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Guess the Result 2024 - Mexico & Brazil Results

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#1 mark f1

mark f1
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Posted 09 November 2024 - 00:53



No-one picked Carlos for the win in Mexico and scores were on the lowish side with an average of 123.


brunopascal takes out the win over Sammyed.

Pos	Player	        Score
1	brunopascal	148
2	Sammyed	        146
3	Bleu	        137
4	Brawn BGP 001	134
5	scheivlak	133
6	Makarias	127
7	DutchQuicksilver126
8	tyker	        121
9	KWSN - DSM	120
10	m2000-5	        118
11	GTA	        115
12	DaddyCool	114
13	Anderis	        113
14	mark f1	        109
14	rodlamas	109
14	LB	        109
17	alekracing	105



Lowest scoring round of the year with an average of 92. There were only 4 guesses that were correct, 3 of these being Lawson in 9th. With Magnussen being replaced late I have used Bearman's results for those who had selected Kevin.


Bleu takes out the win from scheivlak.

Pos	Player	        Score
1	Bleu	        106
2	scheivlak	104
3	GTA	        100
3	brunopascal	100
3	DutchQuicksilver100
6	Anderis	        98
7	Sammyed	        97
8	m2000-5	        95
9	mark f1	        94
10	Makarias	91
10	LB	        91
12	DaddyCool	89
13	KWSN - DSM	85
14	tyker	        79
15	rodlamas	78
15	alekracing	78
17	Brawn BGP 001	76

In the overall race, a bit like the champion Max showing his stuff, scheivlak has showed the upstarts why he is our GOAT and has cleared out.  tyker sits in a clear 2nd with the rest of the pack fighting it out for 3rd.

Pos	Player	        Score
1	scheivlak	3017
2	tyker	        2965
3	LB	        2938
4	mark f1	        2934
5	KWSN - DSM	2924
6	Anderis	        2921
7	DaddyCool	2919
8	rodlamas	2916
9	Makarias	2906
10	Brawn BGP 001	2889
11	DutchQuicksilver2867
12	Sammyed	        2811
13	GTA	        2804
14	Bleu	        2676
15	brunopascal	2665
16	alekracing	2636
17	m2000-5	        2598
18	tourister46a	2448
19	Sladealonso	366
20	Nathan	        154