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Stahl, the third Schumacher (step)brother

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#1 Mickey

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 12:57

Full Story on the Grapevine:

Sebastian Stahl, son of Rolf Schumacher's current wife Barbara Stahl, is scheduled to test a Formula Renault at the end of November, hoping to land a drive to compete in the German championship in 2002.

Here's the man:

Posted Image

Momma Schumacher must be quite ugly, if her kids came out the way they did. Obviously she must be the weak link in the Schumacher family, as this Stahl guy seems quite good looking...
(to this untrained eye, anyway ;) )


#2 Locomotive Breath

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 13:03

If he's Rolf's son, than why is he using his Mothers surname?

#3 Breadmaster

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 13:04

would you want schumacher as your last name?
ok silly question.
no! no it's not.
same question to Frans.....? :lol: :stoned: :lol: :lol:

#4 mikedeering

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 13:19

I don't think Stahl is Rolf's son - hence different surname. On that basis, I think the whole story obviously points to a slow news week in F1 - you can tell it's the off-season!

Personally, I think it's a bit sad that AtlasF1 ran with the story - still any content is better than no content!

What next - Schuey's dog in bid for Ferrari Test Drive???

#5 Mickey

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 13:30

This italian article also reports the following:

Non solo, Jean Todt in persona è rimasto molto colpito dal giovane dopo averlo visto in azione durante un corso di Kart che la Ferrari tiene tradizionalmente a Kerpen, città natale dei fratelli Schumacher.

Ma il primo a credere in Sebastian è papà Rolf, che durante l'ultimo Grand Prix d'Europa al Nurburgring ha fatto una colletta per finanziare la carriera del figlio ed ha raccolto circa 65 milioni.

"Non volevo chiedere denaro ai miei fratelli famosi - ha spiegato Sebastian che lavora come impiegato in un ufficio di Konigswinter - voglio fare strada da solo e convincere, con il tempo delle mie qualità".


Jean Todt himself was very impressed with the young man, after having seen him in action during a kart course organised by Ferrari at Kerpen, birth place of the Schumacher brothers.

The first person to believe in Sebastian's capabilities is Rolf who, during the last European GP at the Nurburgring, raised approx. $30,000 to finance his son's career.

"I didn't want to ask any money to my famous brothers," explained Sebastian, who currently is employed in an office at Konigswinter, "I want to make it on my own, and convince people of my qualities."

#6 Mickey

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 13:38

Originally posted by mikedeering
I don't think Stahl is Rolf's son - hence different surname. On that basis, I think the whole story obviously points to a slow news week in F1 - you can tell it's the off-season!

Personally, I think it's a bit sad that AtlasF1 ran with the story - still any content is better than no content!

What next - Schuey's dog in bid for Ferrari Test Drive???

You are right, it's not Rolf's son, and the Grapevine article never stated it was, so no need to blame AtlasF1! It was my misunderstanding, partially caused by the Italian article which makes it sound a bit like that.

I've now corrected both posts of mine. Sorry about the confusion :)

#7 LuckyStrike1

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 13:44

I remember what Mika said at the PC after Canadian GP, when asked how it felt that there were two Schumacher brothers ahead of him.

"Luckily they aren't three" or something like that ...

Well .... his worst nightmare might come true .... just as for the rest of us .... huha .. three Schumacher brothers in F1, I think that one is one too many ;)

#8 mikedeering

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 15:07

Originally posted by Mickey

You are right, it's not Rolf's son, and the Grapevine article never stated it was, so no need to blame AtlasF1! It was my misunderstanding, partially caused by the Italian article which makes it sound a bit like that.

I've now corrected both posts of mine. Sorry about the confusion :)

I wasn't blaming AtlasF1 for inaccurate reporting (besides I think all the news and grapevine articles come directly from Reuters - not Atlas reporters). I was suggesting maybe this story was too soft even for the grapevine!

#9 Mickey

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 15:17

Originally posted by mikedeering
I think all the news and grapevine articles come directly from Reuters - not Atlas reporters

Obviously you don't have a clue :rolleyes:

#10 RedFever

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 15:20

as this kid is the son of their father's wife but not Rolf, they are not sharing any DNA. They are indeed not brothers at all, simply legally they are step-brothers

#11 Skouse

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 17:01

Originally posted by mikedeering
What next - Schuey's dog in bid for Ferrari Test Drive???

Oh no. Rubens will be looking for another drive now.:)

#12 HSJ

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 18:15

What is this, the Clone Wars? G. Lucas will sue all their asses!!! :)

#13 mikedeering

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 18:16

Originally posted by Mickey

Obviously you don't have a clue :rolleyes:

Mickey - if you go here http://www.atlasf1.com/copyright.html you will see the various copyright terms for atlasF1 - it also includes terms for Reuters, LAT and Allsport, since Reuters provide news items, and LAT & Allsport provide photographs to the site. Now I don't know whether all of the grapevine/news items come from Reuters, but some of them do - and I would suggest a significant portion do. Anyone else know?

#14 baddog

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 19:15

mike, the grapevine is just that, a rumours services. Reuters wouldnt be very impressed at being called that ;)

Atlas NEWS is highly reliable, and maintains the best standards of journalistic integrity amongse the internet news services (I sound like such a suck up), and does indeed use reuters often. Atlas Grapevine is a very good idea.. it separates the news from the 'not quite' news that most other sites lump together!


#15 mikedeering

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 21:48

Originally posted by baddog
mike, the grapevine is just that, a rumours services. Reuters wouldnt be very impressed at being called that ;)

Atlas NEWS is highly reliable, and maintains the best standards of journalistic integrity amongse the internet news services (I sound like such a suck up), and does indeed use reuters often. Atlas Grapevine is a very good idea.. it separates the news from the 'not quite' news that most other sites lump together!


I claim a half-win there a la Prost at Monaco 84!!! So Baddog, who does write the grapevine stuff? And have the AtlasF1 people ever run a completely false rumour just to see what sort of response it generates in the BB? If I ran it, I would be sorely tempted...something along the lines of "Northern Alliance demand Afghan GP for 2004" or "Coulthard: Next Year I Will Be WDC"

Also I didn't say grapevine was a bad idea - I like the stories it provides, and compared to the stuff F1 Magazine prints as "news" it is often more accurate!

#16 baddog

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Posted 19 November 2001 - 22:00

I have no idea who writes the grapevine.. youd have to ask someone on the staff here


#17 Gudrun

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Posted 20 November 2001 - 07:13

Originally posted by Locomotive Breath
If he's Rolf's son, than why is he using his Mothers surname?

:blush: :blush: :blush:
He is not Rolf's son, that's why he is using his real father's name (still)
:blush: :blush: :blush:

#18 bira

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Posted 20 November 2001 - 09:26

mikedeering I'd like to avoid a debate with you, although I resent the scorn I feel coming from your posts. I only want to set the record straight on a couple of points:

1) We are extremely proud to work with Reuters, as they are by far the best news agency in the world and offer - in some cases - unmatched coverage by any other news source (eg Financial issues). However, Reuters reports amount to less than 20% of our total reports per month in the News, and naturally less than that in the Daily Grapevine.

2) The Daily Grapevine is by definition a 'tabloid' in that it deals with rumours, speculations, gossip and soft news. I had already explained extensively in the past why we opened the Daily Grapevine, so for brevity I will just repeat that we will not, under any circumstances, jeopardise our News Service reliablity - which nowadays is UNMATCHED by ANY other F1 news service - online or offline - as far as accuracy goes. If we publish something on the Atlas F1 News Service, it's 100% accurate and verified. You can take that to the bank.

At the same time, rumours, gossip and speculations are part and parcel of F1 and completely disregarding them puts us at a disadvantage as an information service. To that end, the Daily Grapevine was founded. We still do our utmost best to ensure reports are verified and handled with the strictest ethical values. But by definition, not every rumour always turns out to be true, and not every story is important.

The question is this: if a story is of interest to me or to Mickey - two avid F1 fans - then surely it may be of interest, even if only as an anecdote, to 2, 3, or 2,000 more F1 fans? And if yes, then why should it be beneath us to share it with others?

The story on the 3rd "Schumi" brother is an anecdote. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not news - which is why it's not published in the News. But it's worth reporting, which is why it's published in its natural place - The Daily Grapevine.



If ever Schumi's dog actually bids for a Ferrari test-drive, I'd venture to say that would not only be News, but it would also be on the cover of the New York Times! :)

#19 mikedeering

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Posted 20 November 2001 - 11:37

Thanks Bira for clarifiying the situation.

I offer my sincere apologies for my previous posts in this thread. Far be it for me, a mere paying subscriber to venture an opinion on Atlas content that could be construed as negative in any way shape or form. :)

Seriously, I really appreciate Atlas, and I respect Reuters reporting, and any other item that appears on the site - the content is first rate. I was just questioning the worth of this one news item (one of thousands that I have been very interested in) - this is just my opinion - and I never suggested everyone else would share it. I'm, sure many people saw worth in it, if only to provide a little humour to their day. If Stahl ever makes it to F1 people can look back and thank Atlas for first bringing this driver to their attention.


#20 RedFever

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Posted 20 November 2001 - 14:58

"If ever Schumi's dog actually bids for a Ferrari test-drive, I'd venture to say that would not only be News, but it would also be on the cover of the New York Times!"

Bira, I beg to differ. Nobody in NYC knows who Schumacher is.......I think it would rather make the cover of The Times in London............

#21 RJL

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Posted 21 November 2001 - 00:49

My dog will kick Schumi's dog's @$$ any day of the week.

#22 Rudolf

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Posted 23 November 2001 - 19:25

Originally posted by RJL
My dog will kick Schumi's dog's @$$ any day of the week.

:lol: :lol: :lol: