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Marco Giugni and Dino's grave

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#1 Mickey

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 00:07

I've just finished watching the tv-drama on Enzo Ferrari (see thread about it here), and there are a couple of things mentioned in the film that I've never heard about before. I wonder if they are real or just made up.

First of all Marco Giugni. The film says he was a driver who died testing a GT car in the 50ies. Did he really exist? Any info on him or his death?

The other thing is about Dino Ferrari. The Enzo character tells that his son's grave was violated and the remains scattered around the cemetery. Any truth in this?



#2 cabianca

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 02:42

Never heard of the driver or the grave desecration.

#3 Doug Nye

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 23:13

MIckey - I have heard something about the grave desecration but don't believe it was serious, if indeed anything happened at all. I have no recollection of Giugni - should this be 'Ignazio Giunti'??? What's the period in question?

#4 ghinzani

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Posted 24 February 2003 - 09:41

Was'nt there something about Dinos grave being vandalised and the people of a certain area rebuilding it f.o.c - was'nt this linked with one of his drivers? Alesi maybe or Pironi? thereafter Enzo held a soft spot for those particular locals.

#5 Mickey

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Posted 24 February 2003 - 11:05

Thanks for the replies.


The period in question was the mid 50ies, and the name of the test driver mentioned was definitely Marco Giugni. One could suggest that the film plays with the names a bit (like in Frankheimer's Grand Prix), but in this film everyone else is addressed by his/her correct name, so I don't think that's the case.


What does f.o.c. stand for? What about Alesi (who wasn't yet in F1 by the time of Enzo's death) or Pironi?

#6 ghinzani

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Posted 24 February 2003 - 19:02

Originally posted by Mickey
Thanks for the replies.


What does f.o.c. stand for? What about Alesi (who wasn't yet in F1 by the time of Enzo's death) or Pironi?

No problem - F.O.C means free of charge... thinking about it Im sure it was Pironi who had releatives from the area of Italy where Dino is buried or something... I think Im confusing Alesi as his ancestory is Sicillian.

#7 schuy

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Posted 24 February 2003 - 19:31

I have been to Enzo Ferrari's grave.

I believe Dino was burried there as well.
The Ferrari family rest in a sector by themselves, which is gated so you can just barely see Enzo's grave.

I have never heard of the story about Dino's grave, but would love to hear more.
