Wonderful article signed Georges Fraichard from L'Intransigeant/Paris/24 August 1933: "Promenade au Pays du Duce".
Fraichard travelled from Pescara via Rimini and Faenza to Bologna as passenger in Trossi's SSK Mercedes.
At Bologna, he paid a visit to the Maserati brothers.
"L'oiseau rare, une superbe monoplace à traction avant", the 8C2500/2800 front-drive Maserati, Alfieri Maserati's last project, was still (in August 1933) waiting for final development in a corner of the shop. Ernesto Maserati's comment: "Nous en reprendrons l'étude prochainement".
A photo of the "Maserati à traction avant" appeared on the front page:
Edited by robert dick, 12 February 2025 - 09:10.