Pole position: 75.096 seconds by Lando Norris.
Australia results
Name Total Precision Top10 Driver Time KWSN-DSM 59 25 25 9 75.111 M2000-5 52 25 18 9 75.135 brunopascal 49 25 15 9 75.000 rodlamas 46 25 12 9 74.988 alekracing 42 25 8 9 74.963 Brawn BGP 001 40 25 6 9 75.272 Benchulo 38 25 4 9 74.900 sportyskells 35 25 10 0 75.222 mark f1 29 18 2 9 75.308 PhilArny80 28 18 1 9 75.325 Anderis 27 18 0 9 75.400 DutchQuicksilver 27 18 0 9 75.432 GTA 27 18 0 9 75.455 Bleu 24 15 0 9 75.535 tourister46a 24 15 0 9 75.555 scheivlak 18 18 0 0 75.415 Makarias 15 15 0 0 75.525 maxie 12 12 0 0 74.237We've been defeated by the barbarian hordes.
The entries
The stats list:
<--Reality--> Number <-Time Guesses-> <---------Driver Guesses---------> Pole Pole Of Average Too Spot Too Guessed % Of Driver Drivers GP Time Driver Entries Score Fast On Slow Right Guessers Value Guessed OZ 75.096 Norr 18 32.888 5 0 13 14 77.7 9 4A very high average score thanks to good time guessing aided by the season opener timespans and excellent driver guesses.
The precision distribution list:
GP cl #p 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 0 OZ 2 18 8 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The ghost player list:
<------Popularity Pole------> <----Fastest Time----> <----Slowest Time----> Round Total Round Total Round Total GP Time Driver Score Score Time Score Score Time Score Score OZ 75.210 Norr 44 44 74.237 21 21 75.555 24 24Popularity Pole good for fifth.
2024 overall standings
Name Total Precision Top10 Driver tourister46a 590,5 326 202,5 62 Anderis 561 305 198 58 Makarias 543 289 177 77 milestone11 524 315 162 47 Brawn BGP 001 500 261 157 82 scheivlak 497 270 150 77 DutchQuicksilver 475 279 150 46 rodlamas 454 269 133 52 M2000-5 453,5 263 129,5 61 GTA 432 242 139 51 LB 432 250 131 51 mark f1 423 272 102 49 alekracing 405 236 98 71 Bleu 389 223 110 56 jimjimjeroo 373 214 103 56 brunopascal 371 229 101 41 KWSN-DSM 359 224 112 23 Benchulo 223 136 68 19 Nathan 41 30 1 10Hopefully we'll have a competitive season like this again!