As you'll have heard by now, this year is the last in the current ruleset. Next year will see a significant change, so I thought now might be as good as any time to start debating whether they've been a success or failure.
Watching yesterday's dull race had me thinking back to when these current rules were first announced, to great fanfare. It's interesting to go back and rewatch some of the first videos about them - although FOM/Liberty Media may not thank me for reminding you of these.
(Remember when these were going to be from 2021...wonder how that would have affected the course of history. )
'The 2022 Formula One car has been designed specifically to promote better racing'.
Looking back now, I'm not sure that these rules have really achieved what they were set out to do. After that promising start for the first few races of 2022, since then dirty air seems to have become as big a problem as ever before. And along the way, we've had porpoising, the single most dominant season in the sport's history and still a sizeable gap between the top teams and the rest.
As a more general discussion topic, what do you think the sport should learn from this era, or is there anything you'd particularly like to change from 2026 onwards?
Interested to hear your thoughts.