Welcome to the 25th season of Guess the Result!
Who will join the list of past champions?
2024: scheivlak
2023: DaddyCool
2022: LB
2020: DutchQuicksilver
2019: scheivlak
2018: 2aron
2017: thegforcemaybewithyou
2016: tyker
2015: jjcale
2014: tyker
2013: DutchQuicksilver
2012: scheivlak
2011: Costaz
2010: mark f1
2009: Grayson
2008: mark f1
2007: jokuvaan
2006: Jimmino
2005: orin & IMHO
2004: scheivlak
2003: HSJ
2002: gerry nassar
2001: Sammyed
Guess the first 10 places for each race.
In line with F1's current points system, points will be awarded as follows:
Driver finishes in the position you guessed 25 points
Driver finishes 1 off your guess 18 points
Driver finishes 2 off your guess 15 points
Driver finishes 3 off your guess 12 points
Driver finishes 4 off your guess 10 points
Driver finishes 5 off your guess 8 points
Driver finishes 6 off your guess 6 points
Driver finishes 7 off your guess 4 points
Driver finishes 8 off your guess 2 points
Driver finishes 9 off your guess 1 point
Driver must be classified for you to receive points
Drivers do not need to finish in the top 10 to count. eg. If you guess Hamilton for 9th and he finishes 13th, you will score 10 points.
The FIA Official Classification will be the race result for the game.
Please enter in the following manner, much easier for me to include the / after your name please. Also please use the first 4 letters of the drivers name only.
Deadline for entries is the start of the first practice!
Good luck
My guess is:
mark f1/norr/vers/pias/lecl/hami/russ/laws/alon/gasl/hulk