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Drivers I.D.Blood-type bracelet?

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#1 Racers Edge

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 12:14

After watching Grand-Prix for the 100th time last night...( thanks TCM) I realised that the more you watch this movie, the more "Details" you notice: eg:" Drivers I.D. Blood type Bracelet"...I do remember these, but wonder what ever happened to them? :confused:


Were they a F.I.A. official regulation at the time? and somehow probably found too dangerous to have a driver use them in a race?

Where did they come from, the F.I.A. or your local Jewelry shop?

Note: I see Sir Stirling still had his on in my last meeting with him...

Interesting: Where are they now?


#2 Ray Bell

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 12:50

Jac kie Stewart wasn't in favour of them...

I recall him writing in a column once of them being capable of 'de-gloving' the wearer in an accident... taking the skin right off his hand and fingers.

#3 Racers Edge

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 13:29

Hello Ray...speaking of that issue, ( not to change this thread) I wonder if "watches" could cause the same problem? Do current F1 Pilots use a watch during a race...?

#4 TFBundy

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 13:32

Equally I've never understood why modern stars wear their big heavy TAG Heuer/Rolex/whatever while actually racing. I mean I know why $$$ they $$$ wear $$$ them but surely it isn't in any personal contract that they have to race in a weighty lump with hard edges?

[Sorry, post's crossed, Mr Edge [[are you some decendent of SF?;) ]] - yes they do wear big chronometers]

#5 Ray Bell

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 13:45

Originally posted by Racers Edge
.....Do current F1 Pilots use a watch during a race...?

Hi Peter...

I doubt it... especially when there's a readout available on the multi-million dollar steering wheel!

#6 ReWind

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 15:45

Hasn't it been told that Karl Wendlinger's watch was stolen during the rescue actions after his 1994 Monte Carlo shunt?

#7 lanciaman

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 17:29

The SCCA and IMSA used to request that you divest yourself of adornment before the race, though I cannot confirm that it was required. The reasoning was in case of fire or some other form of mayhem one is much better off not wearing conductive or snagable items. Blood type and name were thence to be posted on the helmet, later the suit. The id bracelets were not "official" issue.

#8 Frank S

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 18:43

When I gave the Chief Steward lecture at SCCA driver schools in the 70s one of the very first instructions was to stow jewelry of all kinds, as well as dental appliances. The former, I said, had been known to "glove" a hand or sever a finger, and the latter to block an airway. I don't remember where I heard it, but I was convinced it was true, and presented it in the "It would take a fool to ignore the advice" mode, since there was no rule specific to wearing such.

#9 Jerry Lee

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 19:35

Don't the drivers now have thier blood type embroidered on thier driving suits now?

#10 ensign14

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Posted 23 December 2003 - 20:31

Something along similar lines was Innes Ireland's medallion proclaiming his allergy to morphine. He describes somewhere in 'All Arms And Elbows' how this was comprehensively missed at one GP and he semiconsciously shoved it in the way of the chap who was trying to administer it to him.