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The press gets it wrong again

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#1 Rene

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 14:47

JV's salary has been a bone of contention for many for some years, many of us have pointed out that JV's salary is paid directly by BAT (similiar to the deal MS has with Marlboro)...you can check this for yourself as BAT is a publicly trading company, and its financials are on the public record...

Check out these two stories


Richards recently claimed that he was forced to pay the 1997 word champion 25 per cent of the team’s overall budget. Villeneuve is believed to be the second highest paid driver in F1 behind Michael Schumacher and Richards has hinted he is a luxury BAR can no longer afford.

Speaking to Italian magazine SportAutoMondo, Richards said: "It must be demoralising for him not to have a car to fight at the top. But his salary represents such a sum that I will have to cut the team’s budget, and practically get rid of the development budget during the season."

Compared to one which actually checks the facts


Except that Richards has made it clear that Villeneuve has a choice to make.

"It is a pile of money which will be going into one side of the team and not into another," Richards told AUTOHEBDO magazine. "The money will not, for example, be going into the development budget. It is up to Jacques to decide what he wants."

Richards is assuming that BAT would give BAR any monies which JV decides not to take....which is entirely different that having to cut your budget to pay your driver, as the money which JV makes is currently not part of the BAR budget!! Poor reporting leads to this myth being prepetuated...while BAT may indeed give BAR the difference, its not something that BAR is in anyway entitled to.


#2 Viss1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:11

Good point.

#3 Arrow

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:16

Originally posted by Rene

Richards is assuming that BAT would give BAR any monies which JV decides not to take....which is entirely different that having to cut your budget to pay your driver, as the money which JV makes is currently not part of the BAR budget!! Poor reporting leads to this myth being prepetuated...while BAT may indeed give BAR the difference, its not something that BAR is in anyway entitled to.

Sounds like your the one doing the assuming.The team boss knows more than you im sure.

It is the same thing by the way.

as the money which JV makes is currently not part of the BAR budget!!

Thats right because it goes into villeneuves pocket.

Isnt the drivers fees part of the teams season budget??
Yes it is.

i dont know what you mean by saying the second article checked its facts,
The bold quote you posted just confirms the story.
The money wont be going into the developmental budget because its going into villeneuves pocket

#4 Rene

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:25

Originally posted by Arrow

Sounds like your the one doing the assuming.The team boss knows more than you im sure.

It is the same thing by the way.

Thats right because it goes into villeneuves pocket.

Isnt the drivers fees part of the teams season budget??
Yes it is.

i dont know what you mean by saying the second article checked its facts,
The bold quote you posted just confirms the story.
The money wont be going into the developmental budget because its going into villeneuves pocket

I don't think you are reading this closely enough...there is a big difference between cutting a budget, and not recieving funds...Richards does indeed know the situation, which is why I blame bad reporting, or a mis-interpretation by ITV of an Italien story....as he doesn't have that money budgeted at all since its not part of the BAR budget.

And no Villeneuves drivers fees, as MS's drivers fees are not part of the teams budgets as they are both paid directly by the sponsor...

Check out the documents yourself...

#5 Arrow

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:34

Originally posted by Rene

I don't think you are reading this closely enough...there is a big difference between cutting a budget, and not recieving funds...Richards does indeed know the situation, and look closely there are no quotes saying he has to cut his budget, as that is factually untrue....as he doesn't have that money budgeted at all since its not part of the BAR budget.

And no Villeneuves drivers fees, as MS's drivers fees are not part of the teams budgets as they are both paid directly by the sponsor...

Check out the documents yourself...

I think you are reading it too closely.

He doesnt cut the budget because there is nothing to cut.Its gone before he can cut it.

Cutting and "not receiving in the first place" is slightly different but it has the same outcome doesnt it?
The team has less.

Sponsers pay money to the team.The fact that some pay for drivers and some pay for chassis means nothing.
Its money given to the team.
Do you think that if malboro didnt have to pay michael they wouldnt put that 40million somewhere else to the team?

Why would ferrari let them plaster their name all over their car?

Nice try,but your fav driver is sucking BAR dry.
Just accept it.

#6 Marlowe

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:37

It seems that you did not have a thorough read of the post. The argument is that BAT pays for JV's salary directly. JV's salary does not come directly from BAR. Moreover, should JV take a pay cut from BAT it does not necessarily mean that the money saved will increase BAR's development budget as confirmed by Richard's himself. Now we don't know the accuracy of the article but if it is correct then we can conclude that JV's budget may not affect or hinder BAR's development costs or annual budget.

Look at it this way:

BAT's costs = (JV salary) + (BAR operation)

BAR's costs = (BAR operation)

If we remove JV's salary:

BAT's costs = [(JV salary) + (BAR operation)] - (JV salary)
BAT's costs = (BAR operation)

BAR's costs = (BAR operation)

#7 Zmeej

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:38

Rene :up:

Agree with you on your distinctions, but I don't think that the reporting is at fault.

When a journalist puts quotation marks around a statement, it means that it came from the person's mouth, verbatim, or this was the exact text of the words in an official communication.

In both examples you provide, there are quotation marks around Richards' statements.

That means it's Richards being quoted as saying two directly contradictory things, changing his tune as he goes along depending on how much pressure he thinks he can apply to Jacques.

Perhaps prior to the AutoHebdo interview, he also got a clarification from BAT's and Jacques' lawyers as to the niceties of the distinction that you've clearly set out for us.

#8 Arrow

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:50

Originally posted by Marlowe
Moreover, should JV take a pay cut from BAT it does not necessarily mean that the money saved will increase BAR's development budget as confirmed by Richard's himself.

Rickards quote doesnt confirm that.

From the way i read it hes saying the money going into villeneuves pocket means the teams developmental budget is smaller than it could be.
Any by the general direction of his comments im sure im right.

#9 Ghostrider

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 15:52

I just wonder one thing. If JV's salary did not at all influence on how much money there is for the rest of the BAR, why would Dave Richards even discuss this? Why does he say like this then?

"But his salary represents such a sum that I will have to cut the team’s budget, and practically get rid of the development budget during the season."

Was he misquoted or?

#10 zaphodtheprez

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:07

This debate is interesting. There is another side to this argument that no one has mentioned yet.
From the point of view that JV is a BAT expense and not a BAR expense, what does BAR gain from having an experienced and a reputed good development driver on the roster at no cost? A lot obviously.

Now if Rickards is making statements along the lines that have been quoted in this thread, he must know or feel entightled to BAT's JV salary as additional BAR funds. He may be dreaming or perhaps he knows more than we do.

#11 GasPed

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:13

What I don't like is how Richards is playing this all out in the public eye - basically saying that JV needs to take a salary cut if he wants to win, which puts JV in a hard place - either he stays with the salary he's got and becomes the scapegoat for all BAR's woes, or he takes a cut, contrary to what he said he would do, and is forced to eat huge amounts of humble pie publicly. How can Richards possibly keep JV happy after this?

If he had done this all behind closed doors, at least JV could save face by agreeing to a salary cut with bonuses based on team results or something like that, without the press actively looking for the crow feathers sticking out his mouth. Kinda dumb, CYA management if you ask me.

#12 polaris

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:20

in this case if JV were to give some of his salary ( paid by bat ) to the team then he would in effect be a paying driver. I think JV values himself more than that

#13 Rene

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:24

Originally posted by zaphodtheprez
This debate is interesting. There is another side to this argument that no one has mentioned yet.
From the point of view that JV is a BAT expense and not a BAR expense, what does BAR gain from having an experienced and a reputed good development driver on the roster at no cost? A lot obviously.

Now if Rickards is making statements along the lines that have been quoted in this thread, he must know or feel entightled to BAT's JV salary as additional BAR funds. He may be dreaming or perhaps he knows more than we do.

I agree with you, I am sure that Martin Broughton (CEO of BAT) has spoken with Dave Richards about it, and said if JV takes less we will give you the difference....but BAT is certainly not obligated to do so.

Just as a side note, JV negotiated his deal directly with Martin Broughton not with Craig Pollock as the common myth goes....Broughton and Villeneuve spoke directly at Sepang this year, with Broughton assuring JV that BAT wanted to see him with BAR for the long term....


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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:27

Couldnt have said it better Gasped.This kind of talk is not Team oriented .Unless its his plan to replace JV.In any case I admire BAR and I know they will do great things.,However JV is and will always be my favorite and I wish him well ....in a Mclaren,Williams,Renault or Ferrari.

#15 Henry

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:34

JV's is too expensive for any team. Michael, by contrast, is a bargain for any team.

#16 BARnone

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:41

Richards could be trying to take some of the heat off the development team and Honda. I mean they have produced a dog two years in a row. He is also trying to establish his authority at BAR - I mean taking shots at Villeneuve's salary is like trying to shoot fish in a barrell - so obviously easy.

Getting a good, fast and reliable car on the track is the more difficult task. Richards should put his money where his mouth is in this regard.


#17 Marlowe

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 16:54

JV's is too expensive for any team. Michael, by contrast, is a bargain for any team.

Please do not try to turn this into another MS vs. JV thread.

#18 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 18:27

Hate to say this but I've read Richards's comments the same way as Arrow. If $15m from JV disappeared BAT would give it to BAR, the same way that MS's money from Marlboro would go to Ferrari.

#19 submerge

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 18:47

Dave Richards :down: :down: :down: what a tit for airing this in public.

It ain't JV's fault they got their sums wrong... why the hell should he take a pay cut ?



#20 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 18:51

Originally posted by submerge
Dave Richards :down: :down: :down: what a tit for airing this in public.

It ain't JV's fault they got their sums wrong... why the hell should he take a pay cut ?


Uh, dunno. Usually people are asked to justify their paycheck. But you are right he shouldn't air it in public but I guess he's just trying to explain to the fans why they'll be dumping JV.

#21 Lada Lover

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 19:08

I thought Lucky Strike sales were through the roof due to JV. in which case he has earned his salary even if he finishes last every race. Stick to your contract JV.

#22 mtl'78

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 19:12

The truth of the matter is that BAR have one of the biggest budgets in all of F1 (I've seen it quoted 3rd behind Mclaren & Ferrari), and if that wasn't enough, they also have the signle-largest sponsor in F1, Honda, which spends $200 million a season on its two teams. At least half of that is going to BAR (maybe more), that alone is what, 4 times Minardi's budget?

#23 BARnone

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 19:14

Originally posted by mtl'78
The truth of the matter is that BAR have one of the biggest budgets in all of F1 (I've seen it quoted 3rd behind Mclaren & Ferrari), and if that wasn't enough, they also have the signle-largest sponsor in F1, Honda, which spends $200 million a season on its two teams. At least half of that is going to BAR (maybe more), that alone is what, 4 times Minardi's budget?

With this in mind, and JV's salary aside, we have just proved that throwing money at a problem doesn't solve it. The car has been a dog for two years. Is it Villeneuve's fault or is he just the most convenient scape goat after Oastler?


#24 submerge

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 19:19

Originally posted by Ricardo F1

Uh, dunno. Usually people are asked to justify their paycheck. But you are right he shouldn't air it in public but I guess he's just trying to explain to the fans why they'll be dumping JV.

What more could he have done in that, ahem, 'car' ?

I agree the results have been less than spectacular, but having been in a job myself that wasn't going well I can relate to how demotivated you can get after a while, and he isn't the only one - look at how it affected Mika.

I'm *very* disappointed in Dave Richards tho... I really thought that he would be good for that team but alienating your main driver isn't a good place to start and i've lost a lot of respect for him if what has been reported is true.

#25 mtl'78

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 20:03

Originally posted by submerge

What more could he have done in that, ahem, 'car' ?

I agree the results have been less than spectacular, but having been in a job myself that wasn't going well I can relate to how demotivated you can get after a while, and he isn't the only one - look at how it affected Mika.

I'm *very* disappointed in Dave Richards tho... I really thought that he would be good for that team but alienating your main driver isn't a good place to start and i've lost a lot of respect for him if what has been reported is true.

I disagree with that however. I think it's perfectly OK for Richards to say something like he has. Richards manages a sports team, and sometimes you need to light a fire under a player/driver and there are many different ways of doing this. Pissing off your driver is one of those ways.

In hockey, Scotty Bowman is unquestionably the greatest coach in the modern era with over 1000 wins and 9 championships with 3 different teams. He made his career by being a bastard, and he would motivate his teams by uniting the players in their hatred of him. I'm exagerating a bit but i think the point is made. :)

#26 BARnone

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 20:11

So you think Richards' comments are meant to be a motivator for Villeneuve?


#27 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 20:18

Originally posted by submerge

What more could he have done in that, ahem, 'car' ?

Not much - but actually I was thinking about something else Richards said I believe about the fact that you could have another cheap Olivier Panis type in the 2nd car and it wouldn't make much difference - not saying JV is bad just that the cockpit isn't the place to spend $15m at the moment. Not that you could have read my mind though! :D

#28 GasPed

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 20:33

Originally posted by mtl'78

I disagree with that however. I think it's perfectly OK for Richards to say something like he has. Richards manages a sports team, and sometimes you need to light a fire under a player/driver and there are many different ways of doing this. Pissing off your driver is one of those ways.

In hockey, Scotty Bowman is unquestionably the greatest coach in the modern era with over 1000 wins and 9 championships with 3 different teams. He made his career by being a bastard, and he would motivate his teams by uniting the players in their hatred of him. I'm exagerating a bit but i think the point is made. :)

If you think that Dave Richards' comments are somehow going to get JV to "raise his game", then yes, your point is made. If, however, you think (like I do) that it's just going to piss him off, then Richards is kinda dumb for saying it.

And if you think (as I do), that saying these things actually makes it harder for JV to take a pay cut, then Richards is doubly dumb for saying it. IMO.

#29 random

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 20:35

I see this as a crass attempt of Richards to weasel money out of known source. Villeneuve's salary of 20 Million is probably a greater amount than most of the ancillary (non-BAT) sponsors pay BAR. Therefore Villeneuve's money is easier pickings than going after any given 2 or 3 new sponsors.

My feeling is that even if Villeneuve were to donate (and that's what it would be) all of his 20 million dollar salary to BAR, it still wouldn't have a strong influence on the competitiveness of the car. Even with another 100 million this year, the Honda motor would still have rendered BAR uncompetitive. With McLaren, Williams and Ferrari throwing around money like water, it will take a lot more than Villeneuve's measly 20 million to make things right.

If I were Villeneuve's manager, I tell him to hold on to his money. Or possibly, tell Richards to put his money where his mouth is by making the team financially guarantee much better results for any donation put forth. In other words, if Villeneuve donates 10 million and the car still stinks, he gets it back with interest.

I think Richards is canny enough not to accept such a deal, but it sure would put the shoe on the other foot and reveal this posturing for what it is. :)

#30 submerge

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 21:05

Originally posted by Ricardo F1

Not much - but actually I was thinking about something else Richards said I believe about the fact that you could have another cheap Olivier Panis type in the 2nd car and it wouldn't make much difference - not saying JV is bad just that the cockpit isn't the place to spend $15m at the moment. Not that you could have read my mind though! :D

Absolutely agree with that :up:

#31 random

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 21:40

Originally posted by Ricardo F1
...Richards said I believe about the fact that you could have another cheap Olivier Panis type in the 2nd car and it wouldn't make much difference - not saying JV is bad just that the cockpit isn't the place to spend $15m at the moment...

Terribly true. The uncompetitiveness of the BAR certainly doesn't require the services of any top level driver. This is even more of a reason for Villeneuve to demand a top salary from this particular team. As others have pointed out, he's not taking money from the kitty, he's receiving money that otherwise likely wouldn't have been offered to BAR in any case. His salary really has nothing to do with the BAR budget because it has everything to do with the perceived value he gives to the primary sponsor.

Villeneuve is only there because the sponsor, BAT still dearly want him there and are willing to pay a high sum for his services. Never forget that after 2006, most tobacco sponsorship and advertising will be outlawed. The big tobacco companies are spending a decades worth of ad dollars over the next 3 years.

The theory is that when the advertising ban takes hold, consumers will tend to stick to the brand they are using at the time, freezing the tobacco market shares wherever they are. Villeneuve is the poster boy of the Lucky Strike brand. A brand that has grown quite a bit since they started with BAR. A lot of Ad men would tell you it's the Villeneuve-factor, not BAR that has grown their market share. Even if it ends up costing them a billion dollars, it could very well pay off in the end.

Richards may want to rid himself of the perceived high expense of a driver like Villeneuve, but the cost could be high. If BAT and Lucky Strikes find that BAR without Villeneuve no longer hold the public's attention, they could sell off the team. But they'd still have a decades worth of Lucky Strike Ad dollars to spend, it wouldn't surprise me if the money just followed Villeneuve on his travels.

#32 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 21:53

Actually I think Richards believes, as do I, that BAT would still give the money to the team to improve it. I don't think that BAR would lose much by losing Villeneuve, in fact they would gain a driver who doesn't mind doing PR work!!

#33 BARnone

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 21:57

I find it curious that Richards is playing this out in the media, when Villeneuve who is known to be outspoken has only said he is committed through next year.


#34 hedges

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 21:57

Originally posted by Ricardo F1
Hate to say this but I've read Richards's comments the same way as Arrow. If $15m from JV disappeared BAT would give it to BAR, the same way that MS's money from Marlboro would go to Ferrari.

You may be right but then again BAT may view it as providing a driver for the team rather than providing budget to the team. If they hire a driver for $2m, that may be all they pay out, not giving the extra $13m to BAR. I think it more likely they would pay the extra to the team though, give them the best chance of improving and becoming successful.

Marlboro situation may be different, they would be happier to follow MS to another team than BAT would be to follow JV. Aren't BAR a part of BAT, would they follow JV and effectively provide sponsorship for another team, obviously not. Marlboro might on the other hand (if contracts allowed), they would have to decide which gave them better coverage, MS or Ferrari. If MS went to Mac or Williams (unlikely I know) they would probably be prepared to follow, if he was off to Arrows or Jag they obviously wouldn't.

I think it is fair for Richards to assume they would get the money, and he is probably working off more than assumption.

#35 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 22:00

Marlboro's big problem in leaving Ferrari would be that they actually "own" the Ferrari billboard - Marlboro are the people who actually license out the space on the car (see the Vodafone agreement). I'm sure Marlboro would go with Michael as a personal sponsor too but I doubt they could go to another team. Same with BAT only worse because of the actual ownership of the team itself.

#36 SeanValen

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 22:08

Originally posted by Ricardo F1
Marlboro's big problem in leaving Ferrari would be that they actually "own" the Ferrari billboard - Marlboro are the people who actually license out the space on the car (see the Vodafone agreement). I'm sure Marlboro would go with Michael as a personal sponsor too but I doubt they could go to another team. Same with BAT only worse because of the actual ownership of the team itself.

I agree with this, remember talking to someone about it, who actually smokes Marlboro, Marlboro will be sticking with Ferrari in some form. :smoking:


#37 Rene

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 22:19

Originally posted by Ricardo F1
Actually I think Richards believes, as do I, that BAT would still give the money to the team to improve it. I don't think that BAR would lose much by losing Villeneuve, in fact they would gain a driver who doesn't mind doing PR work!!

Remember without JV's involvement in team there would be no BAR...I think BAT value JV a lot higher than you (obviously) since they are the ones who agreed to pay him his salary....

#38 SeanValen

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 22:41

Originally posted by Rene

Remember without JV's involvement in team there would be no BAR...I think BAT value JV a lot higher than you (obviously) since they are the ones who agreed to pay him his salary....

I certainly believe in BAT men :smoking: valuing JV, although I'm sure Bar being competitive is on thier minds more now, so who knows, f1 full of unknowns. :up:

#39 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 22:46

Originally posted by Rene

Remember without JV's involvement in team there would be no BAR...I think BAT value JV a lot higher than you (obviously) since they are the ones who agreed to pay him his salary....

I 'obviously' think you're talking bollocks - I rate JV very highly. The foundation of the BAR team required a big name driver in Jacques, but now that it's up and running and not doing too well I think they'd much rather be spending $15m improving the car than having a top driver who's wasted there and on top of that doesn't do PR work.


#40 SeanValen

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 22:55

Originally posted by Ricardo F1

The foundation of the BAR team required a big name driver in Jacques, but now that it's up and running and not doing too well I think they'd much rather be spending $15m improving the car than having a top driver who's wasted there and on top of that doesn't do PR work.

If Bar was say doing as well as Renault has done this year, and progressing, possibly JV will be valued more, but question is, can any driver really make a difference at Bar, even with a Senna and Schumacher, its not rained in any races this season for Ayrton or Michael to at least get the car to the podium, if not win it. So I pretty much think BATmen are tired of giving with little in return, so a time for priorities possibly, Bar competitiveness over Jacques, sounds logical, as much as I respect Jacques and his fans. :smoking:


#41 BARnone

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 23:33

I also think the other factor in this equation has to be Honda. BAR made real progress with the 2000 Honda engine version over th 1999 Supetech. As soon as Honda started supplying two teams - things got worse. Also, Villeneuve had some decent performances until mid-2001 - is there a traction controll issue?

I believe that David Richards is over-simplyfying - the things wrong with BAR have little to do with what BAT is paying Villeneuve. In some measure, Villeneuve ruined his career by going to BAR and believing in the scheme - maybe the 25million per year (or whatever it is) is just compensation.


#42 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 23:36

Correct BARnone Villeneuve ruined his career - BAR and BAT had nothing to do with that. It was Jacques choice.

Naturally the problems at BAR are bigger than $$, but having more $$ is probably more useful to Dave and BAR than Villeneuve at the moment.

#43 Rene

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 23:39

Originally posted by Ricardo F1

I 'obviously' think you're talking bollocks - I rate JV very highly. The foundation of the BAR team required a big name driver in Jacques, but now that it's up and running and not doing too well I think they'd much rather be spending $15m improving the car than having a top driver who's wasted there and on top of that doesn't do PR work.

JV has logged more PR days than Panis this year...

#44 Rene

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 23:40

Originally posted by Ricardo F1
Correct BARnone Villeneuve ruined his career - BAR and BAT had nothing to do with that. It was Jacques choice.

Naturally the problems at BAR are bigger than $$, but having more $$ is probably more useful to Dave and BAR than Villeneuve at the moment.

I agree with you here...

#45 Ricardo F1

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Posted 19 June 2002 - 23:48

Originally posted by Rene

JV has logged more PR days than Panis this year...

What 1? Rene you can't defend the fact that Jacques ain't exactly Mr PR - in fact he has clauses in his contract to avoid doing it.

#46 random

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Posted 20 June 2002 - 00:04

A lot of you just don't get it. 15 to 20 million dollars isn't going to magically make BAR competitive. It will probably have little or no effect at all. Bottom line, it's all about selling cigarettes.

Jacques Villeneuve is the poster boy for Lucky Strikes, that ugly white car is not. The marketing boys at British American Tobacco realize they're buying a spokesperson, the car is just an additional nuisance, more so because it's terribly uncompetitive.

If the car were more competitive, there would be an argument for BAT's continued support of BAR over Villeneuve. But with the car never in any way competitive. Villeneuve receives and deserves credit for the sharply rising market share of the Lucky Strikes brand.

If Jacques is forced out, BAT and Pollock will probably sell the team and the BAT money will follow Jacques. BAT are not paying the bills to win races but to sell smokes. Jacques is selling, BAR is not.

#47 BARnone

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Posted 20 June 2002 - 00:05

Originally posted by Ricardo F1
Correct BARnone Villeneuve ruined his career - BAR and BAT had nothing to do with that. It was Jacques choice.

Naturally the problems at BAR are bigger than $$, but having more $$ is probably more useful to Dave and BAR than Villeneuve at the moment.

True Ricardo it was Villeneuve's choice but it was based on information and promises made at the time. In some ways - I think it has been admirable of him to stick it out. I also believe Richards is trying to win a PR war here. Maybe his plan is to force Villeneuve's hand - because about a month ago he said that Villeneuve's contract is airtight until the end of 2003. And after that go around he said that he was quoted out of context.


#48 Rene

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Posted 20 June 2002 - 00:20

Originally posted by Ricardo F1

What 1? Rene you can't defend the fact that Jacques ain't exactly Mr PR - in fact he has clauses in his contract to avoid doing it.

To be honest none of the drivers like PR work...Ralf gave an interesting interview while in Canada where he was honest enough to admit that he didn't like doing PR work or interviews...so JV is not alone in his dislike of that side of the business....as for his contract, again you are prepetuating a myth, if JV wasn't obligated to do PR work why has he done so much this year??? Out of the goodness of his heart???

#49 Ricardo F1

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Posted 20 June 2002 - 00:21

Originally posted by random
A lot of you just don't get it. 15 to 20 million dollars isn't going to magically make BAR competitive. It will probably have little or no effect at all. Bottom line, it's all about selling cigarettes.

Jacques Villeneuve is the poster boy for Lucky Strikes, that ugly white car is not. The marketing boys at British American Tobacco realize they're buying a spokesperson, the car is just an additional nuisance, more so because it's terribly uncompetitive.

If the car were more competitive, there would be an argument for BAT's continued support of BAR over Villeneuve. But with the car never in any way competitive. Villeneuve receives and deserves credit for the sharply rising market share of the Lucky Strikes brand.

If Jacques is forced out, BAT and Pollock will probably sell the team and the BAT money will follow Jacques. BAT are not paying the bills to win races but to sell smokes. Jacques is selling, BAR is not.

Boiiinnnng . . . a lot of us don't get it? And you post that nonsense? :stoned: :rotfl:

#50 random

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Posted 20 June 2002 - 00:42

Originally posted by Ricardo F1

Boiiinnnng . . . a lot of us don't get it? And you post that nonsense?...

It's hardly nonsense. More likely it's the beginnings of a powerplay by Richards to have BAT sell him the team. It's a real buyers market in F1. If he can convince BAT to sell, he'd probably get the team for next to nothing.