Here's an amusing humbug: a V8 engine in which all eight spark plugs fire at the same time.
Story link:
The 1965 Kaehni Ignition Mystery
Posted Yesterday, 15:59
Here's an amusing humbug: a V8 engine in which all eight spark plugs fire at the same time.
Story link:
The 1965 Kaehni Ignition Mystery
Posted Today, 00:42
This reminds me that there was a flat twin 2-stroke engine back in the 1920's(?) that had a single magneto that fired both plugs in the conventional manner at the same time. The secret is that the magneto was sitting on a block of wood so that it was insulated from the engine, thus the HT lead went from the magneto to one of the plugs as normal but the circuit was made through the engine structure to the other plug where it jumped the gap backwards to the center electrode and then from that spark plug to the magneto body. One assumes that the magneto-generated voltage had to be perhaps twice as high as normal to jump two typical gaps at once?