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Place The Points Competition 2024 after Brazil

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#1 Makarias

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 07:47

The standings after Brazil:

Pos Name                  Tot Latest
1)  Costaz               1991  73
2)  Brawn BGP 001        1967  77
3)  LB                   1924  87
4)  scheivlak            1906  87
5)  ANF                  1889  89
6)  Bleu                 1876  87
7)  Benchulo             1854  72
8)  mark f1              1852  72
9)  GTA                  1841  75
10) LolaB8060            1837  72
11) KWSN-DSM             1835  79
12) Makarias             1820  69
13) DutchQuicksilver     1817  77
14) Anderis              1809  76
15) sladealonso          1785  87
16) polesetter1          1782  52
17) SpaceHorseParty      1781  47
18) M2000-5              1775  77
Higher scores than usual this late in the season thanks to the surprising midfielders.

The entries

The Drivers' list
Driver Expect  Surprise Beat
           %        %     #
Bear    INF,8    700,0   18  
Cola    INF,8    500,0   18
Hülk    446,0    175,0   18
Magn    295,9     60,0   17
Pias    151,3     97,6   17
Norr    146,3    100,7   18
Lecl    102,2     81,6   10
Sain    100,0     69,0   10
Russ     92,3     66,5    4
Hami     82,4     70,6    0
Laws     81,8      8,7   15
Vers     72,3     58,7    1
Ocon     71,0     34,8    3
Gasl     69,1     36,4    4
Tsun     66,9     37,5    2
Pere     56,6     44,2    2
Albo     45,3     21,1    2
Stro     43,9     19,0    1
Alon     42,8     25,7    1
Ricc     12,1      6,5    0
Lando Norris becomes a 100% surprise! Charles Leclerc beats his expectation value!

Expect: Expectation fulfillment. The driver's current points score as a percentage of the average points placed on him (not rounded off to integer points)
Surprise: The driver's points score as a percentage of the maximum points placed on him plus one. When this number is reached, the driver has achieved a 100% surprise, by beating the highest expectations on him for this season.
Beat: How many players' expectations the driver has managed to beat. The maximum amount is the number of entrants for the season; for 2019 this is 23.

Guesses on P1-P5:
Verstappen             Ocon                   Gasly                  Russell                Leclerc             
M2000-5         600    * Potential      98    * Potential      99    polesetter1     265    * Potential     354
LolaB8060       590    mark f1          65    mark f1          65    * Potential     252    Benchulo        341
SpaceHorseParty 550    KWSN-DSM         50    scheivlak        52    ANF             244    Bleu            331
Makarias        535    scheivlak        49    KWSN-DSM         50    Anderis         213    * Forecast      319
Anderis         525    LolaB8060        46    LolaB8060        45    Bleu            207    GTA             315
DutchQuicksilver525    LB               39    ANF              43    * Forecast      202    ANF             292
GTA             510    ANF              38    LB               42    mark f1         200    sladealonso     290
LB              506    DutchQuicksilver 37    DutchQuicksilver 41    sladealonso     200    scheivlak       289
sladealonso     502    GTA              32    GTA              40    KWSN-DSM        190    Brawn BGP 001   283
mark f1         494    Anderis          30    Bleu             38    SpaceHorseParty 190    LB              279
scheivlak       466    Bleu             30    Brawn BGP 001    33    Benchulo        183    * Current       279
ANF             458    Benchulo         29    Benchulo         29    DutchQuicksilver183    Anderis         274
Costaz          454    M2000-5          29    sladealonso      28    LB              182    mark f1         270
KWSN-DSM        450    Brawn BGP 001    26    M2000-5          27    scheivlak       182    Costaz          265
Brawn BGP 001   449    * Forecast       26    * Forecast       27    M2000-5         180    KWSN-DSM        250
* Potential     428    Costaz           25    Anderis          25    Makarias        179    DutchQuicksilver246
polesetter1     427    sladealonso      25    * Current        24    * Current       177    Makarias        246
Bleu            415    * Current        23    Costaz           23    LolaB8060       172    polesetter1     245
* Forecast      403    Makarias         18    Makarias         21    Brawn BGP 001   167    SpaceHorseParty 243
* Current       353    SpaceHorseParty   8    polesetter1      15    GTA             158    M2000-5         232
Benchulo        336    polesetter1       7    SpaceHorseParty   8    Costaz          156    LolaB8060       225
The majority of players still have plenty of unscored points left from the Alpines, but a repeat of the Brazil result feels unlikely. Maybe it will rain in Qatar.

Guesses on P6-P10:
Norris                 Tsunoda                Piastri                Lawson                 Hamilton            
* Potential     379    * Potential     102    * Potential     318    * Potential      79    * Potential     250
* Forecast      347    polesetter1      71    * Forecast      278    ANF              45    polesetter1     247
* Current       304    sladealonso      65    Costaz          248    Benchulo         38    ANF             243
Costaz          301    Benchulo         59    * Current       243    KWSN-DSM          5    SpaceHorseParty 240
Brawn BGP 001   263    Brawn BGP 001    56    ANF             239    * Forecast        5    mark f1         230
ANF             241    M2000-5          55    Brawn BGP 001   185    * Current         4    M2000-5         222
LB              220    ANF              50    LB              174    Anderis           0    Costaz          221
Makarias        211    Makarias         42    scheivlak       174    Bleu              0    Bleu            215
LolaB8060       210    KWSN-DSM         40    Benchulo        172    Brawn BGP 001     0    sladealonso     215
Benchulo        209    LolaB8060        40    LolaB8060       170    Costaz            0    Anderis         213
GTA             205    LB               36    polesetter1     163    DutchQuicksilver  0    DutchQuicksilver212
DutchQuicksilver201    scheivlak        36    SpaceHorseParty 160    GTA               0    Makarias        210
scheivlak       200    GTA              33    KWSN-DSM        150    LB                0    GTA             207
Bleu            195    * Forecast       31    mark f1         150    LolaB8060         0    * Forecast      200
polesetter1     191    SpaceHorseParty  30    Bleu            148    M2000-5           0    Benchulo        200
mark f1         190    DutchQuicksilver 28    DutchQuicksilver138    Makarias          0    Brawn BGP 001   200
SpaceHorseParty 190    Bleu             27    M2000-5         138    mark f1           0    KWSN-DSM        200
M2000-5         188    Costaz           27    Makarias        136    polesetter1       0    LolaB8060       188
KWSN-DSM        185    * Current        27    GTA             131    scheivlak         0    LB              180
Anderis         180    mark f1          20    Anderis         115    sladealonso       0    scheivlak       180
sladealonso     160    Anderis          12    sladealonso     100    SpaceHorseParty   0    * Current       175
Piastri needs a P7 to beat Costaz' guess. After two straight P8 finishes, he's making things unnecessarily dramatic.

The PTPC forecast
Name               Forecast  +/-
Costaz               2096,9  25,9
Brawn BGP 001        2091,0  38,4
Bleu                 2089,0  13,8
LB                   2029,3  38,7
scheivlak            2029,3  38,7
GTA                  2028,7  23,1
ANF                  2025,3  45,5
mark f1              1991,4  26,2
KWSN-DSM             1970,6  40,2
Benchulo             1959,9  34,9
Anderis              1959,3  26,1
polesetter1          1947,1  -8,1
LolaB8060            1945,3  38,7
sladealonso          1943,0  30,6
DutchQuicksilver     1940,4  27,0
Makarias             1935,6  15,2
SpaceHorseParty      1906,7  -5,9
M2000-5              1896,1  30,1
Costaz returns to the forecast lead! Bleu drops from first to third!


#2 LolaB0860

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 11:21

No longer at the very bottom, hurrah! My fortunes are the opposite to Shareholders though (by design)