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Costas Los

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#1 paparadiation

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Posted 07 September 2002 - 21:41

Group C racing is not regarded as "Nostalgia" but it is one of the most thrilling eras of endurance racing. I am particularly interested in that period and as i come from Greece one of the names that caught my attention was Costas Los.
After going rallycross, he turned to sports cars from 1983 to 1993, driving amongst others a Metaxa-sponsored March, a Spice and a Courage-Porsche. He was also driver in Aston-Martin's ill-fated return in sports-car racing.
I've managed to find only his results on the internet and nobody really knows something about him here in greece, as he was based in England and nobody seemed to care anyway.

Does anyone have any recollections or memories to share about Costas Los and his racing? I'd be grateful for any information that would help me create a short bio of the driver that still remains the greek who has had the most distinctive racing career abroad.

Thanks in advance


#2 LittleChris

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Posted 07 September 2002 - 23:46

I could well be wrong ( & probably am) but I think he may have been a restaranteur ( how the hell do you spell this word ! ) in London and that was how he made the money to go racing .

Didn't he have a big shunt at Montreal when another car flipped up a manhole cover that he hit ?!?

#3 ensign14

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Posted 08 September 2002 - 11:54

Originally posted by LittleChris
Didn't he have a big shunt at Montreal when another car flipped up a manhole cover that he hit ?!?

I think that was Jesus Pareja, whose decision to go to a full face helmet from that race saved his life. But I am sure I read somewhere that Costas was a restauranteur (don't know which one!).

Los had his own team for a while (Cosmik Motorsport, managed by Keith Greene) which entered Marches and Tigas. He was also sponsored by Metaxa for a while and drove for Aston Martin at Le Mans in 1989. The Le Mans yearbooks have him as British, of Greek descent, who moved to France in 1989, although everywhere else I have seen him listed as Greek. He was a part-owner of Spice Engineering for a while with Jean-Louis Ricci.

#4 paparadiation

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Posted 08 September 2002 - 19:51

Originally posted by ensign14

The Le Mans yearbooks have him as British, of Greek descent, who moved to France in 1989, although everywhere else I have seen him listed as Greek. He was a part-owner of Spice Engineering for a while with Jean-Louis Ricci.

What i know is that he was certainly not living in Greece when he was racing. But from pics I have seen on the cars he drove, beside his name was the greek flag.

#5 Yorgos

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Posted 09 September 2002 - 09:53

I somehow recall that his family was in shipping, originally from the Island of Chios.


#6 Maindrian Pace

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Posted 25 September 2002 - 16:22

Don't know if this is of much use, but I believe Los began his racing career in the ex-Steve Soper/Radbourne Racing Fiat X1/9 Modsports car. He then became involved with Lyncar's sports-racer project. Last I heard of him, he was helping to sort a Lamborghini Diablo GT Le Mans racer in the late '90s that ultimately didn't start at la Sarthe.