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The History of Motor Racing Fan(aticism)

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#1 BRG

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 11:13

We are accustomed to the tribal loyalties that mar modern day F1 and other areas of motor-sport (albeit to a lesser degree thankfully) but for how long has this been the case?  


Such loyalties have long been part of other sports going back many decades.  Football (in all its various forms) has long been tribal, mainly of course due to teams having strong local identities which remains the case even in these more global and on-line days. Most teams still draw most of their support from their home-town. 

Other areas of sport may have nationalist support as we see in international tournaments.  Where they are one-person sports, there have been strong connections to individual sportspeople, such Bjorn Borg or Tiger Woods (other stars are available). 


Such personal followings are also found in motor-sport with Mansell-mania and Sennadolatry as examples from the past and the recent Orange Army phenomenon shows this is still a thing, as does the strong support for Hamilton whilst nationalistic fervour was perhaps strong for Ferrari in particular, but not so much elsewhere.  I do not recall ever coming across any powerful level of home-town support for teams, marques or drivers. 


So if we roll back the years, when did this sort of fan-dom first arise in our sport?  Certainly I can recall Italian fans (largely tifosi) invade the track at Monza after GPs but how far back did that go?  We might perhaps draw a veil over 1930s fervour as highlighted by Elon Musk style salutes, but was there any of this sort of fan-dom in the early days?  Of course there was great enthusiasm right from the start leading to the spectator fatalities of very early years but was it just general euphoria over speed and spectacle or was it focussed on individual drivers, marques or nationalities?




#2 Sterzo

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 11:38

Nationalistic fervour in motor sport? Gordon Bennett!

#3 Doug Nye

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 12:33

Indeed - 1934-39 being - according to Google Translate, admittedly - ein wunderbares Beispiel für den Anfang.  "A wonderful example to start with".  


The Italian Fascist state under Mussolini 1923-1940 did at least as much to exhort the public to support their national industry's motor racing exploits, and to regard Italian drivers as flag-waving warriors wrapped in the tricolori.



#4 Vitesse2

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 13:16

Indeed - 1934-39 being - according to Google Translate, admittedly - ein wunderbares Beispiel für den Anfang.  "A wonderful example to start with".  


The Italian Fascist state under Mussolini 1923-1940 did at least as much to exhort the public to support their national industry's motor racing exploits, and to regard Italian drivers as flag-waving warriors wrapped in the tricolori.



Less well-known - especially in Europe - are the efforts of the Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas to promote motor racing as a national sport in the 1930s, with competition against foreign visitors (Argentinians and Europeans, mainly) seen as enhancing the country's prestige. Then, as now, football was the sport of the masses in Brazil, but even though the Brazilian national team was quite successful in the 1930s Vargas viewed the sport as a whole as tribal - whereas his original grand plan for the modestly named Prova Presidente Getúlio Vargas road race in a similar style to the Argentinian Turismo Carretera events was that it would unify the country by visiting all 26 states of Brazil. Circumstances dictated that when it eventually happened in 1940 it was a very much smaller affair - and he probably wasn't very pleased that Fangio won it!

#5 Vitesse2

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 13:26

Nationalistic fervour in motor sport? Gordon Bennett!

There were suggestions in 1930, when GP racing was going through hard times, that the Gordon Bennett might be revived. Depending on which source you believe it was the idea of either Count Florio via the RAC d'Italia or Augustin Pérouse of the AC de France! The CSI did apparently discuss it, but rejected it, setting up the European Championship for Drivers instead. Florio had been the promoter of the so-called Championship of the Latin Countries between 1924 and 1926.

#6 2F-001

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 15:56

The short-lived single seater series that was somehow aligned with top-level football (soccer) teams — were the creators of that hoping for a groundswell of partisan ‘fan’ interest to follow it? Never made any sense to me, sporting-wise or commercially.


(The only notable ‘fan interest’ I’ll admit to concerns a short-lived Can Am car from 1970.)

#7 Doug Nye

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 16:05

Mention of Vargas's motor racing interest in Brazil naturally prompts thoughts of Juan Domingo Peron and his later encouragement of motor sport in Argentina 1946-55.  


No British politician would have dreamed of doing any such a thing.  Our motor sports industry seeded, took root and flourished despite them.



#8 BRG

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 16:08

I was hoping to skirt around the uber-nationalistic 1930s in favour of more rational times.

#9 john aston

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 18:21

I am not at home to Mr Fan, never have been. One of the many reasons I loathe most team sports is the tribalism and aggression which underpins it . Like all my many friends who follow the sport I  largely don't care who wins a race , all my interest focuses  on whether the car behind will catch the car in front , and when , where and how an overtake will happen  .  I don't care a damn what country the driver is from or whether he's nice to his  nan. drivers' only function is to make the machines I love go as fast as they can .


I like the red cars but lose no sleep if they don't win. The only fans I rather like are the tifosi and the genuine , uncomplicated joy they take in a Ferrari win . I despised the knuckle dragging Mansell fans and the idiots at Silverstone who booed Verstappen last time I went to a Grand Prix . I was at Brands 1976 and was embarrassed at the near riot which met the stewards' decision not to let Hunt start. 


I'm not a fan but an enthusiast . The only way I'd go to an F1 Fanzone  would be at gunpoint.        

#10 AJCee

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 18:50

I also hope that I fall under the ‘enthusiast’ category. I don’t mind the fanaticism for a driver or team per se, What makes me sad is the ‘I ❤️ driver A therefore I unreservedly HATE driver B’ attitude.
Certainly that is prevalent in football, but other sports, rugby* being one, can do the rivalry without the hate.

*speaking as a Welsh rugby fan, I have no time whatsoever for the ‘hate the English’ brigade. Bet they never actually go and see a club match.

#11 Sterzo

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 20:13

I shall sign up for john aston's manifesto forthwith. And mere mention of Brands 76 leaves me wriggling in discomfort.

#12 Vitesse2

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 21:22

Mention of Vargas's motor racing interest in Brazil naturally prompts thoughts of Juan Domingo Peron and his later encouragement of motor sport in Argentina 1946-55.  


No British politician would have dreamed of doing any such a thing.  Our motor sports industry seeded, took root and flourished despite them.



To be fair, Doug, the sport had some support in - especially - the House of Lords: Earl Howe (obviously!) and (at least) Lords Cottenham, Selsdon, Sandhurst and Waleran. And in the immediate aftermath of WW2 there was a cross-party lobby group of MPs who regularly raised the issue of the release of Donington Park in the Commons - Frederick Erroll (Con, Altrincham & Sale), Mont Follick (Lab, Loughborough), Allan Noble (Con, Chelsea), Clifford Wilcock (Lab, Derby) and Sir Peter Bennett (Con, Birmingham Edgbaston) are ones I know of, but I think there were others. But there was certainly no enthusiasm at ministerial level ...

#13 opplock

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 23:06

*speaking as a Welsh rugby fan, I have no time whatsoever for the ‘hate the English’ brigade. 


Welsh rugby bigots are still arguing with Kiwi rugby bigots over a game played in December 1905. I very much hope the great grandchildren of Verstappen and Hamilton fanboys aren't still arguing about safety car rules in 2141. 


If you haven't guessed I'm a rugby refugee. 

#14 AJCee

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 07:53

@opplock, I concur, that one is also tiresome! It just wasn’t possible to halt play until the TMO could be consulted 90 odd years later!

#15 Garsted

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 08:31

Weren't Hesketh one of the first F1 teams to sell merchandise with their teddy bear in a helmet T shirts? I think my brother may still have his somewhere.

#16 BRG

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 09:18

I'm not a fan but an enthusiast .  

My position too.  I have no particular bond with any team or driver,although there are some that I like more than others.  And that was how things seemed to be when I attended my first motor races in the late 1960s.  We appreciated all the teams and drivers more or less equally and enjoyed the sport overall rather than  backing one element. 


So I have wondered how we got from there to here.  Is it the influence of TV coverage that enables us to watch every race rather than just our home event?  

#17 BRG

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 09:40

I hope Doug (DCN) will not mind me posting this comment that he made over 20 years ago in an old thread about BRM,.but which is very relevant to this thread.


ORMA was descended from the BRM supporters Association which had been formed originally to provide personal supporters of the original cooperative industrial project with a link to the programme, and to involve the general public in the idea's ambitions and objectives. As the original British Racing Motor staggered through its financial shortfall and slippages of time and missed targets - experiences dear to my heart  :rolleyes: - it was the BRMA which formed a hardcore of public support and often reacted violently to press criticism with pungent letters to the editor in defence of the misunderstood operation...

When the original British Motor Racing Research Trust was closed and the hardware and rights sold to the Owen Organisation, BRMA's title became ORMA and the same contemporary equivalent of a 'fan club' set-up conducted continuing operations. ORMA members received a pretty lively newsletter full of information, news, excuses and lies about BRM progress and activities - there were regular visits to and open days at the works in Bourne and up on the test circuit at Folkingham - where the race 'shop was situated - while the ORMA tent at major UK race meetings in which the BRMs were competing became a familiar fixture.

ORMA members were in many cases the most rabid and uncritical of BRM fans.

Many of them were in many ways the most rabidly patriotic and unswervably red, white and blue of war-winning patriotic Brits who had done their bit for King and country, were absolutely imbued with notions of 'British is Best' (and 'Empire Made' being only marginally second best) and most seemed utterly convinced that nobody else in the entire world could better us other than by political manipulation or outright cheating, dashed bad form, Johnny Foreigner....beastly Eyeties, baleful Huns who hadn't yet been slapped down hard enough...all that kind of stuff.

Many more ORMA members were knowledgeable, good hearted, wholesomely pro-home team genuine enthusiasts who were increasingly desperate for the British Racing Motor to show some form, and at last to emulate what Vanwall had done...and to beat those bloody red cars. Which - ultimately - they did, regularly...until it all fell apart again...as ultimately did ORMA itself.


Edited by BRG, 04 February 2025 - 09:41.

#18 2F-001

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 10:49

Weren't Hesketh one of the first F1 teams to sell merchandise with their teddy bear in a helmet T shirts? I think my brother may still have his somewhere.

I had a McLaren t-shirt, and an Emerson/Gold Leaf T-shirt long before that; both bore what were trademarks (and were of fine quality) so I assume they were, in some sense, 'official'.


Whilst 'team merch' is not really my thing at all, one item I'm proud to have is a woollen Connew hat - although this is a 'revival' item, I don't imagine they had them in period...

#19 GazChed

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 14:53

Weren't Hesketh one of the first F1 teams to sell merchandise with their teddy bear in a helmet T shirts? I think my brother may still have his somewhere.

Becoming interested in motor racing in the early seventies the first and probably only piece of team merchandise I bought was a Hesketh Superbear Racing tee shirt. Unfortunately as a fourteen year old who was growing in all directions it didn't fit me for long...

Edited by GazChed, 04 February 2025 - 14:54.


#20 DCapps

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 15:13

Neither "fan" nor "enthusiast" but perhaps rather more of an "interested observer." 


Other than a bit of the usual snobbery, difficult to discern much in the way any true difference between "fan" and "enthusiast."


For some years I actually thought I was an "enthusiast," but then gave it some very serious thought and realized that I wasn't.



#21 john winfield

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Posted 04 February 2025 - 18:34

Neither "fan" nor "enthusiast" but perhaps rather more of an "interested observer." 


Other than a bit of the usual snobbery, difficult to discern much in the way any true difference between "fan" and "enthusiast."


For some years I actually thought I was an "enthusiast," but then gave it some very serious thought and realized that I wasn't.




Perhaps it's a question of terminology, Don, or perhaps you have misunderstood. I think there can be a big difference between fans, devoted to a team or driver, and enthusiasts, devoted to the sport, but with some affection for certain participants. But yes, there can be some snobbery too.


A great shame that you don't consider yourself an enthusiast. Hardly worth being a motor racing historian, surely? 

#22 DCapps

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Posted 05 February 2025 - 00:55

Nope, no misunderstanding but perhaps simply how one operationally defines terns -- and thinks about things.


As for the, "Hardly worth being a motor racing historian," jibe, remind me, please do, who started this forum... ?


Oh, was it a mere "interested observer?"


Oh, dear how could that be?

#23 BRG

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Posted 05 February 2025 - 19:57

Oh, was it a mere "interested observer?"


Oh, dear how could that be?

That was rather the question, wasn't it.  I think you are something more than just an interested observer and there is no need to be coy about that.

#24 Jim Thurman

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Posted 05 February 2025 - 22:00

Here in the U.S., it varies, much like the country itself.


Folks in Indycar threads have asked me if I recalled any superfan behavior, and with the caveat I wasn't at too many races in person, while Mario Andretti, the Unsers and A.J. Foyt had their fans and supporters, I don't recall any real animosity between them. At worst, some good-natured ribbing.


For NASCAR, I understand it could get a bit more intense in the heart of the South, and there were Petty vs. Allison camps, and later on, many remarks made about some of Dale Earnhardt's fans. There definitely were many fans who were anti-Jeff Gordon, which I understand for different reasons than they did.


At some U.S. short tracks, there could be some very passionate supporters locally with a real hero(es) vs. villain(s) approach at work. There were times these occurred naturally, but promoters were also known to play this up, a la wrestling. Sometimes a driver came to be disliked just because they won so often, other times it was rough driving style. Each of these also gained supporters. Most times this didn't spill into actual fights, but on occasion, at certain places, it could get a bit heated.

#25 BRG

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Posted 06 February 2025 - 10:23

Good points, Jim.


I have never perceived Indycar as having serious rival fan groups although individual drivers and some teams had keen followers, but I think NASCAR definitely has, at least at times.  My very first thread on here (way back when) asked why Jeff Gordon attracted so much animosity. As for short tracks, I used to go to UK (very) short track racing and there was a lot of loyalty to different drivers (I liked to see Aubrey 'Foxy' Dance doing well) but it was all very good natured.  If there was any rough house stuff, it was in the paddock rather than amongst the paying spectators.


Another series that has not been mentioned is Supercars in Australia,where the Holden (GM) and Ford fan groups seem to have been pretty vociferous.  How that is going these days with home heroes Holden gone in favour of Chevrolet and Toyota getting involved, I don't know.  Some of our Aussie members could doubtless tell us.

#26 PRD

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Posted 09 February 2025 - 16:46

My position too.  I have no particular bond with any team or driver,although there are some that I like more than others.  And that was how things seemed to be when I attended my first motor races in the late 1960s.  We appreciated all the teams and drivers more or less equally and enjoyed the sport overall rather than  backing one element. 


So I have wondered how we got from there to here.  Is it the influence of TV coverage that enables us to watch every race rather than just our home event?  


I think modern social media is largely to blame, along with Netflix's Drive to Survive programme. I hate the fanboy nonsense, particularly the thinly disguised as well as overtly racist remarks.  Joe Saward was even accused of racism by some particularly deranged Mexican fans for stating that he'd heard that Sergio Perez was going to be dropped by Red Bull at the end of last season.

#27 Doug Nye

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Posted 09 February 2025 - 21:03

Aren't we all guilty here of race-ism...?



#28 E1pix

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 02:18

…Mario Andretti, the Unsers and A.J. Foyt had their fans and supporters, I don't recall any real animosity between them. At worst, some good-natured ribbing.

The exception, of course, being that all three hated on Kevin “Coogan.”

#29 john aston

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 07:05

Can I confess that I hate the modern 'hating on' usage ? 

#30 Jim Thurman

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 18:19

The exception, of course, being that all three hated on Kevin “Coogan.”

Some of the most strident of the Foyt and Andretti camps certainly did, and Uncle Bobby didn't help up in the booth.


This manifested itself many years later thanks to the internet, where derogatory posts permeated fora and message boards on "Coogan." Similarly for Salt Walther and the long-dead Ed Elisian  :rolleyes:

#31 E1pix

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 18:29

‘73 twasn’t even Walther’s fault, was it?

Poor, poor Cogan. That really got to me after witnessing his absolute brilliance in Atlantic straight away.

Indy 1986 was almost harder than ‘82. Did Posey distract him just enough?

Now on to bigger things, like hating on “twasn’t…”

Can I confess that I hate the modern 'hating on' usage ?

If asking, No, you cannot. (LOL)

Okay, you can, but I fail to see the point and thus do not care.

#32 Jim Thurman

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 18:38

‘73 twasn’t even Walther’s fault, was it?

Poor, poor Cogan. That really got to me after witnessing his absolute brilliance in Atlantic straight away.

Indy 1986 was almost harder than ‘82. Did Posey distract him just enough?

It was not. Walther was just viewed as an overly brash, long-haired, rich kid that was only there because father was a car owner (perhaps the Lance Stroll of his time). Much of this came later, many years after the fact, again via this wonderful thing called "the internet." His later problems were held heavily against him as well, but they were self-destructive and didn't involve others (aside from his child support charge). Just a sad story.


As was Kevin Cogan's. His bitterness is sad, but not unjustified considering his treatment.


EDIT: All three of the drivers I mentioned get blamed for things they either had no control over, or nothing to do with.

Edited by Jim Thurman, 10 February 2025 - 18:40.

#33 Doug Nye

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 18:40

Now on to bigger things, like hating on “twasn’t…”

If asking, No, you cannot. (LOL)

Okay, you can, but I fail to see the point and thus do not care.


Two once fine nations, separated by a common language...?



#34 E1pix

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Posted 10 February 2025 - 18:52

Aren’t they both still fine?

We separated nothing from you.

#35 Nick Planas

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Posted 11 February 2025 - 09:27

Can I confess that I hate the modern 'hating on' usage ? 

I can see the headline: "Aston slams modern English" - slams being another term I despise.

#36 Derwent Motorsport

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Posted 11 February 2025 - 09:53

I've always found most people who got to motorsport events are their for the sport, even though they may have their favourite drivers. In the UK some drivers might get a strong following like Mansell or McRae but thankfully completely unlike soccer.   I've always had a interest in rugby union and watching the Six Nations matches the fans are there for the match but will cheer on their national team and after the match will heads for the pub to discuss the match with fans of both sides. it's the same with the players, as soon and the final whistle goes they are all mates and don't leave the pitch. 

#37 E1pix

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Posted 12 February 2025 - 01:24

It was not. Walther was just viewed as an overly brash, long-haired, rich kid that was only there because father was a car owner (perhaps the Lance Stroll of his time). Much of this came later, many years after the fact, again via this wonderful thing called "the internet." His later problems were held heavily against him as well, but they were self-destructive and didn't involve others (aside from his child support charge). Just a sad story.
As was Kevin Cogan's. His bitterness is sad, but not unjustified considering his treatment.
EDIT: All three of the drivers I mentioned get blamed for things they either had no control over, or nothing to do with.

I was screaming myself hoarse in ‘86. I don’t recall anyone *ever* using his lines, and it would have gotten him the win save for that late-race yellow — for a spin by Luyendyk in 4, I think?

I briefly chatted with Salt at Milwaukee in 1978. He was a nice guy, I could tell he was a little wild but had deep admiration for coming back and being there at all.

The web has been tragic to them both, and that's just wrong.

Thanks, Jim.

#38 dmj

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Posted 13 February 2025 - 09:35

Well, it is definitely getting worse (more intense) lately, mostly due to influence of social media and Drive to Survive but racing and rallying community is still quite amicable and stress-free, compared to… well, mostly everything. Apart from, of course, my other favorite sport, ski jumping, where respect for the rivals seems to be even stronger and true legends (like 53 years old and still competing Noriaki Kasai) are appreciated without any reservations.  


As for the history, I agree that all nationalist and fandom tendencies started with Gordon Bennett but, with an occasional exception, mostly was, and even still is, no more than moderate. Simply there are some topics you try to avoid. I am member here for a quarter of century and still really grateful that there is such a knowledge resource, willing to discuss everything in civilized and polite manner… Until, of course, I confess that I prefer Pironi over Villeneuve.  :lol:

#39 E1pix

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Posted 13 February 2025 - 21:16


(kidding Dave)


#40 john aston

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 08:11

If I may vent (yet) another irritation at modern motorsport usage , why does reportage now refer to every team except one as being  a "squad" ? The other one - that is the team they wilfully mispronounce as the "Skooder- Ear" (as I have moaned about before, I know)    

#41 Nick Planas

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 10:38

If I may vent (yet) another irritation at modern motorsport usage , why does reportage now refer to every team except one as being  a "squad" ? The other one - that is the team they wilfully mispronounce as the "Skooder- Ear" (as I have moaned about before, I know)    

Have you noticed also how every team seems to be a 'new' team whenever there's a change of team principal, even if it's 40+ years old - a great excuse for not winning for the next few years while 'we grow as a team'..


Meantime: "Aston slams F1 squads"

#42 Sterzo

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 11:44

...and everyone who is sacked is going to "pursue exciting new opportunities."

#43 Derwent Motorsport

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 13:59

There is so much half truths and likely tales now from so called bloggers. There is a series of blogs pop up on my news feed under the Chronicles label.  F1 Chronicle, Motoring C. Indy C and others,  and now they have Rugby and Gardening.  All done by same champ, big lad, 40ish, beard and glasses who seems to live in a cupboard and have a universal knowledge. 

I don't know where people get the time to listen to this sort of rubbish. 

#44 BRG

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 17:05

I notice on YouTube there are a number of F1 clickbait channels that routinely announce that either a) Lance Stroll has been sacked, or left to become a monk, or b) that Verstappen has left Red Bull, or c) that Hamilton is disillusioned by Ferrari and will walk out,and other such nonsenses.  These are made by people with strong fan allegiances who don't mind published total lies to further their obsessive fandom.

#45 Vitesse2

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 17:21

I notice on YouTube there are a number of F1 clickbait channels that routinely announce that either a) Lance Stroll has been sacked, or left to become a monk, or b) that Verstappen has left Red Bull, or c) that Hamilton is disillusioned by Ferrari and will walk out,and other such nonsenses.  These are made by people with strong fan allegiances who don't mind published total lies to further their obsessive fandom.

Gotta monetize those clicks ...

#46 E1pix

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Posted 18 February 2025 - 18:20

Regarding Richard’s comment here… ^^^

I noticed something this past week I never had before, here in the States.

A friend’s 18 year-old daughter was found dead Saturday, six agonizing days after disappearing after dark on Sunday.

All any of us are wanting is read or see updates as to whether this was an accident, a suicide, or murder.

On YouTube, all the news stories routinely show things like “updated 18 minutes ago” or whatever — but they’re the EXACT SAME STORY as last week. Heartless.

Another example refuting the clear idea of “technological progress.” My Ass.

RIP Megan Trussell. :-(

Edited by E1pix, 19 February 2025 - 17:12.

#47 marksixman

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Posted 19 February 2025 - 21:09

A friend’s 18 year-old daughter was found dead Saturday, six agonizing days after disappearing after dark on Sunday.

RIP Megan Trussell. :-(

Prayers and thoughts for Megan and her family, from all the TNFers on this side of the pond.

#48 LittleChris

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Posted 19 February 2025 - 22:01

So sorry to hear this Eric. RIP Megan  :(

#49 AJCee

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Posted 19 February 2025 - 22:31

Echoing marksixman’s words.

#50 E1pix

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Posted 20 February 2025 - 18:23

I could and want to say a lot more, but already off-topic.

Sorry… but Thank You.