory lane after I found the 1998 season review on YouTube… I’d forgotten how corny the reviews were! I must have watched my copies so many times though.

Need to google now and see if they still do them, or when they stopped.


#2 FirstnameLastname

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Posted Yesterday, 20:53

Just had a look, they still make them but the ‘style’ is different I think. Looks like now they are just a montage of the YouTube highlight packages! The 98 one felt special as you saw bits you hadn’t seen on the terrestrial telly - but nowadays you see everything worth seeing at the time or over the course of the few days post-gp

#3 PlatenGlass

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Posted Yesterday, 21:00

I still get them every year as a present. They're fairly soulless and bland now. As you say, the races are just highlights with the commentary from the races rather than a narrative that knows what's coming up. It seems lazy.


But yes, I used to really enjoy them!

#4 PayasYouRace

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Posted Yesterday, 22:15

I think the last one I got was the 2010 one. Got bored of the lack of style and the increased length. Found I never watched them. Did go back and get some 80s and 90s ones on DVD. Definitely noticed a change in 1997, when they went to a “live commentary” style. The 1996 one is a very watchable 90 minutes, as is the 1993 one with the Jonathan Ross narration.


Obviously the Clive James narrated ones are classics, but some aspects haven’t aged well. The French Grand Prix “atmosphere” intro showing “a big girl”… Yeah these videos were definitely made for for a male audience.


Edit: I do also like the 1994 soundtrack. https://youtube.com/...oDAAUca2VX5R3_H