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You must drive a Ferrari...

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#1 Doug Nye

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Posted Yesterday, 09:28

At the Silverstone Museum last Friday it was interesting to see this - the second of the two Ferrari 330GTs which John Surtees had during his F1 Drivers World Championship-winning career with the team.


This is the one he was given as a bonus for his title-winning 1964 season - and such an evocative sight in its ageing paint finish...






The car (for the terminally boring) is Ferrari 330GT 2+2 chassis '6981GT', now back in British ownership I understand after years relatively untended in the US.  Its discriminating owner is preserving it in its Rosso Scura livery, areas from which the original paint has long since vanished having the exposed edges protectively varnished - for me, a nice touch.


John's preceding 330GT 2+2 had been chassis '5455GT', I believe.  That was the one which Mr Ferrari presented to him in reaction to having John arrive at Maranello in his BMW 507 V8.  "Unacceptable!", The Old Man had gasped, "You must drive a Ferrari", and hey presto he was issued with the 330GT.  John used to laugh about what happened next... "I thought how very nice for The Old Man to have given me that Ferrari. Under my contract they paid me quarterly - and when I got the next instalment I found they'd taken the cost of the car out of it!...".


Silverstone's little Museum... well, I'm a fan.  Often changing exhibits, consistently well worth a visit.


Ooh yes - BRM P15 V16 - another evocative survivor, the first original 1948-49 body buck, made by George Gray who was later commissioned to make the Vanwall GP car bodies - currently in the Silverstone Museum foyer as a taster for its BRM Collection display.












All Photos Copyright: GPL




PS - Apologies - I've just been told that the 330GT is only being displayed at Silverstone until the end of this month - so if you want to see it there, hurry. 

Edited by Doug Nye, Yesterday, 09:36.


#2 kevins

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Posted Yesterday, 10:15

The 330GT was featured at the NEC show by Iain Tyrrell's Classic Workshop (at 3.30 if it does not automatically start there).


EDIT can't figure out how to embed the video.

Edited by kevins, Yesterday, 10:21.

#3 john aston

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Posted Yesterday, 10:54

Also featured in Octane this month . Or was it C&SC? 


At the risk of a lifetime ban from Maranello, could this be the first  Ferrari Rat Rod ? 


I have been impressed by the museum on my three visits so far. Unlike the Donington museum  - which had been going to the dogs for years - the exhibits are superbly presented , with very well executed lighting and the signage is clear, accurate and almost typo free. The display of the Yardley BRM P153 was breathtakingly good.    

#4 David Lawson

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Posted Yesterday, 14:42

I took a snap of the car at the 2017 Italia Festival at Brands Hatch.





#5 BRG

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Posted Yesterday, 15:31

At the risk of a lifetime ban from Maranello, could this be the first  Ferrari Rat Rod ? 


No, there is a Ferrari Ratarossa living in southern England, using a Testarossa.  


But that 330GT deserves to be refurbished.  Patina is one thing, but that is just a rotten old car.

#6 Doug Nye

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Posted Yesterday, 15:38

Nonsense.  Even rotten old cars of worthwhile provenance are increasingly rare - and that increasing rarity alone confers added value within a discerning market.  


In contrast 'refurbished' 330GT 2+2s mean nothing; a pretty dull and hefty old banger merely powered by a decent V12 engine.  


And against that reality there's no point in looking as if it was made last Tuesday if in truth it was...



#7 BRG

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Posted Yesterday, 15:52

If it has 'worthwwhile provenance' then surely it deserves better treatment than being allowed to decay into an old banger.  I am sure that wasn't the condition of the car when JS was driving it after all.  Just because some muppet in the US  let it fall into disrepair, we shouldn't be celebrating such behaviour.  I used the word 'refurbishment' for a reason.  I would not want to see some glossy Sotheby's style blingy over-restoration.

#8 Doug Nye

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Posted Yesterday, 16:10

Market reality might seem perverse - but it prevails as long as the taste is there with funding to feed it. Two-pack paint, chromium plate and bling is - as you rightly infer - just soooo 1970s...or Gulf State, or Russian, or...



#9 Odseybod

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Posted Yesterday, 16:13

I vaguely remember Henry Manney had a similar 330 2+2 when he was based in Paris, though I think his was metallic blue. It seemed super-cool transport for an ex-pat US citizen in Forrin Parts.


I haven't yet got beyond the Silverstone Museum's caff, which is a less crowded alternative to the Paddock diner on event days. The fact that their top-notch burger (with waffles)is called a Gerhard is one of those simple things that appeals to this simple mind.

#10 68targa

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Posted Yesterday, 16:24

Not sure if this is JS's joining 'gift' or WDC present but either way it looks good in this setting.




photo from here and also on twitter and several other sites - original could be a factory pr photo.


#11 Myhinpaa

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Posted Yesterday, 18:09

Not sure if this is JS's joining 'gift' or WDC present but either way it looks good in this setting


Allegedly this 330 is "5577GT" ?






Use of photographs + export plate nos is a  bit confusing regarding relevant 330s entries.






Silverstone Museum's entry on their YouTube channel on "6981GT" 



#12 ensign14

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Posted Today, 11:46

Silverstone's little Museum... well, I'm a fan.  Often changing exhibits, consistently well worth a visit.

Judging by the first pic, they're also changing the way out...

#13 chr1s

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Posted Today, 14:28

Leave it as it is, they're only original once!