F1 records
Posted 06 October 2003 - 21:41
Now they are all gone, including the one I regret most, Senna’s last race. Would anybody kindly direct me to a source from where I can perhaps purchase good quality DVD editions to replace my collection from the past, please?
Thank you,
Posted 06 October 2003 - 21:50
i'm sure everyone here can help you get copies of stuff.
Posted 06 October 2003 - 21:57
Originally posted by Ivan
How did you lose all your stuff?
i'm sure everyone here can help you get copies of stuff.
They were in a special case, when someone had borrowed them without leaving the very important forwarding address.
Posted 06 October 2003 - 22:02
I hate loaning stuff to people. I always fear I've seen the last of it.
Posted 06 October 2003 - 23:46
ive got most gp's since 1990 on VHS(pal)
dont have a DVD burner, but im about to get one.
any idea how much ill fit on a DVD? assuming about 90 min for a GP.
i might have to do some editing...the idea of burning 200ish gp's onto dvd at 90 min a pop doesnt turn me on......
Posted 07 October 2003 - 00:32
But think about the great side of it : by the time your finished with your first set, DVD Burning solutions will be so advanced that you coul probably make a secon, third and fourth sets in just one afternoon...Originally posted by Nasty McBastard
i might have to do some editing...the idea of burning 200ish gp's onto dvd at 90 min a pop doesnt turn me on......

See you in a year or so..

Posted 07 October 2003 - 00:33
Originally posted by MJP
I have suffered sudden and total loss of all F1 racing related video tapes, which went back to year 1985. True, while their quality begun to deteriorate long time ago, periodically I used to re-copied most of them on new and better quality VHS tapes.
Now they are all gone, including the one I regret most, Senna’s last race. Would anybody kindly direct me to a source from where I can perhaps purchase good quality DVD editions to replace my collection from the past, please?
Thank you,
Profile nigel red5 . . . supplies tapes the World over . .
Posted 07 October 2003 - 09:11
Ricardo, you were closet JV's fan? I thought it was DC. What a bomb! (The link actually points to your profile).
Posted 07 October 2003 - 09:35
Posted 07 October 2003 - 14:20
I've got this nice table made out, with records for
Book/Tape ; borrower(sp?) ; when
And then I've got this linked to my list of contacts. Of course, I don't give anything if I don't have the contact information...
Then every few weeks, I have a look at te DB, sort it in order of oldness and make a few phone calls.

Posted 07 October 2003 - 21:05
Originally posted by MaxScelerate
I find that there's nothing that a good database can't fix. Well, yes, maybe, but not that sort of problems ;)
I've got this nice table made out, with records for
Book/Tape ; borrower(sp?) ; when
And then I've got this linked to my list of contacts. Of course, I don't give anything if I don't have the contact information...
Then every few weeks, I have a look at te DB, sort it in order of oldness and make a few phone calls.![]()
Senna's last race was lost because a wife of my friend wanted to record something in a hurry, so she thought I wouldn't mind (after all, there are soooo many races to see...). The others were stolen when my pad got cleaned up.