I've been sent a 10 page article from a French magazine or book about Ken Tyrrell from the early 1970's. The author is one Colin Hornsey, which appears to be his native language, but I can't find anything else written by him. Any idea if it's a pen-name for Jabby Crombac?
The Lotus links are obvious in the name but not in the article.
For reference, the article is Dans la Coulisse but the provider of the article can't remember where the article came from.
Richard, I've never heard of Colin Hornsey but, over on Autodiva, Gérard Barathieu mentions him, in a post from 2016, as having written an article on Brabham chassis 'dans un vieux Sport Auto'. On an Alfa site a member refers to a Sport Auto article from January 1965 in which CH writes another 'behind the scenes'/'dans la coulisse' article, this time on Virgile Conrero and the Conrero-Alfa. Neither poster seems to suspect CH is a nom de plume.
Just a thought, it's not DSJ moonlighting is it? Perhaps with Jabby Crombac or one of his Sport Auto staff translating? (I'm assuming DSJ wasn't fluent in french but perhaps I'm wrong). Or maybe the author's name really was Colin Hornsey! Although that does seem a bit unlikely... In fact maybe you're right about it being Jabby Crombac. Maybe he wrote some articles under a different name, not wanting to be seen to dominate the magazine that he founded. Whoever it was, with a name like Colin Hornsey, Jabby must have been in on the joke!
Edited by john winfield, 23 February 2022 - 23:18.